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Custom Race- Best Stats?

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  • Custom Race- Best Stats?

    Lately the main things ive been wanting is best industrial stat, best research stat, and democracy. what should i be aiming for?

  • #2
    Democracy is very expensive, +7 or 6, not my fav choice. Creative is a more useful choice (+6 or 8). You need to take as many negs as possible to have enough points to do it. Spy, Combat are good minus choices. Low -G can be used as well. If you want to get a high score then you need to not use all of your points. +1 or +2 research is about all I would spend.


    • #3
      Aquatic can be quite nice
      "God does not play dice." - Albert Einstein.
      "Einstein was wrong. Not only does God play dice, but the dice are loaded!" - Erwin Schroedinger


      • #4
        Originally posted by vmxa1
        Democracy is very expensive, +7 or 6, not my fav choice. Creative is a more useful choice (+6 or 8).
        Besides, with democracy other players can steal you blind. But if you must play democracy, try lithovore, democracy, artifacts world.
        You get so much good tech in the beginning, and i've spoken to other players who swear by it. ( I personally dont like them bec their production sux).
        As a beginner player, creative is useful, but if you're an expert its better to spend the pts elsewhere since you can get your missing tech anyway from stealing, conquering, or demanding.

        I'll put two other posts for good race choices.


        • #5
          I am not sure what an expert is, but to me the choices are about what you are trying to accomplish (Single Player mode). Playing for fun, I like creative as I enjoy getting new tech, playing for score I skip it as it is expensive and the points are better use as a score modifier, playing to experiment take it or leave it, depends on what you are testing. I am knowledgeable, but not an expert I suspect, even though I have won at all levels. Moo1 I am an expert.


          • #6
            I used to play with this (in moo2 version 1.2):
            - unification (no morale, increased food&ind)
            - subterranean (a MUST!)
            - creative (used to be must, not anymore)
            - -20% spies, ship off., ship def.
            - -10% ground combat

            ... there were some variations in the negatives. I don't like the creative option anymore. It makes the game veeeryyy booooriiiing... , so I have started playing with uncreative races (randomnes is nice - but not in the biology techs: who needs death spores?)
            I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


            • #7
              My favourites (without the patch which bumped creative up to 8pts).

              Creative (6)
              Telepathic (6) ?
              Omniscient (3)
              Cybernetic (4)

              Spying (-2) ?
              Ground combat (-2)
              Growth (-4)
              And one other (I forget which)

              I don't think I've ever lost with this combo (All on imposs but with a huge galaxy).


              • #8
                Creative is the best, but it's not very fun, it's too easy.

                So I take

                lowg, -10 ground combat, -1/2food
                Subterranean, cybernetic, telepathic, +10 spy, large HW.
                Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                • #9
                  Ravagon, it must be Poor HW -1.
                  I forgot, I should mention, I use 1.31 so creative is 8. As I recall they made significant changes to the play over 1.2. The AI was too willing to give up systems and they made it so the attacker goes first when attacking planets. This is huge as often the battle can be lost if they go fist or at least more damage is suffered.
                  IMO play impossible on a small universe on 1.31 can not be done with out cheating. I have won on Huge, but not on small. They are on you too soon and steal every thing you have. I am talking about 6 or more players, a low number may work, not sure. By turn 150 they have shown up with 9 or 10 systems and are stealing and killing my spies. On huge it takes 300 turns often before they show up and I can have more spies in place and defenses.


                  • #10
                    I'll have to try that. I'd play advanced tech though, and creative but you might consider that cheating
                    Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                    • #11
                      Unification(6) + Tolerant(10) + +1 Industry(3) + Large HW(1)
                      Repulsive(-6) + -1 Ground Combat(-2) + -1 Ship Defense(-2)

                      Easiest race in the game, since you can't have more production than this! More prod means more colony bases and c. ships, so you have more pop, and therefor more science.

                      Sweet, sweet race!
                      "BANANA POWAAAAH!!! (exclamation Zopperoni style)" - Mercator, in the OT 'What fruit are you?' thread
                      Join the Civ2 Democratic Game! We have a banana option in every poll just for you to vote for!
                      Many thanks to Zealot for wasting his time on the jobs section at Gamasutra - MarkG in the article SMAC2 IN FULL 3D?
                      Always thought settlers looked like Viking helmets. Took me a while to spot they were supposed to be wagons. - The pirate about Settlers in Civ 1


                      • #12
                        Uncreative + Repulsive

                        Gives something of a challenge on Impossible and will inflate
                        your score with a whooping 340%. Can't beat that.
                        "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                        "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                        • #13
                          I actually like to play with adv tech, it jump starts the game.
                          Uncreative and repulsive are super since I like to be at war all the time anyway.
                          I do not use Unification normally, since you don't need the boost that badly. I like subtrean for the boost in pop. Like I said before, you can win with most any setting on most levels. I would not include impossible levle though. On that level you need all the help you can get, especially on smaller universes. I just now finished an impossible level, but had to do it on Huge map.
                          +1 prodution, -10 ground combat (everyones fav), low g -5, unification 6 (ok, wanted the boost), subteranean 6, -20 ship attack -2, warlord 4. 6 races and adv tech.


                          • #14
                            Moom, I should mention that you can't beat the 340, but you can match it with any combination that has the full -10 picks and does not use any positive picks. That is if you research Fungi. I wish you had not mentioned it though. I looked at my high score run and it was done with 280, so now I will have to make another run to see if I can do it with 340. The score was 13910 on a med universe. I am not sure how it will come out as
                            658 turns score
                            3213 pop
                            300 eliminate players
                            185 captured
                            250 anatarian
                            262 tech
                            100 ORION
                            4968 x 280 = 13910

                            turn score may go down, eliminate will surely go down,
                            the other part is the population. I had subteranean so I will lose pop. I just do not know if the loss is large enough to offset the extra 60%. I would think not. I will get around to trying this later. It is a bit of a pain to make the scoring runs and not much fun. That is why I have not tried it with a bigger universe. That would up the score, but make the pain greater than I can stand.
                            My guess is about 14,790 for a run at 340 on med.
                            The scoring and custom races are the items that has started to make me put Moo2 over Moo1. The thing that holds me back is I still play more Moo1 than Moo2. Tuff call.
                            Last edited by vmxa1; May 10, 2002, 02:14.


                            • #15
                              BTW you could run up a bit more in captured if you do not elimate the AI as fast as you can, but would take more turns, not sure if it is worth it. My friend let them retake planets so he could capture more people. If they gave 2 points for each capture, like they say they do it would work for sure. By that point in the game you are begging to end it and do not want to put it off any longer.

