Originally posted by padillah
It's either Sun-Tzu or Machiavelli was exactlly that - a farmer that had an amazing knack for strategy.
And you are discounting things like Chess and Civ. Unless you are trying to say that Civ and Chess aren't heavy on strategy?
Tom P.
It's either Sun-Tzu or Machiavelli was exactlly that - a farmer that had an amazing knack for strategy.
And you are discounting things like Chess and Civ. Unless you are trying to say that Civ and Chess aren't heavy on strategy?
Tom P.
And I hope you're not saying one can become a military expert by playing abstract games. I played more realistic simulations in the Sixties and Seventies, for all eras of warfare and am something of an expert on military minutiae as a result, but I wouldn't pit myself against Gen. Schwartzkopf, or any of the past military greats of history!
