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World of Warcraft

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  • #61
    It is based on your choice of server.

    In WoW there are three kinds of servers. PvE, PvP and RP.

    PvP means player versus player. On a PvP server, you can expect to be attacked by a player (or players) of the opposing faction at any time, except in the starting areas. This means that when you are out adventuring, you have to watch out not only for mobs and monsters but also for other players. Many people like this for the added challenge, but it also carries with it a host of problems.

    PvE means player versus environment. On a PvE server, you will not engage in PvP unless you choose to. This means that players of the opposing faction can not attack you. Combat between players only occur when both parties consent to it. (In actual effect a flag is used. If you choose to become PvP flagged, to unflag means that you have to not PvP for five minutes, during which you can be attacked at any time).

    RP means roleplaying. On an RP server, you are expected to roleplay your character at any and all times. This means that references to real life events must be preceeded by the OOC (or out of character) tag, and even then kept to a minimum. You will actively get frowned upon if you do not roleplay on an RP server.

    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


    • #62
      Thanks for the (unecessarily) long description.

      It's a good idea they put RP in, I might try it out one day, but I feel geeky doing that. I am just not geeky enough.

      Two more questions!

      I am playing as a Hunter, I have two spells, Distracting Shot and Multiple Shot.

      What are they good for really? Multiple Shot, does that mean I fire multiple bullets at the same target, or multiple bullets at multiple targets? If the last, how do I fire multiple targets?

      Distracting shot is useless, why get the attention of an enemy with a shot that has no attack value? It's just a "Hey I'm over here, come get me!". Why not just use a normal shot to do the same damn thing? Unless I am missing something. And no, it doesn't distract just that NPC, it pulls in the other close NPC's too. (as per normal)

      One last note on the game:

      I am playing the exact same character as I did 2 years ago when I started this game, (Tauron Hunter). But now that I have reached level 20, I have found that my game has completely changed from last time. So it proves that you can be the same exact character, but have quite a different game. To be honest, I think my current character is much weaker in defense and in attack than my last game... I wonder if its just a game tweak? I mean.. I haven't played the game in 2 years!
      Last edited by FrostyBoy; April 9, 2007, 06:04.
      be free


      • #63
        Distracting shot is useless when soloing. It can be extremely useful when partying or raiding.

        In many groups, the hunter will pull the mobs. It is vital that the pull does not do too much damage, or the warrior will find it that much harder to take the aggro away from the hunter. Distracting shot is ideal for that. It get's the mobs attention but at so low a level, that only one or two hits or sunders from the warrior is enough to grab the aggro.

        My own hunter is only level 30 something so I can't remember the multiple shot...sorry.

        Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


        • #64
          I see, so it pulls them out no matter what. Ok I guess that is useful. Will have to wait until I do a instance. (which will be WC!)
          be free


          • #65
            It's really only useful for certain raid bosses. In the earlier instances if you go in with the 'right' levels you either have a good tank who can hold aggro = teh win or a noob tank who can't = teh lose.


            • #66
              Well,'s a little more complicated than that, but I guess you know that.

              A tank can be as good as he can, and it will still be teh lose, if the DPS classes don't know aggro management
              Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


              • #67
                Yeah I am oversimpifying. But the key point is that distracting shot doesn't play a huge role in aggro management pre-raiding.


                • #68
                  Also (this may be my bias as I am a mage!) the only time I've had trouble drawing too much aggro with dps is with bad warriors/tanks. So many times when I've died I've initiially thought that I went in too hard. But later when asking the warrior what skills he was using to hold aggro it's become obvious key skills were missing.


                  • #69
                    Okay...fair point. We all have to learn though. I was a kick ass tank in WoW, but of course I too was a n00b once. My luck was that I was in a huge guild, and almost never went in PuG's.

                    So I played with ppl who knew me, and forgave my mistakes. Other tanks are not that lucky

                    I will acknowledge that some tanks are better than others, but: Tanking in WoW is not really rocket science compared to other games
                    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                    • #70
                      No classes in WoW are exactly rocket science.

                      Which makes it all the more annoying when people can't play their class.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by DrSpike
                        Also (this may be my bias as I am a mage!) the only time I've had trouble drawing too much aggro with dps is with bad warriors/tanks. So many times when I've died I've initiially thought that I went in too hard. But later when asking the warrior what skills he was using to hold aggro it's become obvious key skills were missing.
                        some of us want more in life than to be a tank. tanks are boring.

                        I don't have the best tanks skills for a druid. I'll be a bear in parties, but solo I like my cat. Though the cat does have some limitations against spell casters and these slime things in the wetlands. Sometimes I also do caster.

                        Because of this, I haven't invested heavily into bear only talents. I'm more versatile, but not a strong tank.

                        I do use my spells though, but I'm not investing all my talents into being a pure tank.

                        My main spell is growl. If that doesn't work, they are SOL.
                        Last edited by Dis; April 9, 2007, 17:18.


                        • #72
                          I'm level 23 now, close to 24. Levelling is so addicting. I really should stop playing this game.

                          It took me forever to figure out how to get to Ironforge and Stormwind. I didn't realize the trail south from the wetlands ended up there. . I took it once trying to get through the mountains, but found some high level creatures, and retreated.

                          I ended up jumping off the boat as it approached mithral and swam around the bend and down the coast till I could get on land bear Stormwind. . That's alot of swimming. though it didn't take too long.

                          I had to get down there anyways to finish the druid aquatic quest. Holy **** was that hard. I couldn't have done it without a pic of where the pendant was located. It was located just at the edge of the deep water off the continental drop off. Without the bubbling fissure I would have drowned and or ran out of stamina.

                          But now I have fish form, and can swim fast. too bad I can't do any combat in this form.

                          The problem now is I have too many quests. . I get to a point where the quests from ashenvale are too difficult, same with stonetalon mountains. doing some wetlands quests now, but some of those are getting difficult. It's getting harder and harder to find people to party with as I move up into the higher level areas.


                          • #73
                            you can combat in walrus form, you just can't cast spells.

                            Jon Miller
                            Jon Miller-
                            I AM.CANADIAN
                            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                            • #74
                              he didn't seem to have a very good attack in that form. I didn't mess around with it much, because I was afraid of dying.


                              • #75
                                Interesting, I didnt know the druid could morph into so many different animals. I thought it was just the bear and cat.

                                And just to remark the "people who can't play their class correctly". I think at the end of the day, it is better to have the variety of bad to good players out there. If everyone knew what they were supposed to do, everyone would be very similar and the game would be boring.

                                I've come across one guy who followed me around for about 2 solid hours, when I fight, he just watches froma distance, yes it pisses me off, but it's funny and makes the game more interesting. I remember another time, where someone similar to Dis was stuck at the bottom of a waterfall. He wanted me to help him find his way out, I was a mage, so I floated down to him; hahaha, I bet the guy thought that was cool. I then spent the next 1-2 hours trying to find the way out for this guy, through a realm he would not have lasted 5 minutes in. The guy paid me 1 gold for it.

                                So, bring on the noobs, the differences, the variety, the good, the bad and the stupid.
                                be free

