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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 10 - July 2011]

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  • #76
    "Ahmed has released a public statement"

    "Let me see this, Terzal", said Camaxtli,

    "Jada jada jada, bla bla, ha he is inventive, ha"

    "Yeah brilliant, because we Aztecs are planning to take over Africa he invaded America haha"
    "we Aztecs are masters of the universe, the galaxy and the milky way, what nonsense.."

    "Jada Jada "

    "Happiness garrisons, how more twisted the argument, the more creative the wording.."

    "Jada Jada "

    "Who was invading who I ask?, Now he is getting me a bit pissed off.."

    "Jada Jada "
    "Jada Jada "

    "Well if he achieved his goal, then we are happy to see him leave"

    "Although they keep irritating us, we have to keep our people's interest in our heart..
    so if they sail away, give our cities and the American cities back and refrain form any other action then we are satisfied"


    • #77
      "Where are we Terzal?"

      "Still waiting for the replies of the Natives and the Inca, Sir"

      "Let's hope they reply soon, as no reply is also a reply.."

      "The time has come to choose sides.."

      "Let's pray, my son.."


      • #78
        Originally posted by India (DoE) View Post
        India makes offering of Peace to the treacherous Japs

        If Japan returns the colonies of Agra and Lahore, pays compensations of 1000 gold, and hands over the 2 galleons and the 2 catapults they stole from us, this war can end. Japan will gain all of India's possessions in Australia and will not have to be economically ruined by the costs of a prolonged war. These are the minimum terms that India can agree to. The international community would be wise to support this fair and balanced peace treaty. India is a nation of compromise and peace, we desire to end this conflict.

        If Japan does not accept these terms, India will fully mobilize its war economy, completely obliterate the Japanese navy and retake all our colonies by force. In addition we will take the colony of Kagoshima and initiate a total blockade against Japan for a full 10 turns.

        Our offer is a fair and balanced peace, Japan will get 2 of India's cities in Australia, (a total of 20% of our cities) for the small cost of 1000 gold. Japan will also return the ships they stole as a matter of principle. Japan makes gains and the war ends. If the war continues Japan will find that being greedy will not be worth the price of those colonies.

        Signed by the Indian Constitutional Congress
        Official response from Emperor Meiji himself,

        Leaders of India we thank you for coming to your senses and requesting peace with us. Yet I am confused from your tone. It seems you think you are winning this war, it seems you think you can win this war, or maybe you know a prolonged war with us will end badly for India. If you are serious about peace here is our terms:
        1. India must surrender fully to the might of Japan.
        2. India will dismantle all pirate ships and frigates.
        3. India must agree to 100 turns of peace with Japan.

        Agree to this and Lahore will be returned along with 1000 gold, the two ships and catapults. If India does not agree to these terms Japan will begin invading the Indian homeland. We will take every coastal city and we will burn them to the ground. The choice is yours.

        Emperor Meiji of Japan


        • #79
          Response to Japan

          1. India will not surrender.
          2. India will not dismantle any ships or other defences which you have shown so clearly we need.
          3. We will agree to a 100 turn non-aggression pact.

          Lahore and Agra will be returned. The 1000 gold compensation and units will also be sent to India.

          If you think you can break the Indians then you are as foolish as you are arrogant. You can not build your own ships while India will soon have Ironclads. Accept the offer we made to you or Japan will be completely disarmed at sea and all your gains in this war will be reversed and for every loss India has in the continuation war we will exact a compensation from your empire. Your threats of burning cities only show your desperation and barbarism. Take the deal or regret it later. We will continue fighting until victory, any cost will be suffered. Can you say the same?


          • #80
            A Letter from France to the International Community

            World Leaders,

            France would like to address the recent public address by the Sultan of Turkey.

            It is in our view a fairly transparent effort to rationalize, after the fact, their naked greed and aggression in America. I am sure you quickly reached the same conclusions on reading it.

