"Message to Julius Caesar":
O' Caesar! This time thy gifts are truly stunning in their bounty! Cities, Generals, Legions, Velites, Archers.....one scarcely knows where to begin! Well, perhaps here. Vercingtorix has a few suggestions for thee, Roman Dog:
1) Surrender thy few remaining Gaulish cities to their rightful owner.
2) Pack up what little remains of thy armies and lead them south into Spain.
3) There you may claim title to the Basque cities of Pallantia and Legio.
4) Begin your retreat immediately and perhaps - just perhaps - the King of the Gauls will let you live.
Begone from my realm, son of slaves, and let not thy tent flap strike ye in the rear as you flee in ignominy!
"Message to Pompous the Windbag":
Bravo evildoer! Thou hast sunk to new depths of treachery, and have thereby gained temporary custody of Legio. But rest assured, the Gauls are now aware of this tactic and shall not be fooled twice. As for thy future, verminous hyena-spawn, simply cast thy fearful eyes to the North and East and there behold the fate which now befalls that impotent catamite, Julius the Misbegotten. Tremble in thy simpering sandals and know that the might of Gaul shall turn upon you in all it's fury once we have dispensed with your erstwhile ally!
O' Caesar! This time thy gifts are truly stunning in their bounty! Cities, Generals, Legions, Velites, Archers.....one scarcely knows where to begin! Well, perhaps here. Vercingtorix has a few suggestions for thee, Roman Dog:
1) Surrender thy few remaining Gaulish cities to their rightful owner.
2) Pack up what little remains of thy armies and lead them south into Spain.
3) There you may claim title to the Basque cities of Pallantia and Legio.
4) Begin your retreat immediately and perhaps - just perhaps - the King of the Gauls will let you live.
Begone from my realm, son of slaves, and let not thy tent flap strike ye in the rear as you flee in ignominy!
"Message to Pompous the Windbag":
Bravo evildoer! Thou hast sunk to new depths of treachery, and have thereby gained temporary custody of Legio. But rest assured, the Gauls are now aware of this tactic and shall not be fooled twice. As for thy future, verminous hyena-spawn, simply cast thy fearful eyes to the North and East and there behold the fate which now befalls that impotent catamite, Julius the Misbegotten. Tremble in thy simpering sandals and know that the might of Gaul shall turn upon you in all it's fury once we have dispensed with your erstwhile ally!