A.O.C. does have a history of lying. :shrug:
Now, she doesn’t owe anyone a debate much less Shapiro but it is telling that her handlers don’t want her to have any debates not even against her opponent in the 2020 election probably because they know she really is stupid (or at least ignorant) and would look very foolish. Thus why she only does scripted events because every time she does an unscripted event she looks as retarded as Trump or Biden.
I do like how in the U.K. M.P. can’t escape or hide from open debate because it means the grifters get exposed right off the bat and usually get laughed out. Sadly, the U.S. system seems to not just protect but promote grifters and A.O.C. is without a doubt one of them.
Now, she doesn’t owe anyone a debate much less Shapiro but it is telling that her handlers don’t want her to have any debates not even against her opponent in the 2020 election probably because they know she really is stupid (or at least ignorant) and would look very foolish. Thus why she only does scripted events because every time she does an unscripted event she looks as retarded as Trump or Biden.
I do like how in the U.K. M.P. can’t escape or hide from open debate because it means the grifters get exposed right off the bat and usually get laughed out. Sadly, the U.S. system seems to not just protect but promote grifters and A.O.C. is without a doubt one of them.