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Ancient Empires #2

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  • Platypus: I think you can find the pdf's in the Game #1 thread (and/or Kull's website). They display rules.txt info more clearly. You should print them and study them a bit. The only "dangerous" tech I see before the Iron Age is Bronze Weapons which allows barracks etc, but carries a trade penalty and obsoletes skirmishers. AFAIK about half the Game #1 players have it.

    I don't know exactly which govts are possible - probably Mon, Com and Rep. Nobody has switched to Com in Game #1 (see rules.txt about corruption etc).

    You should study the scenario a bit, and maybe even read the Game #1 thread. You will probably learn some tricks from your allies if we ever play a real game. If you have problems or questions, pls ask.

    Originally posted by RobRoy
    Is there any concrete advantage/disadvantage to making peace or alliances in a MP .hot game? I guess the ignore ZOC feature, for alliances. I assume we really shouldn't do any of that without explicit authorization, though.
    Right. AFAIK "peace" or attitude (worshipful etc) has no effect except when using F3, which we never used in Game #1. The "ignore ZOC" feature is very important with trade routes and lots of units traded back and forth. In Game #1 there was some concern recently about how to cancel an alliance (wihout using F3). I assume using F3 would teleport offsides units, as in SP, and some players thought this could be exploited.

    Hittites: 1 Slave Raid. Four huts: cashX2, barb, tech (Fort).

    Who will fall on his sword and share/sell the post BW techs with everyone?
    Sounds like the Hittites are using a hyper-exploration strategy, combined with a slow growth rate [and maybe some luck with disappearing hordes]. I am interested to see how that works out.

    Egypt does NOT volunteer to take BW, and IMO the Persians/Greeks are no-go's too. In Game #1, I took BW as Persia, hoping to make/sell veteran units to Babylon, but that didn't really happen. I imagine some silent deal was made about BW in the West too... dunno.

    Interesting, I wonder if only the map trade initiator gets to see cities/units, while the recipient only gets the terrain map? You didn't lose any city views that you already had, did you?
    IIRC Egypt has never had a view of Hittite cities. AFAIK map trades work correctly with civ2dip, not sure about F3.

    Speaking of city placement and trade exploits, Peaster, ... Or do you just favor a rapid, early expansion ala ICS?
    Yes. Just a habit of making cities ASAP.

    I hadn't even thought about it, but I'm adhering to one house rule I always use, for SP games: not to build cities with NONE Settlers, just use them as workers (since they are supposed to be slaves, it seems odd to let them build a city). That's one house rule we might want to consider, if we go with any, since it's scenario-specific.
    IMO "slaves" is just a label Kull used in the events to add flavor to the scenario, so the players can use them however they want.

    ST definitely wanted not to receive the techs.

    But might ST be more sensitive to his city/road network information that I am?
    OK. I will let the Persian/Greek experiments proceed, though it would be nice to have some instructions from the player in situations like this. Both civs look pretty ugly, with lots of barbs about.

    I doubt that ST cares much about revealing his cities, but he seems to enjoy exploring, so let's wait and let him decide about a map trade. BTW in Game #1 we had a house rule against trading maps before both civs had the "map making" tech (Persia/Greeks don't have it). Do we want this rule in Game #2 ? Does F3 enforce it, as it does in SP ? (I assume civ2dip does not).

    Absent any notes or directions, I was having the two southernmost units go in the general direction of the Sindbad Spearmen, via any known goody huts.

    There are two skirmishers lazily heading northwest, toward the Jason Spearmen
    Sinbad = OK. Jason = Not yet. Those barbs have forts and are probably too tough for skirms.

