Originally posted by Lincoln
Ever heard the expression "experience is the best teacher"? I am a Vietnam vet. I know what it is like to be second guessed by people who don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about. And I know the damage it does to moral when people constantly pick at the mistakes and refuse to see any success. The left does not want success in Iraq unless it is accomplished by a Democrat. They glory in failure as long as Bush is in charge. Meanwhile brave men die trying to help the people and the left continues to descourage them in their efforts. Also, I am not talking about specific people but the nitpicking left in general. Why not have some patience and see if the efforts actually pay off. Nothing will change overnight.
Ever heard the expression "experience is the best teacher"? I am a Vietnam vet. I know what it is like to be second guessed by people who don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about. And I know the damage it does to moral when people constantly pick at the mistakes and refuse to see any success. The left does not want success in Iraq unless it is accomplished by a Democrat. They glory in failure as long as Bush is in charge. Meanwhile brave men die trying to help the people and the left continues to descourage them in their efforts. Also, I am not talking about specific people but the nitpicking left in general. Why not have some patience and see if the efforts actually pay off. Nothing will change overnight.

1. I don;t care what your own personal vietnam experience was. Millions of American served in Vietnam- and they all don't share your take on it. you experiences are singular, and derive few if any grand lessons. Anymore than any of my experiences derive grand lessons.
2. Maybe you are in too much of a self-righteous huff to read-so I will say it again. Soldiers execute policy-they don;t make it. If the policy is wrong, then no amount of high morale will make it work- men happily, gladly and valiantly marhcing into machinegun fire does not make for victory. Just ask your predecessors in WW1.
So maybe this is what you utterly fail to get- I think the POLICY the administration has laid out has failed. I think the proof of it is n the events in Iraq. Ask oerdin if he is disillusioned, and ask him to ask his buddies, if thy have a low morale, is it Sava's fault, or is it the fault of trying to make failed policies work (answer is if the policy is bad, no matter how much good will will make it so).