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World of Warcraft

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  • Here's a good restoration/feral levelling spec, up to lvl40 ish.
    Talent Tree Calculator for World of Warcraft The War Within. Theorycraft your character builds, plan, and export your talent tree loadouts.

    I suggest investing the Restoration points first, because Omen of Clarity is nice and so for that matter are Furor and Naturalist.

    Here's a suggestion on how to extend it up through Restoration, if you're into Healing.
    Talent Tree Calculator for World of Warcraft The War Within. Theorycraft your character builds, plan, and export your talent tree loadouts.

    Alternatively, since Druids can heal pretty well even when Feral, you might want to continue up Feral to Heart of the Wild
    Talent Tree Calculator for World of Warcraft The War Within. Theorycraft your character builds, plan, and export your talent tree loadouts.

    Both those take you up to Lvl50ish.

    At lvl50, it is recommended to Respec (for 1g! )

    The Pure Feral build gets Mangle for very good damage:
    Talent Tree Calculator for World of Warcraft The War Within. Theorycraft your character builds, plan, and export your talent tree loadouts.

    Alternatively, if you use the "Feral" build which goes up to Heart of the Wild, you could just start investing in more Restoration without a respec. Heart of the Wild is good for all Druids!
    In this case your final 70 build looks something like this:
    Talent Tree Calculator for World of Warcraft The War Within. Theorycraft your character builds, plan, and export your talent tree loadouts.

    Anyway definitely spend the points, because you kill faster and can thus more than earn the gold needed for respecs. It's only 1g the first time, and 5g the second time. You shouldn't need to respec more than twice anyway (at least as a casual player).


    • Originally posted by Dis
      pushed my druid up 4 levels yesterday. I really love druids. Just takes them a while to get good. The first 20 levels are tough. He's 34 now.
      No wonder you are encountering so many noobs. For the most part, the people you meet at low levels will be noobs, or more rarely experienced players levelling up alts. You'll get much better parties at the level cap.

      And you really should try to find the server's mature players guild. Every server has one or two of these, and it will improve your gaming experience so much.

      As for my hunter, hunters seem to be regarded as noob classes, and I just don't have that much interest in him except to farm money. It's still fun playing with the char, but seems to be lacking in the party mentality.
      The problem with hunters is that every idiot wants to be Legolas or Sephiroth. If well played, hunters are one of the best classes to instance with. A good hunter can basically insulate a party from wipes due to bad pulls, and can deal out great damage (used to be awesome damage, but the nerf bat struck a while back).

      As a rule, if you want a good party, avoid all elves unless you absolutely cannot. If you are Alliance, take anyone else (except a NE) in preference to a human, and if you are horde take anything in preference to a BE or undead. On the Alliance side, dwarves tend to attract a higher proportion of good players, and on the Horde side trolls and Tauren tend to be the better players.
      Only feebs vote.


      • Originally posted by Dis

        I still have been unable to get my crit chance above 20%.
        This is because Blizzard hit hunters hard when BC came out. When the new talents came out just before the expansion, hunters were literally gods. They would even smack the hell out of warlocks. Reasonably well geared hunters would just lay down crit after crit. Blizz increased our DPS, but made it harder to increase crit. If you have the arena gear, your DPS will be gimp, but your crit chance higher. If you have instance gear, your DPS will be great, but your crit chance will be gimp.

        The nerfs to hunters are one of the reasons I stopped playing.

        I hear all the time this is nothing for most players. I can't find the equipment to do it.
        Again, it depends on whether you are using the PvP gear or PvE gear. It used to be the case that the PvE gear was generally better than the PvP gear for PvP. They changed the itemization in the expansion.

        Should I go for crit chance? It gives my pet more focus and allows me to use the kill command. though kill command isn't a bid deal, it's only used to even out the threat produced by the crit. So is the focus bonus come to think of it. Perhaps I should concentrate more on dps. I don't know.
        If you are beast mastery, then go 41/20/0. That will get you the best talents in the marksman tree along with all the good BM stuff. What you need to aim for with equipment is relatively high attack speed. The idea is to turn yourself into a machine gun by spamming autoshot and steadyshot while hitting kill command whenever it is up. This is hard to do correctly, as you need to avoid clipping your subsequent auto shots (I had a macro that I kept hitting that would just fire auto or steady depending on what was up – with a fast weapon, Rapid Fire, FI and IAOTH it was like a having a Gatling gun).

        Take Lethal Shots, Improved Hawk, GFTT, Rapid Killing (useful for the rapid fire cooldown), Aimed Shot and Mortal Shots.

