Post random, unexplanable stuff that happens to you/weird abilities you have.
-I can look at a Rubix Cube for a few seconds, and then solve it without looking, because I can "see" it in my imagination. This applies to everything. I can walk around my house with my eyes closed, because I know it well enough that I can see it in my imagination.
-I can tell what people are talking without lip reading or listening to the conversation. I look at their expressions.
-If I find a girl I know attractive, she is Catholic. No exceptions. This is regardless of whether I know her religion or not.
-I can look at a Rubix Cube for a few seconds, and then solve it without looking, because I can "see" it in my imagination. This applies to everything. I can walk around my house with my eyes closed, because I know it well enough that I can see it in my imagination.
-I can tell what people are talking without lip reading or listening to the conversation. I look at their expressions.
-If I find a girl I know attractive, she is Catholic. No exceptions. This is regardless of whether I know her religion or not.