            However, as France is specifically named, we will reply. Also, we would like to share with you information regarding the current strength of the Mali military as it is relevant to Turkey's obvious fabrication.

            To start with, if Turkey was indeed concerned about an invasion of Mali, would it not have made more sense to reinforce Mali coastal cities with the French troops that invaded North America? And then why invade America and not Azteca?

            I can also assure world leaders that France has no intent of invading Mali. In fact, we have many years ago, agreed to a stance of mutual non-aggression, and have several mutually beneficial trading arrangements in place.

            Yes, we reinforced our cities in French North Africa, but only when it was revealed to us that within a few months of the conclusion of the great war, Mali, whose small army during that war contained mostly muskets and ancient weaponry, had suddenly accumulated a large and modern army. The main army group now consists of 7 catapults, 11 cossacks, 10 rifles, 6 grenadiers, 10 muskets, and recently cannon. It is clear that this army was a war reward from Russia and/or Turkey. Given those nations' abilities to manipulate others, including Mali against Israel, we felt it prudent to ensure our holdings in North Africa were secure.

            Furthermore, the strength of the current Mali army, and its location well inland is also clear evidence that Turkey's claims are mere fabrications. Mali could easily defend herself, and Turkey knows that. And if there were suspicions of an Azteca invasion, why were the Mali troops not stationed to protect the coastal city. No, Turkey is grasping at straws to defend their heinous actions, and yet her friends in the international community continue to support her. Shame on you.

            Yes, we are supporting America while she is under siege. It is the only honorable thing to do.

            It is not a violation of the Great War Treaty. We are at peace. And for Turkey, who used Incan and Arab troops in the Great War while those nations remained at peace, to now complain about it, shows them for the hypocrites they are.

            And finally, for the Turks then to start warning the world about 'stacks of doom' and 'escalation of war', particularly after their recent actions, would be laughable if it did not reveal them for the duplicitous cads and international scoundrels that they are.

            Marc Renaud,
            Acting Royal Spokesperson


            • #81
              An undigested bit of beef

              Root of the Earth woke up. He lay still, listening to his heart thump. He could smell the sour odor of sweat. He tried to comprehend these things, for neither was consistent with his habit of sleep.

              Slowly, the images began to re-impinge on his thoughts. A confused jumble of images paraded through his mind, images he knew he had seen in more detail in his dreams. But, even then, he remembered they had been confusing. There had been a seeming lack of time flow to them. Dreams, of course, did not have to be linear with time, but they made more sense when they were.

              He tried to clear his mind and make some order out of the chaos. First, there had been the vision of a city of the man-things to the Sunrise which had been overcome with troops of the invading so-called "Turks". Then, these troops had been themselves overcome with troops of man-things from the land Across the River. But then there was a shift, a blurring, and suddenly, as if watching a replay, he had seen the Turk-things attack again, only this time, they did not immediately lose the city to the man-things who worship the snake symbol. Then, time had seemed to go in fits and starts, sometimes flowing, sometimes halted, as if it couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to do.

              He understood, then, the sweat, the pounding heart, the feel of confused fear. In such dreams, there could be nothing but confusion. He had smoked the pipe of dreaming for clarity in this situation; his reward had been chaos and uncertainty. Perhaps the leaves had been old, the drug's potency lost. Or, maybe he was losing the favor of Coyote. He hoped not.

              He rose, slowly, and went out of the Dreamroom. At his arrival, three men stood up, alert to his presence. They had anxious faces. They also had many pieces of hide, paper, and such in their hands. Clearly, things had not stood still during his dreaming. He sighed. He was going to have to sort out this mess, and it wasn't going to be easy...


              • #82
                We are not a throughway

                To: The Sultan of the Turk-Things

                Re: Troop movements within our lands

                You are hereby notified that all such movements are to be ceased. We have taken no public position on your disagreement with the Snake-worshippers, but you may not use our lands to further your efforts to attack them. To do so is a violation of our sovreignity, and you have not negotiated the right to make that type of movement.

