Where the hell does this notion that communits have to live in poverty come from? Can anyone point this out to me? Quote it?
First question is, what type of communism? Old fashioned Marxism? marxist/leninism? Maoism? They are not the same. Both maoist and Marxist advocate common ownership, but Marxst see only wokers as the class than can do it, while maoist see the peasant as being ablke to do so as well. The Khmer Rougue were communists, but they killed the very people (the educated elite) that a marxist would want to endoctrinate. To say simply "communist" then is wrong.
As for the marxists: according to marx true communism can only come once a certain level of industrial production is reached. Marx readilly admits that Capitalism is the economic form that leads to the greatest production, but what he cares about is not ever increasing porduction, but the ability of man to enjoy this, to end his alienation. Only Capitalism can set the groundwork for this by creating an economic structure so productive that it sets up the conditions for its fall.
As for luxuries: if luxury is derived form the exploitation of the workers, then somene who believes in communism should give it up. But if it was made by an artisan, or soemone who is not being exploited, then what would be the porblem? Compuetrs and cars today are ahrdly made by horribly exploited workers (poor robots!...). Now, you have a better argument with Nike sneakers and other cheap consumer goods that are the result many times of worker exploitation.
First question is, what type of communism? Old fashioned Marxism? marxist/leninism? Maoism? They are not the same. Both maoist and Marxist advocate common ownership, but Marxst see only wokers as the class than can do it, while maoist see the peasant as being ablke to do so as well. The Khmer Rougue were communists, but they killed the very people (the educated elite) that a marxist would want to endoctrinate. To say simply "communist" then is wrong.
As for the marxists: according to marx true communism can only come once a certain level of industrial production is reached. Marx readilly admits that Capitalism is the economic form that leads to the greatest production, but what he cares about is not ever increasing porduction, but the ability of man to enjoy this, to end his alienation. Only Capitalism can set the groundwork for this by creating an economic structure so productive that it sets up the conditions for its fall.
As for luxuries: if luxury is derived form the exploitation of the workers, then somene who believes in communism should give it up. But if it was made by an artisan, or soemone who is not being exploited, then what would be the porblem? Compuetrs and cars today are ahrdly made by horribly exploited workers (poor robots!...). Now, you have a better argument with Nike sneakers and other cheap consumer goods that are the result many times of worker exploitation.