Originally posted by Peaster
...This time they did not instantly declare war, but they did instantly dissolve our alliance...It seems F3 isn't very reliable in a PBEM.
...This time they did not instantly declare war, but they did instantly dissolve our alliance...It seems F3 isn't very reliable in a PBEM.

Naww, don't replay...just a test. But you cost me a slave and 5 turns toward a caravan delivery.

Yeah, at least for the Minoans, F3 isn't working out so well. Maybe if/when I put a city on the continent, the equations will change. Let's try a war state for awhile, though, now that our units aren't liable to attack each other accidently. Maybe gifts can be possible as, or after, peace agreements (if we stay worshipful). Refresh my memory on unit gifts in Civ2Dip - units stay in place and are still homed in their originating city? So that won't really help with caravan exchanges, will it?
Minoans: Reposition units, once again. Sea People swarming all around, but seem attracted to Palace Guard cities, not weak ones. Still got one slave.
Hittites: Latest Horde inching a few more units toward Kussara (now reasonably defended), killed a BI. Sea People wandering toward Guard. Map trades, except for non-worshipful Babs. Found a stray barb leader = Christmas!

You're up Platy, both Babs and Assyrians, until further notice, please.