15 turns about it?
0160 Washington's Phalanx falls before the thundering charge of heffalumps. Our
–––– newest province is dominated by the Pyramids, and thus our awed peasants
–––– are inspired to create granaries in every city. The phenomenon isn't easily
–––– explained by our wise men.
0180 New York's defending Archers bravely (and futilely) aim for the eyes of our
–––– fearsome eleys. 8 gold are recovered from the ruins (26 had been plundered
–––– from Washington).
0220 Our antarctic explorer discovers wandering nomads (boy are they lost
0240 Explorer discovers the nomads' angry neighbors. Fortunately, they get lost
–––– before they decide to vent their anger on our explorer. Indian eley killed.
0300 Indian settlers killed outside Madras.
0320 Indian Legion killed in Madras. Indians kill our damaged eley.
0360 Barb leader wanders away from his escort—150g
Straybow the Nincompoop vaguely remembers some advice about
–––– collecting tribute at every opportunity. Greeks ask for peace, it's worth 50g
–––– to them. Spanish sue for peace, and give our emissary 75g to make it worth
–––– our time. Indians do the same. Good, 'coz we've only 2 eleys left nearby, and
–––– we've got an explorer wandering nearby. Been busy with settlers and ships.
0400 Baltimore founded near Washington (canal
0420 Barbs kill Minsk settler
Adv tribe Sevastapol on island S of Kiev
0160 Washington's Phalanx falls before the thundering charge of heffalumps. Our
–––– newest province is dominated by the Pyramids, and thus our awed peasants
–––– are inspired to create granaries in every city. The phenomenon isn't easily
–––– explained by our wise men.
0180 New York's defending Archers bravely (and futilely) aim for the eyes of our
–––– fearsome eleys. 8 gold are recovered from the ruins (26 had been plundered
–––– from Washington).
0220 Our antarctic explorer discovers wandering nomads (boy are they lost

0240 Explorer discovers the nomads' angry neighbors. Fortunately, they get lost
–––– before they decide to vent their anger on our explorer. Indian eley killed.
0300 Indian settlers killed outside Madras.
0320 Indian Legion killed in Madras. Indians kill our damaged eley.
0360 Barb leader wanders away from his escort—150g


–––– collecting tribute at every opportunity. Greeks ask for peace, it's worth 50g
–––– to them. Spanish sue for peace, and give our emissary 75g to make it worth
–––– our time. Indians do the same. Good, 'coz we've only 2 eleys left nearby, and
–––– we've got an explorer wandering nearby. Been busy with settlers and ships.
0400 Baltimore founded near Washington (canal

0420 Barbs kill Minsk settler
