Just parking this here (from the last thread) for easier editing later. I'll post my updated prediction after the leader's debates.
[b]British Columbia[/b] LIB 7 CON 17 NDP 12 [b]Alberta[/b] LIB 2 CON 26 [b]Saskatchewan[/b] LIB 1 CON 8 NDP 5 [b]Manitoba[/b] LIB 5 CON 5 NDP 4 [b]Ontario[/b] LIB 50 CON 44 NDP 12 [b]Quebec[/b] LIB 31 BQ 44 [b]New Brunwick[/b] LIB 7 CON 2 NDP 1 [b]Nova Scotia[/b] LIB 4 CON 3 NDP 4 [b]Prince Edward Island[/b] LIB 4 [b]Newfoundland & Labrador[/b] LIB 5 CON 2 [b]Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut[/b] LIB 3 [b]TOTALS[/b] LIB 119 CON 107 BQ 44 NDP 38
[b]"hedged" totals[/b] Liberals 120-140 Conservatives 90-110 Bloc Quebecois 40-50 NDP 30-45