                You will remove the troops immediately, without using them in an attack on the Land Across the River. If they are not withdrawn back to the city of Miami immediately, we will revoke the agreement we have with you for "open borders", which was never intended to allow such efforts.

                We believe in this we will have the support of our new friends, of whom you may have heard, the Russians. Catherine of the Rus, herself, has proclaimed our friendship.

                Root of the Earth
                Council Leader
                The People


                • #83
                  "Esteemed Root of the Earth,

                  we, the men from the Land from across the River, also know as Azteca, thank you for letting the Sultan of the Turk-things know that

                  You will remove the troops immediately, without using them in an attack on the Land Across the River.
                  Furthermore we have reason to believe that the flow of time will soon restart and pause for us and restart and pause for the others.."


                  • #84
                    In another's eyes

                    Root of the Earth stood before the Council. They did not meet in the Council's usual place of sitting. Rather, they sat on a hillside, and spilling all around them were the people of The People, young and old, men and women, warriors, scientists, priests, repairmen. The reporters were there, too, including some Root of the Earth knew were really man-things from elsewhere, present to report his words to the other places of the world. He looked them over, then began to speak:

                    "People: know that this is a watershed in our lives. Around our country rage forces we have never seen before. Great guns shatter ramparts; ships of many sails carry legions of troops; cavalry pound across plains. None of these threaten us, yet.

                    "For centuries, millenia, we have adhered to the vision of Coyote in some fashion. For centuries we have eschewed religious strife, so that all in our lands could live in harmony. You remember the stories of the days of the internal battles among us over the wills of the various gods. You recall learning how we nearly were torn apart by those conflicts, and how we became focused on peace and prosperity once the Great Golden Temple was built. And peaceful we have been over the years.

                    "We might not have been. We could have attacked the man-things Across the River who worship the symbol of the snake. They were puny, weak, divided among themselves. We forbore doing so. We could have attacked the man-things to Sunrise, who still to this day have no forces which could withstand us. How many times did our leaders stand on the hills and look down with far-seeing eyes into their cities, and know they would fall to us? And did we dispoil them? Did we push in and plunder? We did not."

                    He lifted a stack of documents in his hand.

                    "Here are the importunings of many peoples. Wide indeed the world the gods shaped is, and in it are many nations of man-things. They worship many different gods, they also worship many different ideals. They come to us now, with conflicting requests. In the center of these requests, they claim to seek peace.

                    "Peace we know. Peace we have made our way. Peace is our watchword, our morning prayer, our evening thanks. Peace is the goal of all we do. Peace nourishes us, cares for us, guards and guides us. The People ARE Peace personified.

                    "How, then, do these nations expect us to behave? Do they think that we will eschew Peace to obtain peace? Do they think we do not see through their aims, their goals? Do the man-things from over the seas, holding out hands with peace pipes in them, think we do not see the war-torn leaves with which they would stuff these pipes? Do they think us but children, incapable of seeing that they may crave peace, but they do not seek Peace?

                    "Peace we will have. Peace we will always have. To secure Peace, we will do as we always have done. To choose a "side" is not the way of Peace; it is the way of conflict and strife. It's so-called "peace" lasts only as long as needed, then is thrown away in the expediency of the moment. A great man has said that "war is the extension of diplomacy," and well he understood that diplomacy is not the way of Peace.

                    "But one other land has embraced our notions. Only one other land has come to us with unfettered declarations of friendship. No strings attached. No "do this, do that." No preconceptions of what our Peace is, or must be. Simply, the hand of friendship, the kiss of Peace. They themselves are not necessarily proponents of Peace. Indeed, we have heard that they have fought long and bloody conflicts, and may do so again. But to us, they offer simply friendship, and Peace.

                    "To Catherine of the Rus, therefore, we give our thanks. We willingly accept this unfettered friendship. And we offer to you, to yours, and to all who will accept it, the handclasp of Peace. Look at our lands, all of you, and see what Peace can do for you. Give up your importunings for alliance and battle, warfare and strife! And know that we will help you achieve that Peace. We will trade with you, we will offer you what you need, we will feast and celebrate with you, in the name of Peace.

