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Imperialism 1870 v2.0 PBEM

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  • Originally posted by JamesJKirk
    Also, welcome aboard Kobra, I look forward to good relations between our great nations.
    Thanks! I'm Eivind IV from CivFan and CDG if you didn't know

    Originally posted by germanos

    This is to prevent double movement of a unit in one turn. For example: I give a unit( let's say a transport with Mfg.Goods ) to France (after I have sailed 11 squares), France moves the unit also 11 squares, and gives it back to me.
    22 squares moved in one turn...
    Obviously, we should agree that when receiving a unit via online trading, the receiving player should be required to let the unit rest as well.
    Thant's cheating imho anyways, not a bug. It's pretty obvious.
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


    • Milan, Government Fall
      After a months-long siege of Milan, heroic German troops finally attacked and took the city, avenging the absurd declaration of war by Italy. Though the city was relatively lightly defended, its natural defenses helped make the attack on the city costly. Nevertheless, with the assistance of the SMS Keiner, forces were able to march into and hold the city. Following this, the Italian government agreed to a peace treaty and paid 350 gold in reparations.
      Once the city was firmly under control, the Foreign Ministry issued a declaration with France stating that Rome and Messina are to be considered free cities under the protection of France and Germany, and no other power should attempt to tamper with their sovereignty.
      As Milan was the former territory of the Austrian Empire, former Emperor Franz Joseph used the excuse that since it was his former domain, and since Austrian troops primarily carried out the assault on the city, he should be Kaiser of the entire Reich. This caused a scandal in Berlin, where the Reichstag quickly passed a resolution announcing the end of the monarchy and parliamentary supremacy. Speaker Kautsky stated, "The controversy with the Hapsburgs shows that absolute monarchy is a relic of a world long gone. Therefore a government of the people is the only that can rule Germany correctly, and without the constant royal intrigue and backstabbing." Kaiser Wilhelm has agreed to voluntarily abdicate once a new Constitution is agreed on. However, in the turmoil, one of Franz Joseph's nephews has been assassinated while on a goodwill tour of Milan, and many German cities are expected to starve in the coming months, as arch-monarchists have burned many food stores. Both the interim government and the citizenry hope it's not long before law and order regain the upper hand in Germany.

      World Report
      Defense and Foreign Ministry officials reported spotting Russian warships off the coast of Sweden. The government states it is not alarmed, but proposes to Russia that from now on the Baltic Sea be demilitarized.

      Germany has asked that Britain sign a formal (ie. in game) alliance with Germany so that its trade goods do not clog up Germany railways.

      Germany has agreed to share the knowledge of Republican government with its Japanese friends.
      Attached Files


      • Here's the civdip file for Japan:

        And don't worry Eivind, I know who you are
        Attached Files


        • Japan is delighted by the prospect of founding a Republic, and we thank Germany, France and the United States for their efforts to make this possible. Russia's efforts to spread the knowledge have also contributed a lot, and it will not be forgotten y the Japanese.

          News of cooperation between Germany and France in the Mediterranian basin is applauded by the Japanese Foreign Ministry.
          "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
          "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


          • I downloaded the file, played my turn and then remind that it was America's turn.

            Sorry for that
            Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


            • Hey a page or two back someone brought up building trade units in one city and re-homing them to another city is cheating/ exploitive or whatever you want to call it, against the "rules"..

              Im not following why, but can someone explain?

              And then can we confirm whether its legal or not?

              Because I almost started doing that with Moscow LAST turn. But I started another unit instead.

              And I dont want to do something, unknowingly, that will look like Im cheating or using an exploit or violating house rules.

              And maybe we need to gather and post the house rules or the assumed house rules, all agree, and then move forward.

              Especially with two brand new players.

              What do you guys think?
              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • I don't like Rehoming too much, but I don't consider it cheating unles there is a house rule against it.

                And if someone dare to call you, Steve, a cheater I'll fall into him/her and he'll regret having say so
                Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                • Originally posted by yaroslav
                  I don't like Rehoming too much, but I don't consider it cheating unles there is a house rule against it.

                  And if someone dare to call you, Steve, a cheater I'll fall into him/her and he'll regret having say so
                  Thanks my friend

                  I just want to decide one way or the other, I didn't see any problem with it, but can certainly live without it, SOOOO

                  Whatever we do is fine, I just want to make sure

                  I just wanna play the game
                  *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                  • Rehoming TRADE-units is an exploit, and should be banned IMO.

                    Reason: unlike all other units, trade units cannot be rehomed by pressing 'h'. Try it, and you will get a popup saying you can't do that.
                    there is a way around it though, by selecting the trade-unit in the city, and then choose the 'set homecity' from the popup-menu.

                    Since 'normal' procedure will NOT allow you to rehome, I consider using the exploit as a 'nono' .

                    All other units can be rehomed without any problem.
                    "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                    "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                    • I agree with Germanos, and I'm pro-banning this behaviour.
                      Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                      • OK guys fair enough by me.

                        Unless we get a big arguement from the others, Ill go along with banning rehoming.
                        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                        • That's fine by me, just how exactly is it a cheat? Is it because it frees up commodities from the original city?

                          EDIT: By the way guys, there's an opening here for a player in the PBEM for the new scenario by curtsibling, Dictator: Kaiser, if anyone's interested
                          Last edited by JamesJKirk; May 1, 2004, 16:50.


                          • President Grant has strangly disappeared without so much as a notice. Those close to the president have no clue what so ever of the whereabouts of the President. This is the first time in the short independent US history that a statesman has vanished in such a strange manner. This is the conversation subject all over the counrty. Everyone is out looking for the president. The people expect the worst, but hope for his return. There is no reson to suspect something criminal around his disapearance.

                            In the mean time, the popular vice-president Eivind has been installed as working president during the investigation.

                            All world leaders mustn't worry, the working president Eivind will continue the foreign and domestic policy the missing president had.

                            A US backed revolution in Panama quickly sworn its legiance to the popular vice-president in their big brother country in the northern part of America. As a gesture of gratitude they started to build what is to be known as the Panama Canal. In a mere month the canal was ready.

                            Trade sent to Europe and towards Australia.
                            Attached Files
                            Find my civ2 scenarios here

                            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                            • So the president "mysteriously" disappeared with no trace, and the VP takes over.

                              Does the VP happen to have any mofia connections?
                              Wizards sixth rule:
                              "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
                              Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


                              • No comments
                                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

