This is going to be FUN! - the damned AI are refusing to research...
Science must be set at 0% at all times - Eins, Trade, Wonders etc all allowed
any masochist is welcome to sign up here...
No Science - Ouch!
4000BC - no techs, one hut and a Buffalo; Gits decide to play Nomad for a while ...
3950BC - hut-HorseRiding;
3900BC - hut-Archer;
3700BC - hut-Masonry;
3300BC - hut-Chariot;
3250BC - hut-50g;
3200BC - hut-25g;
3150BC - hut-50g; [1] - "Who's stupid idea was this?"
3000BC - hut-Legion;
[1] - "Observes, dryly, that (2)'s turns went really well!", but unfortunately the editorial duties now fall to (2) - drat!
---- We meet the Americans - much debate: [1] votes "WAR"; (2) goes for prevarication ... we talk to the B*ggars they offer to swap Pottery for Masonry - we accept - its all they've got!!!!!! - the debate continues ... [1] agrees that killing them buys nothing - but now we wonder whether it is better to sue for peace and a possible alliance (no ZoC problems) or simply to ignore them and hope to get some cash from them ... let's try for an alliance ... Peace, Alliance at the cost of Horse; no gift ...
2750BC - Viking civilisation destroyed by Barbarians (no restarts!)
2700BC - hut-50g; (2) scoffs!
2650BC - hut-Legion;
2500BC - hut-WarriorCode; :what joy: Americans demand WC - we say, "Get lost" - they end alliance ...
2350BC - hut-Horse :Oh Goody:
---- We meet the Indians (Supreme) - now what? - Swap WC for MapMaking; Horse for Seafaring; They refuse maps ...
2300BC - hut-Legion; We swap the Indians Masonry for BronzeWorking - they still have Alphabet that we do not...
---- We meet the Greeks (Weak) - gift Maps and WarriorCode - get Maps! no tribute
2250BC - hut-Horse;
2200BC - hut-50g; Greeks declare War - oh goody!
2150BC - Moscow founded; Greeks kill Legion; Uprising near Moscow - glad we only have another couple of turns...
2000BC - We're done ...
The hutfinder file is also in the .zip - the huts are our only saviour at the moment...
Science must be set at 0% at all times - Eins, Trade, Wonders etc all allowed
any masochist is welcome to sign up here...
No Science - Ouch!
4000BC - no techs, one hut and a Buffalo; Gits decide to play Nomad for a while ...
3950BC - hut-HorseRiding;

3900BC - hut-Archer;

3700BC - hut-Masonry;

3300BC - hut-Chariot;

3250BC - hut-50g;

3200BC - hut-25g;

3150BC - hut-50g; [1] - "Who's stupid idea was this?"
3000BC - hut-Legion;

---- We meet the Americans - much debate: [1] votes "WAR"; (2) goes for prevarication ... we talk to the B*ggars they offer to swap Pottery for Masonry - we accept - its all they've got!!!!!! - the debate continues ... [1] agrees that killing them buys nothing - but now we wonder whether it is better to sue for peace and a possible alliance (no ZoC problems) or simply to ignore them and hope to get some cash from them ... let's try for an alliance ... Peace, Alliance at the cost of Horse; no gift ...
2750BC - Viking civilisation destroyed by Barbarians (no restarts!)
2700BC - hut-50g; (2) scoffs!
2650BC - hut-Legion;

2500BC - hut-WarriorCode; :what joy: Americans demand WC - we say, "Get lost" - they end alliance ...
2350BC - hut-Horse :Oh Goody:
---- We meet the Indians (Supreme) - now what? - Swap WC for MapMaking; Horse for Seafaring; They refuse maps ...
2300BC - hut-Legion; We swap the Indians Masonry for BronzeWorking - they still have Alphabet that we do not...
---- We meet the Greeks (Weak) - gift Maps and WarriorCode - get Maps! no tribute
2250BC - hut-Horse;
2200BC - hut-50g; Greeks declare War - oh goody!
2150BC - Moscow founded; Greeks kill Legion; Uprising near Moscow - glad we only have another couple of turns...
2000BC - We're done ...
The hutfinder file is also in the .zip - the huts are our only saviour at the moment...