Originally posted by Lung
Why do communists eagerly invest in shares? Worst of all, why do they treat the working class like lepers? Perceived moral superiority is hardly about social equality, so why do they act that way?
If you ask me, it sounds like gross hipocrisy on their part
Why do communists eagerly invest in shares? Worst of all, why do they treat the working class like lepers? Perceived moral superiority is hardly about social equality, so why do they act that way?
If you ask me, it sounds like gross hipocrisy on their part

There is an assumption in the US that working people are reactionary and violent and scary, and some of that is true. Most of the people we think of as working class are are a part of the working class. Many of the people we think of as middle class are actually working class, just a different part of it. White collar, pink collar, brown collar are all as working class as blue collar.
Most people tend to know the radicals in their own class and family. If you are "middle" class, it's highly unlikely you know working class radicals. There are actually a lot more of them than you think. A good chunk of union leadership and almost all union activists are red or pink. These comrades don't own race horses and if they have any stock, it's in their pension funds.
When I became a red, I associated with a couple different groups. The group I eventually joined was hard core blue collar, The Spark, the American branch of the French organization Lutte Ouvriere. LO runs in French presidential elections and does quite well, even beating the Communist Party last time. With the exception of me and a couple other students in Chicago, it was all working class (all 50 or so of them). Well liked in their jobs, among the best educated group on the left (autodidacts), and they led some of the few winning strikes in the 1980s in the US.
Another group I hung with was called the International Socialist Organization. They are the American Branch of the British Socialist Workers Party (not to be confused with the US Socialist Workers Party, which has very different politics--they're both cults, though). We always called it the International Student Organization. Their policy, until 1996, was that the US working class was to reactionary to try and bring socialist politics to. They were solely located in the university. Eventually they rediscovered the working class, declaring that the WC had begun to become active again.

Most WC reds keep their politics close to their breasts. You'll almost never know if you're working with a Communist Party member (they haven't forgotten real McCarthyism). Many others will only refer to themselves as socialists or revolutionary socialists, but shy away from being called communist. I don't go waving my flag at work, either. Bosses no that commies are trouble and don't want us around. We're rabble-rousers and organizers. We do things like get the NYC Transit workers to strike. So, despite working with a bunch of liberals, I keep my exact politics a secret. I like having a job.