    Peaster, is this still stuff from the 3250 turn exercise you did? Does it always take...what...three turns to close out a transaction?
    When trading units, it requires civ2dip 3 times, within a "2 turn timespan". But something odd happened - the skirmisher could not move in 3240 OR 3230 ! Maybe ST or some lurker can explain this, as I am not really a civ2dip expert:

    Late 3250BC: Egypt gives the skirm to Assyria (Egypt makes the barter).
    3240BC: Assyria accepts it, but it is frozen (as expected). An unfreezing barter is made.
    Early 3230BC: Assyria applies the unfreezing barter. The skirmisher should be able to move, at least in a network game, but it cannot.
    3220BC: The skirmisher can move (I played ahead to check this).

    I have played to the end of 3230BC; report follows.


    • Assyria: Gave 1 tech to Egypt. Lost one skirmisher to a Ram, but a 2nd skirm won, and a LT beat a BI.

      To Platypus : Assyria is now yours! Probably the strongest civ in this game (except maybe the Hittites???)

      * I wasn't sure how safe Nin was, so I switched production to walls this turn. You can switch it back to granary, at the cost of a few shields - for example, if you need to make more units very soon.

      * All Assy cities look safe to me, until at least 3210, but you MAY want to rush a unit in 3220 to help your wounded units defend Calah.

      * If the skirmisher at (86,38) can't move, pls tell me. It is still homed to Memphis (Egypt). In Game #1, we required that a traded unit like this should be re-homed ASAP, but we have no rules on this yet in Game #2 AFAIK.

      * Move the EC west to take the barb town.

      BTW - a "town" in this scenario is really an airbase, so it is safe to stack units there, etc. Not sure if it gets a defense bonus though.

      Egypt: Only 11 visible barbs instead of the usual 14 or so. Maybe this horde is withering ? But a wounded Egytpian chariot stumbled into a barb in the desert/blackness and will probably be killed. Two more barbs defeated. A few techs given/traded with Minos.

      Persia: The eastern horde looks very close and dangerous. There are also problems with other barbs, support, happiness, etc (still in despotism). I hope to build a new walled city on hills to attract/stop the eastern barbs before they get too far. And hope for some luck against the other barbs.

      Greeks: Sparta somehow lives another turn, and Mycenae sends a skirm to help out.
      Attached Files


      • Minoans: 3 huts: cash, merc, tech (Sea Trade). Ugly orange horse is blocking access to one of the few remaining huts in Anatolia...should never have let them through the Bosphoros. Shared maps with Egypt, and COULD see the Hittite cities...interesting. It appears that the Egyptians really do "know" about the Hittite cities...they just don't know that they know it. Couldn't gift a tech to Egypt, try demanding/trading it next turn. And try another map trade from Egypt's perspective and confirm that you get the city/road placement, too.

        Minoans also announced its intention to recognize the independence of the Democratic Republic of Macedonia and guaranteed its liberty, while establishing a legal protectorate over its external affairs. Should a situation arise where Greek sovereignty should be appropriate in Macedonia, the Minoans would require that trade priveleges continue and nothing would impede or diminish commerce and happiness in the Republic. The National Front for the Liberation of Macedonia will assume military control of the province in about 10 years.

        2 Events: Steppe Tribes...Persians get Horsemen; and Storm from the Zagros. Eastern powers compare and see if you lost any units to the mighty Storm...Hittites didn't that I can tell.

        Hittites: 2 slave raids. Risked 5 more huts: merc, 2cash, tech (Currency), barb. Recuperating explorers being forced to run away from barbie hordes. Shared techs with Egypt, Assyria, Babs.

        Originally posted by Peaster
        ...In Game #1, we required that a traded unit like this should be re-homed ASAP, but we have no rules on this yet in Game #2 AFAIK.
        Well we've introduced something foreign to the game, so we need rules to control potential anomalies and exploits. I'd say the Game #1 rules should serve for the test, in general, unless someone objects. Certainly it seems to me the unit should be rehomed somewhere Assyrian. FWIW, if you could accomplish an F3 transfer, it would be either rehomed automatically or be NONE homed, I'm sure.

