While Nieminen did do a cheap shot and was dirty, it was not THAT hard, he did brake a little before, he did not charge full on. I read the detroit free press or what ever the **** they call it and it made it sound like the was tryin to decapitate him.
Totally blown out of proportions. Now, Nieminen was a dirty bastard with that move, no doubt, but no way it was intent to injure. Look at the clip again.
Cheap dirty move? Absolutely. Suspendable offense? Absolutelyt not, or then the NHL is not being inconsistent. I'd say let them settle it in the rink, in the game 6 some Wings player like Hatcher might also mistake Nieminen for his punching bag. And then it's settled. You guys talk like you never seen goalie run over before...

And yes code was broken, but only that he will get his ass handed to him in the next game or the next two games. No biggie.