                    "To any who fail to understand this, we offer warning: Peace is not weakness. Peace does not mean giving up that which we are. Catherine of the Rus agrees. We will not rattle sabres, for the sound of metal clanking is harsh. But do NOT think to try us. For Peace is strong, and will overcome you.

                    "To my People, then, do not fear. We are surrounded by strife, but we see Peace on the horizon. We know not what feats we may achieve in our Peace, but with the help of our new found friends, we are certain that Peace will give us much. And for those who border us, should they, too, see Peace as the way, we can only imagine their reward.

                    "Peace, my brothers. Peace, my friends. From this day forward, Peace."


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by India (DoE) View Post
                      Response to Japan

                      1. India will not surrender.
                      2. India will not dismantle any ships or other defences which you have shown so clearly we need.
                      3. We will agree to a 100 turn non-aggression pact.

                      Lahore and Agra will be returned. The 1000 gold compensation and units will also be sent to India.

                      If you think you can break the Indians then you are as foolish as you are arrogant. You can not build your own ships while India will soon have Ironclads. Accept the offer we made to you or Japan will be completely disarmed at sea and all your gains in this war will be reversed and for every loss India has in the continuation war we will exact a compensation from your empire. Your threats of burning cities only show your desperation and barbarism. Take the deal or regret it later. We will continue fighting until victory, any cost will be suffered. Can you say the same?
                      We will not surender Agra. We have always been ready to see this war to its bloody end. If you want peace accept our terms otherwise I have no more to say to you.


                      • #86
                        "Eh, Boris - did you bring me pancakes and tea?"

                        "No pancakes, My Lady. We have a coupon system - this is something the Bolshevicks invented. Only a whole bunch of international diplomatic press."

                        "I have the feeling that the time flows so slow Boris - nothing is happening..."

                        "Yes, my lady. Here in Villa Cheburashka people tends to forget about the time and the matters of the outside world. But there are wars in the world, as you know My Lady. Not to mention we have an unsolved domestic problems. Moscow is still in the hands of the mobs. Second Minister Yosif is still leader of the Bolshevicks."

                        "Ugh, Boris I am enjoying so much my stay here, so I postpone this all the time. Good point reminding me I have a nation devastated by the Great War to lead. Economics to build. We have such big debts to repay. And this American war is making no good at us at all. We now have to focus on our own country and build in peace. No one needs more wars."

                        "Well, there is not much that can be done about it, Princess"

                        "Boris, I think you are underestimating me. Let me try and see what will happen. Lets make a bet. If I win you will make me a whole plate of pancakes. And if you win the bet, we will think of some nice way of rewarding you" Catherine gave Boris a naughty wink.

                        "I accept the bet, Princess. Lets see can you justify your new nickname The Peacebringer" Boris said hoping that he will win and it will not come to him to hold a spoon, making pancakes, when he was trained to hold weapons.

                        "Clerk!" Catherine's energy obviously came back to her at full strength.


                        • #87
                          I, Catherine of Rus,
                          According the war in North America,
                          to all the three warring nations,


                          In the interest of the world well-being and the fruitful peace, active fighting, destruction and killing of civil people should stop immediately!

                          Immediate long term NAP (50 turns) will be signed between America, Azteca and Turkey. In return, Turkey will return all the cities they took from the Azteca and will return the American city of Miami.

                          I condemn the future savage Turk aggression against nations which obviously cant defend themselves, judging by the string of Turkish victories. No matter what the motives of all this was for the Turks, this does not excuse their actions and it must stop immediately! Russia had never approved hurting nations beyond all repairs and it seems that the Turk's are well able to do exactly this to their opponents.

                          I advice all the parties take this opportunity for ending the war and rejoice finally with the peace. This is to avoid the need Russia to take more serious measures.