        Originally posted by Peaster
        Game #1 we had a house rule against trading maps before both civs had the "map making" tech (Persia/Greeks don't have it). Do we want this rule in Game #2 ? Does F3 enforce it, as it does in SP ?
        I assumed you needed Mapmaking to offer/accept the trade using the F3 in .hotseat, but I haven't tested it. We can try with the Persians/Greeks. His tech reservations may only extend to productive or military techs. But, best to wait on ST, I think.

        Originally posted by Peaster
        Sparta somehow lives another turn...
        I keep being surprised at how long it does that. Sometimes I wondered if the units just decided to vanish instead of attacking...

        Originally posted by Peaster
        ...Move the EC west to take the barb town...
        Barb town? What barb town...

        You're up Plat! Peaster, what were the PDF's about? I'm not sure I have them.
        Attached Files


        • Survived

          thats all folks

          anti steam and proud of it

          CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


          • Originally posted by RobRoy
            a) Ugly orange horse is blocking access to one of the few remaining huts in Anatolia...should never have let them through the Bosphoros.

            b) ... try another map trade from Egypt's perspective and confirm that you get the city/road placement, too.

            c) Eastern powers compare and see if you lost any units to the mighty Storm...Hittites didn't that I can tell.

            d) Certainly it seems to me the unit should be rehomed somewhere Assyrian. FWIW, if you could accomplish an F3 transfer, it would be either rehomed automatically or be NONE homed, I'm sure.

            e) I assumed you needed Mapmaking to offer/accept the trade using the F3 in .hotseat, but I haven't tested it.

            f) Barb town? What barb town...

            g) Peaster, what were the PDF's about? I'm not sure I have them.

            a) Hmm... you prefer purple horses ? The ugly orange horse popped the hut - and discovered an even uglier red horse ! .

            b) Did so, and can now see Hittite cities.

            c) An Assyrian city vanished this turn at (103,33) for no apparent reason - I guess it was the storm. Do you know exactly where it started? [this info may be in the events file, but IIRC there are several possible starting points]

            d) OK. Platy - pls rehome it ASAP. But I have not been able to give away ANY units using F3 (tried several ways on old saves).

            e) IMO you are correct. I tested this on old saves and could not arrange a map trade with Pers/Greeks.

            f) Grrrr! (on behalf of Platy)

            g) Platy and RobRoy - Pls look over the first 30 pages of the Game #1 thread, especially about rules options and useful DLs. ST posted a file (post #572, maybe page 20 or so). If that doesn't include the tech chart, look around for that post too.

            Assyria: [Played them again to save time]. One city has vanished... after rumors of a great storm. Won 2 of 3 battles vs barbs. The "Egyptian skirm" can move now.

            Egypt: Can see 13 barbs now. Lost the surprised chariot to a barb. Won 3/3 near cities. Can see H cities after new map trade. Some tech trade with Minos.

            Persia: Won 3/3 vs barbs, can delay city walls one more turn.

            Greeks: Sparta lives again. Won 1 of 2 battles. Hut = barb.
            RobRoy: pls remind Platypus to play Babs AND Assyria next turn
            Attached Files


            • Minoans - AAARGH! Those stupid Macedonians destroyed their whole city in an orgy of destruction! Damn! What a waste. I'd even purchased a granary there to help it grow! Seems like in SP a size one city generally survives as a barb city. Sigh... Also see two more red boats off my island...probably Sea Peoples...Double Sigh...slaves heading for the hills, again. The Storm God must be punishing my exploitive nature... Minoan traders adjust their sights and look toward Egyptian and Hittite markets. Point out the advantages to Hittites of building a massive trans-Anatolian highway

              Minoans dithering a bit, but will probably accept the role of BW sacrificial decides to pop 4 more huts: tech (Imp.Harness), 2mercs, gold.

              Hittites: Would really prefer NOT to be the BW lamb, but pops 4 huts, anyway: 3 mercs, barb, , The oft-frustrated High Priest finally directs his minions (as opposed to Minoans) to start a revolution.

              Originally posted by Peaster
              ...The ugly orange horse popped the hut - and discovered an even uglier red horse ! .
              Ahh, but not a total waste, as the greeks' ugly red horse proves useful in helping a Minoan unit achieve vet status, albeit painfully.