        In Beast Mastery, take Imp Hawk, Focused Fire, Unleashed Fury, Ferocity, Intimidation, Bestial Discipline, Frenzy, Ferocious Insipration, Bestial Wrath, Serpent's Swiftness and The Beast Within (the other points you can put where you like in the BM tree).

        This will make your pet hit fast and hard, and will keep Frenzy up all the time, which means that FI is up pretty much all the time, and Kill Command will be up most of the time.

        The other thing to note is to make sure that your pet gets full buffs. If possible make sure you are grouped with a warrior using Battle Shout for the melee attack power buff (harder in 5 mans). A strange mechanic of the game is that buffs add a lot more damage to your pet than they do to player characters, and a buffed BM pet is a shredding machine in instances. Pet buffs are absolutely necessary, and some buff classes don't know this.

        Make sure to use BW whenever it is up, and you will make a lot of friends.
        Only feebs vote.


        • Originally posted by Dis
          oh and if you want more challenge, try playin wow whilst drunk
          Beat this.

          Drunk in Upper Blackrock Spire (loads of empty beers on my desk). I have to kite Drakkisath. Everything goes well with the kite, but the tank dies when he is down to about 10% and the party starts to wipe. Soon, there is only me left standing by the door to Drak's room. So I solo kite him over the bridge and all the way to the beast's room, stopping to fire and unload all I have on him. With my last burst before I run out of space, I manage to score lucky crits and he just dies there in front of me. Cue drunken yelling on Vent.

          The weirdest thing is that the same sequence of events had happened a couple of weeks before, and I had solo killed Drak in what seemed a fluke. After the second time, the guild made me the honorary guild dragonslayer.
          Only feebs vote.


          • Originally posted by Agathon

            As a rule, if you want a good party, avoid all elves unless you absolutely cannot. If you are Alliance, take anyone else (except a NE) in preference to a human, and if you are horde take anything in preference to a BE or undead. On the Alliance side, dwarves tend to attract a higher proportion of good players, and on the Horde side trolls and Tauren tend to be the better players.
            Wow that's some wide sweeping generalizations.
            While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


            • You guys are still playing WOW? You should try out Chore Wars. Its the new thing. I hear its as much fun as WOW and, as an added benefit, you get real work done.

              Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


              • Originally posted by vee4473

                Wow that's some wide sweeping generalizations.
                It's also largely true. Another one is that women are less hassle to party with than men.

                We couldn't function in this world, or in a virtual world without some sweeping generalizations.
                Only feebs vote.


                • Originally posted by vee4473

                  Wow that's some wide sweeping generalizations.
                  Yeah it was almost as if Asher were back.


                  • Originally posted by nostromo
                    You guys are still playing WOW? You should try out Chore Wars.
                    I have an epic vacuum cleaner, but I rarely use it these days!


                    • sometimes I think about giving up the game. When it comes to outside general solo mob grinding there really isn't any difference between 70 and 10. The game has the same difficulty. I guess that's what heroics and raids are for. More difficulty.

                      But the point is monsters scale with your power. So killing things doesn't get any easier at 70. Though there is an increase in damage mobs do in outlands. I know my pet takes a beating. I have yet to take a melee class there, so we'll see how that goes... Probably just have to eat more.

                      Actually levels 1-20 seem to be the most challenging . Every class has their sweet spot I think. For my hunter it's 70 . But I think enhancement shammies is 40's. and that's where my enh shammy is at. He kicks major ass. But enhancement becomes less viable in outlands I hear.

                      so is there any reason to get my chars to 70?


                      • Not really. But you probably will anyway.


                        • LOOTS!!
                          While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                          • To quote a GM that suddenly appeared in someone's Onyxia raid once: (Upon one of the players shouting "What's the meaning of life")

                            The GM in question responded: "To get epics"

                            Talk about a surprised raid

                            So Dis - the is a very good and valid reason to take your chars to 70
                            Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                            • not sure I can do it anymore.

                              anyways. I was so bored I tried to get on top of ogrimar. I was told by a guildie a priest was on top of og healing a mage attacking the city.

                              As if playing wow wasn't a colossal waste of time, trying to scale mountains certainly is. I made it through the first tough part, but can't make the jumps to scale the next cliff. So frustrating. I don't know how they do it in the youtube videos.

                              I did maanage to get underneath orgrimar
                              Attached Files


                              • what it looks like when ogrimar is not there.

                                reason like this they can't have flying mounts. The map just doesn't exist in certain areas. don't get me started on ghostlands. That area simply does not exist on the map, even if you have the xp. And many places there is land, but is completely innaccessible.
                                Attached Files