                          Catherine of Rus


                          • #88
                            Root of the Earth sipped his tea quietly. He reflected upon the news brought to him from his fellow councilors. His new friend, Catherine of the Rus had proven the truth of the friendship, not to mention validated the trust in her he had placed. He had heard the whispers. There were those who doubted. Well, let them doubt. Perhaps that was why they were not Council Leader.

                            News from the Turk-things was equally good. They had agreed not to violate the sovreignity of The People in any efforts to fight. This, for them, was a start, a start on the path to Peace. They might not know that, yet. But once one admits that there are limits on how to war, one has taken the first step toward not warring at all.

                            One of the religions that held a large part of the world in sway had the right idea. For that religion held that the highest honor was to live one's life according to the teachings of its founder, and by that living, show unto others the favor that such a life brought to oneself. The People lived the life of Peace. They would not preach it, for those who were not ready to listen would hearden their hearts to it. But they would live it, and by showing what Peace does, be an example for all. For there would come a day when the Peace held all in its sway. Then would the dream of Coyote come true.


                            • #89
                              A Letter from France to the International Community

                              Regarding the recent "magnanimous" announcement from Russia, we offer the earlier statement made to King Louis by Catherine regarding the war in America.

                              All the North American nations rejected my friendship and Turkey are my friends, so I have no divided loyalties there.
                              It is interesting how the fork-tongue tramp of the arctic forest has changed her tune so quickly. She will do anything to gain diplomatic advantage from a situation. Sad really. It does, however, reveal Russia for who they really are: manipulating opportunists.

                              As to the Native Americans, who love peace so much, I offer this: Russia's good friends the Turks attack your neighbors, who by your own account were not remotely thinking of war and wanted only peace. And you sit neutral on the sidelines when there was a clear right and wrong. You did nothing to intervene. "Unfettered friendship" you called it. Non-involvement. Neutrality. Yes, Russia got everything she wanted from you. You call yourselves peacemakers. You know little of peace, my naive friends. I caution you on who you sleep with.

                              Marc Renaud
                              Royal Spokesperson


                              • #90
                                Notice to All Nations Engaged in North America:

                                In response to the Decree by Empress Catherine, the Sultan has ordered the immediate withdrawal of all Turkish forces from the cities of Texcoco, and Miami.

                                America, and Azteca, we await your signatures to the Non-Aggression-Pacts. When these have been signed, the cities will be turned over to you. Alternatively, if you wish to take them back forcibly you may do so, however, be mindful that the streets of Miami are still filled with Parades, Revelers and Well-Wishers seeing the beloved Turkish soldiers off, and an unexpected and unnecessary invasion of Azteca troops will likely result in citizens being killed as they attempt to flee.

                                Riots may also result when the people realize they have been captured by the same Aztecs they fled to attend the parties in Miami. Buildings may be burned or lost in the ensuing chaos. A peaceful handover of the city will avoid all that.

                                Likewise, the city of Texcoco can also be unecessarily recaptured forcibly, but this will also likely result in similar destruction for different reasons. In Texcoco there were clashes between the members of the populace who were dissapointed in the Government's inability to protect them adequately, and the citizens who simply wanted the Turkish occupation to end quickly. The former did not want to rejoin Azteca, feeling they had been let down, the later were angry with the Azteca Government for taking so long to sign a peace treaty. We are concerned that these two factions, both angry with the Azteca government, will resist a forcible takeover resulting in similar riots, death and destruction. A peaceful handover of the city would avoid this unnecessary carnage.

                                We hope Azteca can see the wisdom in this, and agree to peace without further delay.

                                To the French agitators, we say only that we regard you as brave and worthy foes, fierce in War and fiercely seeking War in Peace. You are formidable indeed, and we do not look forward to crossing swords with you again. We do however regret you sailed your ships so far for nothing, and in the words of the immortal Turkish poet:

                                "You got all dressed in your Sunday best, but now you go home empty-handed like all the rest Most Assuredly."

                                Until we meet again,

                                Aysecan, Public Relations
                                Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times