              Originally posted by Peaster
              ...An Assyrian city vanished this turn at (103,33) for no apparent reason - I guess it was the storm. Do you know exactly where it started? [this info may be in the events file, but IIRC there are several possible starting points]
              Yes, there are two storm events, the Zagros one starts in 106,28 or 126,42. We may want a scenario-specific house rule to ban garissoning the start locations for event barbies.

              Originally posted by Peaster
              ...I have not been able to give away ANY units using F3 (tried several ways on old saves).
              Tested again, after turn, with Hittites. Could gift units to Assyrians and Babs (only tried with Palace Guard). Couldn't gift to Persians. Couldn't test with Egypt. Tried reloading as Minoans, couldn't gift units to Egypt or Greeks. Sufficiently inconsistent and confusing as to make the feature unusable...we should probably try to figure out if we can nail down the parameters, though. Is Egypt properly "worshipful"? The Hittites and Minoans are. We can try allying Egypt with the Minoans or Hittites to see if that works.

              Originally posted by Peaster
              ...Grrrr! (on behalf of Platy)...
              Hey, there are still the two vet fortress towns, for now...odds not good until I heal/redeploy units.

              Platy, you're up. Remember the Assyrians have elected you their king (pending the theoretical return of their native ruler) and rejected the evil imperial overlords from Egypt. So play both.
              Attached Files


              • played both Bab and Assy

                Barbs everywhere....gads

                fortifying in most cities

                anti steam and proud of it

                CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                • RobRoy - so the AI accepts only units, like Palace Guards, that it cannot make itself ?

                  Egypt worships everbody, but when we made contact with the Minoans this turn, they immediately declared war ! The Minoan AI did not even waste time demanding tribute. I don't remember seeing this in SP. Egypt requests that Minoans make peace next turn and set attitude to W'ful. Also, a ship chain between our countries would speed up trade (if you get cvi2dip).

                  Platy - I took the liberty of checking the Assyrian position. I don't think you are in real danger, but I expected you to attack nearby barbs with Ladder Towers whenever possible... before they can attack you.

                  Egypt: Can see only 9 barbs now. Won 1 battle.
                  Persia: Arrrrr! Another horde spawned, almost in the center of the Persian civ. Without monarchy or chariot-making in sight, this civ does not look promising.
                  Greeks: Sparta lives on!! But next turn will be tough.

                  We are expecting a visit by a minor RL hurricane tomorrow, so I may be out of touch a few days (not too likely).
                  Attached Files


                  • Minoans: 1 hut for a barb Sea Peoples now pillaging freely on Crete. Egyptians declare: "You have wasted enough of our valuable time with your endless chatter. Now Begone!"

                    Hittites: again tempted fate with 5 huts: tech (B.Ram), barb, 2cash, merc. Latest horde vanished completely. Tried to contact and ally with Egyptians - rejected; couldn't transfer techs. Shared techs with Assyrians, Babs. Contacted war, but wouldn't ally either, traded B.Ram for Imp Harness.

                    Hittites and Minoans declare a temporary moratorium on hut hunting (there should still be quite a few in the southern deserts). Minoans will agree to be the BW victim if no one else wants to, but will wait several turns to get some trade flowing. Hut hunt at your own risk if you want to avoid the trade diminishing techs. Anyone consciously trying to avoid BW or Navigation, let me know if/when you're ready to receive B.Ram and Imp.Harness (if I didn't already give them to you). I'm pretty sure they are the last safe ones. But you'll need to set your science research to 0, if you have not already done so. And, please, don't give the Minoans or Hittites either Navigation or Bronze Weapons, if you decide to continue hut hunting and get "lucky".

