So here's what happened...
1340 and the (bi)Czar Bunny takes the helm. Surveying the nation, he notes with amazement the fact that his No Science Society has 6 white techs and several rodent colonies spread throughout the world. 60-0-40 balance seems fine.
Black clicking reveals Greek cities at 1-15, 7-15, 11-11, and 16-20. Only missing one. Similarly, an Indian city, likely Delhi, resides at 31-73, with Lahore still a mystery.
While tickling here and there, the base strategy for the coming turns evolves.
-- find and destroy all Greek cities
-- await Magellan's build in Bombay, then take the citiy
-- find and destroy the remaining Indian cities
-- use triremes to develop trade routes with Spain and Japan while building toward war footing.
-- explore frozen north, settle Barb spawning grounds NW of Moscow.
--Greeks advance on Sparta.
--Bombay elephant takes out 2 of our ellies.
Oh well, that's one less defender...
--Barbs moving on 3 fronts, most notably Moscow and Astrakhan.
--Repel Greek archer and warrior at Sparta, leaving only a phalanx.
--Moscow ellie takes out Barb legion.
--Indian elephant drawn and quartered outside bombay.
--Japanese CF, give Spanish Writing
but tribute request result is WAR. Others won't chatter.
--Population = 3MM
--Vans, supply/demand, and boats semi-organized.
--Vans set sail to several exotic destinations
--Invasive Ellies shuffle away from Bombay forests to encourage shield production toward Magellan.
--India CF, no Pottery for Spanish = CF, Japan nothing.
--Greeks still won't talk; maybe they're upset about something...
--Barbs killed at Astrakhan
--Delhi confirmed @ 31, 73,
--Capture Thermopylae and all its 9GP.
--Greeks talk, we accept Cease Fire. No tribute.
--Greeks build new Capitol in Knossos (had none).
--Pharsalos revealed.
--Caravan delivers Gold to Salamanca, 36 GP.
--Delhi cat takes down our vet ellie.
--Rabbit Czar caught napping! Grozny, Riga, Baltimore, and Kharkov all in disorder.
Elvis impersonators everywhere; temple started in Grozny.
--New Greek capitol makes Pharsalos a bit too expensive to bribe -- yet.
--Riga silk to Osaka, 36 GP
--Island hut in south yields Adv Tribe of Dnepropetrovsk. (Certainly advanced in Spelling!!)
--Indians develop Writing.
--Disorder in Sparta.
--Kiev dye delivered to Valladolid for 46 GP.
--India, CF, Spain, Japan WAR, Greeks quiet.
--Northern exploration team sets forth.
--Spain learns Engineering.
--Our brilliant scientists discover Bridge Building!
--Only one tech offered
= Chivalry.
(And we'll have it in only 48 turns!!
--Significant Barb legions appear, flanked behind our Bombay force. Oh well, they were bored anyway...
--Pharsalos falls under Russian influence for 348 GP, minus 12 plunder, minus 40 barracks sale.
--random click reveals new Japanese city at 78, 44.
--Valence determined to be a Repeat Hides destination!!

--Angry troops destroy Barb legions outside Bombay.
--More angry ellies capture Delhi, plundering 25 GP. Another 40 GP raised by selling barracks for firewood.
--New city of Maikop founded on northern forested island featuring two whales and a silk.
--Indians cease fire.
--Gems to Cordoba for 11 GP

--Silk to Seville, 72 GP
--Stumble onto Argos (2) with now-doomed Diplomat.
--Barbs approach Astrakhan (again).
--Polar hut nets NOMADS!!

