Not if states only granted domestic partnership rights to all, leaving marriages to churches.

Of course, then what is done with the present rights/privileges of marriage? I'd leave them with domestic partnership (or rather, civil unions). Marriage, IMO, is a religious thing that should be left to churches/synagoges/mosques/etc.
Ned, we agree on something (I think).
FYI, my "position" on Christmas, which you inquired about earlier:
I have to have a position on Christmas? It's a holiday. It's been around for a good long time, and everyone gets it. Some people worship during it, others do not. It's just fine by me. I don't go to church (well, last year I got dragged along and had to listen to the minister preach on about how only through faith could people really feel safe in this unsafe world of ours - gee whiz, doesn't religion just LOVE scared people!), but I still enjoy the time off and seeing family & giving gifts.