                    Originally posted by Peaster
                    Egypt worships everbody, but when we made contact with the Minoans this turn, they immediately declared war ! The Minoan AI did not even waste time demanding tribute. I don't remember seeing this in SP. Egypt requests that Minoans make peace next turn and set attitude to W'ful.
                    Not sure why that happened. Certainly appears to be a problem. And the Minoans are still worshipful. Don't contact the Minoans next turn, I played ahead to see what would happen and Egyptian peace overtures would be rejected and it would make it impossible for the Minoans to contact you again. Minoans should be able to initiate peace overtures on their 3200 turn. Oh, and please don't kill anyone wandering around Libya.

                    Originally posted by Peaster
                    RobRoy - so the AI accepts only units, like Palace Guards, that it cannot make itself ?
                    No, that's not it. When I can gift, I've usually been able to do other units, too (Settlers, skirmishers). It's just that some cities are empty, so I've generally started testing with the Guard. And in any even, can't gift to Egypt as either Minoans or Hittites, and they clearly can't produce Guards, either. I'm thinking it has something to do with relative power...but that's not a sufficient or compelling explanation.

                    Originally posted by Peaster
                    We are expecting a visit by a minor RL hurricane tomorrow, so I may be out of touch a few days (not too likely).
                    Hope y'all weather it well.

                    You're up Plat! Both Babs and Assyrians, please.
                    Attached Files


                    • most of the barbs must be discovering the first tail gate party

                      nothing else to report

                      anti steam and proud of it

                      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                      • Egypt: See 11 barbs, no combat IIRC.

                        Did not attempt to contact any other civ. We could avoid the AI hostility with a civ2dip barter - it allows players to offer/accept Peace, Alliance, etc. I could probably do it myself [by pretending to be Minos], but one more turn of war should be no problem. I don't insist that anyone else uses civ2dip, but I begin to think it works much better than F3, so it should be allowed, at least.

                        BTW - it'd be sad to see Minos take BW, since they will depend so much on trade later in the game. And Good luck against the Sea Peoples.

                        Persia: Barbs everywhere!! Two defeated, last-minute walls built, gold decreasing fast .... but all cities seem safe for now.

                        Greeks: Sparta somehow survives, defended only by skirmishers.
                        Attached Files


                        • Minoans: moving...reorganizing...repositioning...Beat Sea People outside Kydonia, 2 Sea Peoples still outside Knossos...Guard should hold. Made peace with Egyptians. Allied with Hittites.

                          Hittites: also repositioning explorers, 1 town enslaved.

                          Originally posted by Peaster
                          We could avoid the AI hostility with a civ2dip barter - it allows players to offer/accept Peace, Alliance, etc. I could probably do it myself [by pretending to be Minos], but one more turn of war should be no problem. I don't insist that anyone else uses civ2dip, but I begin to think it works much better than F3, so it should be allowed, at least.
                          Probably should be allowed, if we decide that unit gifting is desirable. I'm not sure AI hostility really matters though. The AI will never be in a position to actually attack. In fact, I was thinking, as I made peace, that a state of war may be less subject to exploits than peace. The Hittites and Minoans are experimenting with an alliance, to see if it can last and if it's useful or a negative.

                          Originally posted by Peaster
                          BTW - it'd be sad to see Minos take BW, since they will depend so much on trade later in the game. And Good luck against the Sea Peoples.
                          Well, maybe someone else will decide to step up while they are getting their trade house reorganized...I'd been setting things up to trade with a barb Macedonia, but Macedon isn't there anymore. But, as we discussed before, the Minoans have an easier time getting the 2 continent bonsus, so it's the logical choice for the BW victim...but it'll all be done on the Minoans timetable...

                          Originally posted by Peaster
                          Greeks: Sparta somehow survives, defended only by skirmishers.
                          Yes, I'm starting to wonder about this. I know it's both river and hills, but something is starting to seem highly improbable. Wasn't ST speculating once that certain barbs were disappearing rather than attacking Sparta? When the Hittite barbs vanished, they did it in large groups, which were not particularly near a Hittite city.

