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World of Warcraft

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  • I've always said I'd quit the game if it became too much like work. And at 70 it's work. Esp. if you have a profession. I'm thinking of abandoning leatherworking and just take another gathering prof. I'm at 351 right now. Though I want to make the netherfury set for my shaman. It takes so many primal waters and mana. Pain in the ass. 2 of the 3 set are yellow, so if I'm lucky I might get 3 lw pops and bring it up to 354. But the farming for those mats are insane. I got all the crystal leather up in the western part of blades edge mountains (need flying mount to get there) near ogri la. I have enough heavy knothide. I also have enough fel hide to make this one thing I'm thinking about making (though it doesn't have agility, so I'm not sure if I want to equip it for my hunter- it does have 2 sockets though). If I get pops on the yellows that would bring me up to 355.

    I'm stuck at the primals though. I was doing good all day with connection till now. I can't use steady shot when I'm lagging. And I got disconnected once up in the elemental plateau. Lucky I didn't die, I can't reach my body up there.

    Air elementals in nagrand are hard to find. They are so spread out. too much travel time. Though I hear there's a bunch in shadowmoon valley. I'll have to check that out.

    But this is just insane amounts of work. I still need 20 more pops after all this to max out lw. I'm down to 100g so buying the mats is out of the question.

    And until I can resolve my internet problem, I really can't run instances. It has been better last 2 days. It works at night. Which leads me to think it's a heat issue again. Working good today until late afternoon.

    I'm about to say **** it. I'm sticking with greens and lower level chars. I don't want a game that's a job.


    • and what does pew pew mean? I looked it up in urban dictionary, but can't seem to find the right definition as it applies to wow. I seen a guild name with this in it. And I see posts in some wow forums with this.

      Damn kids and their phrases... :grrr:


      • Can't help your with that one.

        The best guild name I've seen is "Pwncakes and Roffles".


        • Pew pew is the sound lasers make.


          • Originally posted by Hot Mustard
            The best guild name I've seen is "Pwncakes and Roffles".
            That's brilliant and awesome!!!


            • i think pew pew means pwning someone or something. It's a stupid expression, but so is pwning.


              • I cancelled my account. This is a very difficult thing to do. I don't think you all realize how hard this is after seeing the little picutre of the orc with a tear coming out of his eye when you go to the cancel screen. . Awwww. And at the bottome there's a human guy begging.

                I'm still paid up till december though. If I can somehow resolve my internet problems I may renew... The game is still playable in solo play. But it wouldn't be fair for me to run an instance with the number of disconnects. You can't have your healer disconnect every few minutes or so (when it's bad). Though sometimes I an go hours and hours without a disconnect. Though it seems like night time is best. Maybe I'll try an instance at night (harder to get groups then though).

                but man, that orc guy crying is powerful stuff. They sure know how to manipulate you into keeping your account.


                • I cancelled a few months back. I just don't have the time to raid any more. Plus my guild that I really liked split in two (although everyone is still friendly) and a lot of people I liked went with the hardcore side. As well as that, all my long term friends in the game bar one had recently cancelled (and the girl who didn't basically lives full time in Azeroth).
                  Only feebs vote.


                  • I'm just at a point I know I'm starting to get bored with a game. I know this from civ experience.

                    sometimes I'll stare at the setup screens of a civ game and can't decide which civ to play. I usually do this when I'm bored with the game (though I still do play civ4, but at times I get burned out). Now I stare at the character screen and can't figure out what char I want to play.

                    As I said I'm not willing to put in the work for end game stuff. Not even for maxing my leatherworking. The amount of primals you need is insane. not to mention the crystal infused leather. I got some from the boars up in the very western part of blades edge mountains, but the drop rate wasn't that great. I think I'll switch to a gathering profession and call it a day. Hell, my shammy got herbalism maxed at 390 at level 63. real easy to max those . But I may try one more time to get that dragonscale leatherworking recipe- I think you need 365 to get it, I'm not sure.

                    I guess the point is doing dailies to make money to buy the mats for leatherworking. Or sell your service. It's hard selling leatherworking services, it's not a popular profession. I see very little calls for a lw on the trade channel. Except maybe for a riding crop (I do have this recipe). Maybe I'll try selling riding crops to make money. that's one thing I haven't thought of. Perhaps I'm not doing this profession thing right.

                    But I'm getting kind of bored with my middle level chars as well. I still love my druid though. But don't want to push him up to 70. Other chars I liked at first, I'm getting bored of: Paladin, warrior, priest, rogue, mage. Though my fire mage is kinda fun. It's fun killing things with 3 spells sometimes . pyro, fireball, fireblast=dead. assuming it's a lower level than me by like 2 levels, or I get crits. My warlock I'm absolutely sick to death of.


                    • lol at staring at menu screen. I do that too.

                      my last week of playing WoW happened to be AV weekend. If you want fast results for repetitive farming, you should try honor farming at AV. Its fun for while when u replace ur gear with almost all epic as soon as u hit 70 but even that gets boring though cause well... its repetitive.

                      i stopped lvling LW at 350 exact to just sell riding crop. I stopped farming with my main and mail mats from my alts who still get world drops in outland for lvling. You can also sell mining bags if ur rep is high enough to get recipe from nagrand. and it sells well depending on who you sell it to.

                      crafting professions arent really useful unless u are specifically looking to gain something from having 375 skill... and it costs way too much to max the skill. LW is one of the cheapest to lvl and even that isnt worth it... and it has very little benefits.

                      All my alts went 2 gathering profession after i learned that from my main who went skin/LW. If you absolutely want to craft still, i suggest enchant and JC cause those are still semi-gathering skill in a way.


                      • yeah I have mining bag. mats for that are expensive. I just don't know if anyone would be stupid enough to pay that much for a bag.

                        but perhaps I don't place much importance on bags. you can buy a regular mining bag from thrallmar.

                        what do people do with these speciality bags? I would never equip it on my person. I did buy a mining bag for my pally, but the bag is in the bank holding mining materials. but it can't hold blackmsithing stuff .

                        I always wondered about those specialty bags. My lock has a soul stone bag for instance. I'd rather keep them in a regular bag. I never carry around more than 8 anyways, though perhaps I should for dungeons. I usually carry 6 or 7 and try to keep the number there.


                        • My Druid (Herbalist/Alchemist) has a size 20 Herb Bag that I paid 20 gold for. I had hoped to buy one from one of the higher tailors in my guild, but it would have taken too long.

                          Seeing as size 20 is much larger then any other bag I have, and I saw an equivalent bag (size 20 regular) on the AH for 360 Gold I figured it was a worthwhile price to pay, and I am happy with the purchase. For me to get that much space with regular bags would take a while.

                          So to answer your question, I think the person that would buy a specialty bag is someone that can't afford to buy a similar size regular bag and uses their profession quite a bit.

                          I can't imagine having a quiver and a speciality bag equiped however, as using up two bag slots like that would be too much I think.

                          "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                          • oh, and as for people spending stupid amounts for things, I am amazed every time I sell something in the Auction House for some absurd amount of coin.

                            Sometimes I am confused how things I think should sell don't, and htings I think should be much cheaper sell right away (usually bought out) for a crazy amount.

                            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                            • Install Auctioneer and do a scan at the end of each play session - in time it will collect enough data to show reasonably accurate "market prices" for things, and you'll better appreciate what things are worth.


                              • You can also get a sense from other auctions. You wont know what mats are popular unless you are an expert in all quests and unique craftables for all classes, so always assume what you have might be worth something the first time you try to sell it.