--Lahore finally clicked at 32-52 rivergrass tile.
-Jrabbit retires, leaving a slightly larger civ behind, with a notably sweet treasury. Moscow is slowly collecting camels for our next WoW (Great Wall, King Richard?).
While the mighty DaveV needs no help from the woeful likes of me, I would like to lobby for some rushed Hides vans chained to Valence. Yeah, I know I left the shipchain in disarray.
The Greeks are dead meat, India just a matter of time -- if only they'd build Magellan's!!
As for the Spanish and Japs, we just need to build the invasion force for when the time is ripe.
BTW, I've never seen ONLY ONE TECH offered at this stage of the game!! Is that a byproduct of no science??
...and DaveV -- Don't forget to start with a tribute request BEFORE ending the current turn...
1340 and the (bi)Czar Bunny takes the helm. Surveying the nation, he notes with amazement the fact that his No Science Society has 6 white techs and several rodent colonies spread throughout the world. 60-0-40 balance seems fine.
Black clicking reveals Greek cities at 1-15, 7-15, 11-11, and 16-20. Only missing one. Similarly, an Indian city, likely Delhi, resides at 31-73, with Lahore still a mystery.
While tickling here and there, the base strategy for the coming turns evolves.
-- find and destroy all Greek cities
-- await Magellan's build in Bombay, then take the citiy
-- find and destroy the remaining Indian cities
-- use triremes to develop trade routes with Spain and Japan while building toward war footing.
-- explore frozen north, settle Barb spawning grounds NW of Moscow.
--Greeks advance on Sparta.
--Bombay elephant takes out 2 of our ellies.

--Barbs moving on 3 fronts, most notably Moscow and Astrakhan.
--Repel Greek archer and warrior at Sparta, leaving only a phalanx.

--Moscow ellie takes out Barb legion.

--Indian elephant drawn and quartered outside bombay.

--Japanese CF, give Spanish Writing

--Population = 3MM
--Vans, supply/demand, and boats semi-organized.
--Vans set sail to several exotic destinations
--Invasive Ellies shuffle away from Bombay forests to encourage shield production toward Magellan.
--India CF, no Pottery for Spanish = CF, Japan nothing.
--Greeks still won't talk; maybe they're upset about something...
--Barbs killed at Astrakhan
--Delhi confirmed @ 31, 73,
--Capture Thermopylae and all its 9GP.
--Greeks talk, we accept Cease Fire. No tribute.
--Greeks build new Capitol in Knossos (had none).

--Pharsalos revealed.
--Caravan delivers Gold to Salamanca, 36 GP.
--Delhi cat takes down our vet ellie.

--Rabbit Czar caught napping! Grozny, Riga, Baltimore, and Kharkov all in disorder.

--New Greek capitol makes Pharsalos a bit too expensive to bribe -- yet.
--Riga silk to Osaka, 36 GP
--Island hut in south yields Adv Tribe of Dnepropetrovsk. (Certainly advanced in Spelling!!)
--Indians develop Writing.

--Disorder in Sparta.

--Kiev dye delivered to Valladolid for 46 GP.
--India, CF, Spain, Japan WAR, Greeks quiet.
--Northern exploration team sets forth.
--Spain learns Engineering.

--Our brilliant scientists discover Bridge Building!
--Only one tech offered

--Significant Barb legions appear, flanked behind our Bombay force. Oh well, they were bored anyway...
--Pharsalos falls under Russian influence for 348 GP, minus 12 plunder, minus 40 barracks sale.
--random click reveals new Japanese city at 78, 44.
--Valence determined to be a Repeat Hides destination!!

--Angry troops destroy Barb legions outside Bombay.
--More angry ellies capture Delhi, plundering 25 GP. Another 40 GP raised by selling barracks for firewood.
--New city of Maikop founded on northern forested island featuring two whales and a silk.

--Indians cease fire.
--Gems to Cordoba for 11 GP

--Silk to Seville, 72 GP
--Stumble onto Argos (2) with now-doomed Diplomat.
--Barbs approach Astrakhan (again).
--Polar hut nets NOMADS!!

--Lahore finally clicked at 32-52 rivergrass tile.

-Jrabbit retires, leaving a slightly larger civ behind, with a notably sweet treasury. Moscow is slowly collecting camels for our next WoW (Great Wall, King Richard?).
While the mighty DaveV needs no help from the woeful likes of me, I would like to lobby for some rushed Hides vans chained to Valence. Yeah, I know I left the shipchain in disarray.
The Greeks are dead meat, India just a matter of time -- if only they'd build Magellan's!!

As for the Spanish and Japs, we just need to build the invasion force for when the time is ripe.
BTW, I've never seen ONLY ONE TECH offered at this stage of the game!! Is that a byproduct of no science??
...and DaveV -- Don't forget to start with a tribute request BEFORE ending the current turn...