Originally posted by chegitz guevara
Left means new, progress. Right means old, anti-progress. All extensions of freedom came because leftists forced rightists to give it up.
La Lucha Continua.
Left means new, progress. Right means old, anti-progress. All extensions of freedom came because leftists forced rightists to give it up.
La Lucha Continua.
I view "right" as those who fundamentally believes in liberty. The extreme right are the liberatarians. The right generally believes that less government is the best government, and tend to be isolationists. The right opposes single-party police states as a matter of principle.
I view "left" as those who fundamentally believe in "equality." The extreme left seems to advocate single-party police states (dictatorship of the proletariate) in order to effectuate their prinicples.
Neocons are aggressive rightists (which makes them liberals) willing to use force against police states to extend democracy.