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World of Warcraft

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  • I just look it up in thotbot . I also have a mod that tells me what items are used in crafting. Though I think it needs an update. Doesn't show anything for jaggal pearl, but thotbot says it's used in jewcrafting.

    thotbot can be out of date sometimes. I'll look up an item, but some items just aren't as useful since the expansion came out. So don't expect a level 60 blue to go for that much. But I was surprised I did get some good money from a couple level 61 blues. People are stupid enough to pay that much when they will find greens 2 or 3 levels later that surpass it. One was a healing dagger my shaman found. I was tempted to use it, but found a better mace 2 levels later.


    • The Auctioneer pack comes with tools that are very useful outside of the AH too - tooltip information about what items are used for, pricing, etc. Invaluable to immediately assess a linked item or a drop.

      Not everyone has the expansion, don't forget, so there is still a market for rare 60 stuff, just not so big.

      Many people, myself included, avoid investing any gold in items 55-60 b/c they don't want to waste on pre-BC stuff, so when they finally get to 61/62, they jump on long-needed upgrades. The gold in Outlands is better too, so upgrading stuff a few times on the way to 70 isn't a big deal.

      A word of warning on auctioning BC greens - the deposit costs are crazy high, and will usually eat up the profit if listed for a few days before selling. Your best bet (as with anything) is to wait for high-load times to sell those.


      • okay, couldn't stay away from the game long. .

        interenet connection was stable last night, ran 2 outlands instances with my shammy healing. I have renewed interest in end game activity with my shammy.

        One thing I don't like is my guild brought in a whole bunch of level 70's. He's turning it into a raiding guild, I can see that already. It's lost it's friendliness (also had to deal with a problem of a racist who was not thrown out, mereley demoted- so several people left over that incident). I was hoping to be the only level 70 shaman, but we now have another level 70 shaman . We have 19 level 70's now. They also brought in a priest. I definately won't be on the first kara team- they ran that last tuesday up to first boss. Probably not even the second. Which puts my future in this guild in question. We used to have only 1 healer in the guild, now we have many.


        • Why would any guild want just one healer? Sounds just selfish to me. A good guild has a few people who can fill the crucial roles, so that they are not reliant on a particular person being on, and even possibly have more than one group doing instances.


          • Sounds similar to my guild and WoW in general. My guild has 47 members in total (which I understand is small as Guilds go) but of those 47.....

            - I have the top Druid, at level 39
            - I have the top Priest, at level 16
            - We have one Shaman, Level 31
            - We have a few Paladins, none too high a level IIRC

            But in general, the request I see most often is Chat is LF Healer for _________ (instance). I believe that healer is not a popular role to play, most of the kids playing what to kill things, not stand back so that others can kill things.

            I suspect having a shortage of healers (in general and in Guilds) is commonplace, part of the reason I selected as Priest as my Alt (well, I have another Undead Warlock alt, but haven't played it recently and likely will delete it).

            I also intend to start a Paladin soon. Having three healers should be a good thing for finding groups I think.


            Edit: But you did say "most good guilds" and I wouldn't define my guild as "good" in that I don't think many of us group together to party.
            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


            • The two most needed classes in gangs are Healers and Tanks. I don't just mean something that can tank, I mean someone speced for tanking.

              At the low levels any warrior (or Druid, or Paladin) will do. But at higher levels they have to be speced for it.

              And most spec damage.

              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • Originally posted by Dis
                okay, couldn't stay away from the game long. .

                interenet connection was stable last night, ran 2 outlands instances with my shammy healing. I have renewed interest in end game activity with my shammy.

                One thing I don't like is my guild brought in a whole bunch of level 70's. He's turning it into a raiding guild, I can see that already. It's lost it's friendliness (also had to deal with a problem of a racist who was not thrown out, mereley demoted- so several people left over that incident). I was hoping to be the only level 70 shaman, but we now have another level 70 shaman . We have 19 level 70's now. They also brought in a priest. I definately won't be on the first kara team- they ran that last tuesday up to first boss. Probably not even the second. Which puts my future in this guild in question. We used to have only 1 healer in the guild, now we have many.
                Lot's of Kara teams have two healers... and many Raids need 3+.

                I don't think you will have any issue doing RAIDs, as long as you are prepared and don't suck.

                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • It makes sense to spec for damage when you are not max level, as you will find it hard to level up otherwise.

                  I've always thought the best approach to non-endgame instances is to go in with a slightly overpowered party, because finding well specced and skilled tanks and healers is usually tricky.


                  • Originally posted by Hot Mustard
                    Install Auctioneer and do a scan at the end of each play session - in time it will collect enough data to show reasonably accurate "market prices" for things, and you'll better appreciate what things are worth.
                    That's another reason I became annoyed with the game. The sheer number of add ons that you "have" to have. I used to cave for CT Raid assist because it was required, but everything else sucks.

                    I wish they'd just banned them all in the first place.
                    Only feebs vote.


                    • You don't have to have the add-ons - they just make your life easier. If you don't want an easy life don't install them.


                      • I tried installing Auctioneer, but it didn't work, I think I need idiot proof instructions.

                        Seems to be a number of popular add ons, and I would happily add them, just worried I will screw up the game if I install it wrong.

                        The (x,y) co-ordinates would help greatly with quests where I have difficulty finding something and have to search our the quest solution (though I don't like searching, I prefer to figure out the quest without doing the search).

                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • I find the game very playable with no Add ons, and until recently did just that, except for Auctioneer, which doesn't really affect game play, just the AH. I make a nice income by flipping stuff in the AH using it.

                          How I "roll" now:
                          -FuBar (top and bottom bars for other things to hook into)
                          - I have nowhere near the count of FuBar tools installed that most people would - just the basics like coords, XP, etc.
                          -Outfitter - allows you to put together "outfits" of your gear and switch between them very easily - great for adapting to a new situation in the game - PvP/PvE, DPS/Tank, Fire/Frost protection, etc
                          - QuestAnnounce - puts count complete into party chat a you are doing quests - saves the endless "How many more do you need?" questions

                          I have read that some guilds require certain Add ons in order to raid...not sure if I'm going to be into that.


                          • i played my first character to 70 w/o any addon except small map coord that addon gave coord under the minimap. So its very playable w/o any addon.

                            Oh and ppl do buy mining bags. Primal earths are cheap and bags can be sold in the 30-50G range. Like you said some like it some dont. I didnt use it myself either...

                            i played my acct today a lil bit. i havent played in weeks and it should expire at the end of the month. I kinda have the desire to play my alts a bit more but id rather wait till WotLK to see if I wanna return to WoW.... For now, I played too much WoW over the past few months Im WoWed out...


                            • How do you guys with multiple characters (toons/alts) deal with professions?

                              I have:
                              My Druid (main) - Herbalist/Alchemist
                              Priest (alt) - Tailor/Enchanter

                              And I plan to have:
                              Paladin (alt) - Miner/Blacksmith
                              Hunter (alt) - Skinner/Leatherworker

                              Which leaves out Engineering and Jewelcrafting (can't do JC as I don't have Burning Crusade yet). Not sure what I would be missing without having Engineering, but I figure by having the majority of the professions that I could share materials between them and speed up the process. Already my priest has benefited greatly from the things my druid has given it. Leveling and increasing skills is obviously much faster with alts because of the main sharing with it.

                              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                              • Personally I think trying to get such wide coverage of classes or professions in an MMO is odd - from the class perspective you end up doing (and missing) the same content on all characters, and from the profession perspective, well, I guess I see them as something to do naturally whilst levelling rather than an end in themselves.

                                Creating an alt when you have a high level main makes more sense.

