I take it 'Vassal State' will make the civ a permanent slave of yours, and it will hand over gold, technologies, maps, and delcare war on other civs whenever you tell it to.
That is a very nice new concept and one that has been sorely needed. It will mean you can now crush an early opponent, turn them into a vassal state, and take all their technologies off them. Whereas before, they would only give you one or two technologies even if they had 1 city left facing your horde of 30 keshiks.
That is a very nice new concept and one that has been sorely needed. It will mean you can now crush an early opponent, turn them into a vassal state, and take all their technologies off them. Whereas before, they would only give you one or two technologies even if they had 1 city left facing your horde of 30 keshiks.
