vmxa, I agree ... this is reasonable change in some cases, but I'd rather change it according to the starting tech level (for sure I would change it in an advanced game).
The AHW is reducing the importance of your starting point, so you can easily survive situations like the one described by the booklord. I am playing AHW to acquire the techs I need for an attack as early as possible. Usually I am not settling around but instead I go for capturing of the enemy colonies, and ships if possible, not for other reason but for the money :-) Anyway in most cases their races are better then mine, or at least there is a few of them that are better ....
Booklord, in the game you described instead of trying to make an alliance with the Alkaries you'd have done better if conquered them. I don't know what your other bonuses were but if they were artifacts and large HW you could make it.
If you want try the race I described a few posts ago, and limit yourself to only one colony, no Colony bases or ships, even if you have good planets. If you play well then you'll have to be able to win every game even with this one planet ....
For the spies .... You have to be careful and to look when the first spy will come. Just demand from them to "stop spying". If they are in good relations with you then the chance that they agree is nearly 100%. The AI seems to be always somewhat "ashamed" from spying. Even the darloks when they are not repulsive easily agree with that.
For the aliances - you can try to make alliance if they are the same government as you are. If not then you will need lots of diplomatic bonuses to do that - Xeno Psychology, Diplomat* Leaders, and Charismatic or Telepathic if you have any of these traits. The good attitude is necessary condition for making treaties, but it is not enough by itself. If they do not agree you'll have to try again when you get one or more of the above things.
The AHW is reducing the importance of your starting point, so you can easily survive situations like the one described by the booklord. I am playing AHW to acquire the techs I need for an attack as early as possible. Usually I am not settling around but instead I go for capturing of the enemy colonies, and ships if possible, not for other reason but for the money :-) Anyway in most cases their races are better then mine, or at least there is a few of them that are better ....
Booklord, in the game you described instead of trying to make an alliance with the Alkaries you'd have done better if conquered them. I don't know what your other bonuses were but if they were artifacts and large HW you could make it.
If you want try the race I described a few posts ago, and limit yourself to only one colony, no Colony bases or ships, even if you have good planets. If you play well then you'll have to be able to win every game even with this one planet ....
For the spies .... You have to be careful and to look when the first spy will come. Just demand from them to "stop spying". If they are in good relations with you then the chance that they agree is nearly 100%. The AI seems to be always somewhat "ashamed" from spying. Even the darloks when they are not repulsive easily agree with that.
For the aliances - you can try to make alliance if they are the same government as you are. If not then you will need lots of diplomatic bonuses to do that - Xeno Psychology, Diplomat* Leaders, and Charismatic or Telepathic if you have any of these traits. The good attitude is necessary condition for making treaties, but it is not enough by itself. If they do not agree you'll have to try again when you get one or more of the above things.