                          Originally posted by Peaster
                          Also, a ship chain between our countries would speed up trade (if you get cvi2dip).
                          I'm missing something...sure it'd help the chain owner. But how would it help the other? And how would Civ2Dip fit in?

                          Experimented with F3 unit gifts, again, after turn. For Minoans, no one accepted anything. For Hittites, everyone but Persia accepted.

                          Did anyone decide they wanted Improved Harness and/or Battering Ram, if they didn't already get them?

                          Platy, you're Babs and Assyrians are up next!
                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by RobRoy

                            a) Beat Sea People outside Kydonia,

                            b) the Minoans have an easier time getting the 2 continent bonsus, so it's the logical choice for the BW victim.

                            c) Yes, I'm starting to wonder about this. I know it's both river and hills, but something is starting to seem highly improbable. Wasn't ST speculating once that certain barbs were disappearing rather than attacking Sparta? When the Hittite barbs vanished, they did it in large groups, which were not particularly near a Hittite city.

                            d) I'm missing something...sure it'd help the chain owner. But how would it help the other? And how would Civ2Dip fit in?

                            e) Did anyone decide they wanted Improved Harness and/or Battering Ram, if they didn't already get them?
                            a) Curious how you beat them... ? They have good stats on both attack and defense.

                            b) Ahh... yes, BW would balance the overseas bonus. But IMO Minos is handicapped wrt huts and land for expansion. So, I'd like them to have full trade bonuses (but not enough for Egypt to fall on the BW sword)

                            c) I don't think any barbs have disappeared in Greece recently. A few have passed by the cities, but there are still at least 20 or so nearby. IIRC, barbs have severe penalties when attacking cities in the early years of SP games - maybe that factor is helping Greece. But ST knows such game mechanics much better than I do.

                            d) For example, the southern half of the ship-chain would be Egyptian and the northern half would be Minoan. When an Egyptian van gets to the end of the Egyptian part, it [and its boat] would have to be given to Minos. AFAIK you can't do that with F3 but you can do it with civ2dip. Of course, the same chain could be used to send Minoan vans to Egypt.

                            AFAIK this technique is considered normal in most PBEMs since it possible to do the same thing in MP sessions.

                            e) Egypt would be happy to have these techs. BRams should be good against barbs in forts.


                            • Originally posted by Peaster
                              a) Curious how you beat them... ? They have good stats on both attack and defense.

                              b)...IMO Minos is handicapped wrt huts and land for expansion. So, I'd like them to have full trade bonuses...

                              c) ...IIRC, barbs have severe penalties when attacking cities in the early years of SP games - maybe that factor is helping Greece. But ST knows such game mechanics much better than I do.

                              d) For example, the southern half of the ship-chain would be Egyptian and the northern half would be Minoan. When an Egyptian van gets to the end of the Egyptian part, it [and its boat] would have to be given to Minos. AFAIK you can't do that with F3 but you can do it with civ2dip. Of course, the same chain could be used to send Minoan vans to Egypt.

                              AFAIK this technique is considered normal in most PBEMs since it possible to do the same thing in MP sessions.

                              e) Egypt would be happy to have these techs. BRams should be good against barbs in forts.
                              a) Ah...but Palace Guards have better stats...and which is the only civ with an extra Palace Guard?

                              b) Well, the Minoans would like that too, but we'll see. It's possible someone will decide all those southern desert goody huts are worth the trade-off, perhaps even the Hittites. In any event, the Minoans are talking about many turns in the future, while they get their house back in order.

                              c) Yeah, I've seen some incredible city defenses in SP, usually associated with rivers, now that I think about it. I wasn't aware it was turn dependent.

                              d) So you're basically trading the whole fleet back and forth between turns? And the units stay in place? Sounds a bit odd. Overly exploitive? Neither .net negotiation nor SP or .hot F3 diplomacy allows that, to the best of my knowledge.

                              e) Will do.


                              • what I(Assy) killed a barb unit, somebody pinch me

                                Babs are managing a good defense

                                anti steam and proud of it

                                CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be

