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World of Warcraft

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  • #76
    Druid can be the bear, cat, sea lion (just fast swimming), cheetah (fast travel), dire bear (stronger bear), and hawk (in Outland).
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #77
      Even mediocre players can really piss you off in high end raids though. With trash respawns as frequent as they are, someone who is not good can basically cost you a few hours of your life...weekly.
      "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
      "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
      "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
      "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


      • #78
        Damn, a cheetah and a hawk? No wonder I am seeing so many Druids lately!

        Is that fair? I want to fly! Hunters shouldn't fly, but I want to fly!
        be free


        • #79
          Originally posted by Sn00py

          And just to remark the "people who can't play their class correctly". I think at the end of the day, it is better to have the variety of bad to good players out there. If everyone knew what they were supposed to do, everyone would be very similar and the game would be boring.
          I don't care what you do when you solo btw - knock yourself out.

          But when 39 people depend on you doing your job you don't have the luxury of playing the way you want to. You have to fit in with the needs of the group.


          • #80
            39 people! What kind of raids are you taking about? How do they work?

            I prefer small parties. The cool thing about the druid is he's versatile. I was going to do bear, but then realized we had too many tanks (everyone was either a warrior or paladin). So I did the healer thing. Not too bad. It was different anyways. Though I get bored not attacking monsters much. I did use my 3 offensive spells from time to time when I wasn't concerned about running low on mana.

            I think I did pretty good. Though I aggro'd a couple of monsters and had to run for my life. So we did lose a member of our party (the paladin resurrected him). I died once as well. In the beginning they weren't good at getting the monsters off of me. But they picked it up by the end. We were doing great in mobs. I have 3 healing spells at my disposal. Each has it's own uses. Actually, we were doing so good, I didn't have to use my big heal spell (2 second cast time ). I relied only on rejuvenation and the other one (can't remember name). I call it the middle one.

            I didn't realize healing spells aggro'd monsters so much. And I was using my 2 "lesser" ones. Though in the end, they still add a lot of hit points, just not all at once.

            It's nice to be so versatile. I'll be a bear if we are in a party with rogues and wizards. I'll be a cat when going solo. And I'll be a caster when in a party of paladins and warriors.


            • #81
              I think I might be getting burned out on this game though. I know I'm getting burned out when I start thinking about making a new character. .

              I'm at level 26 on my druid. He's pretty cool. But I don't have equipment to pvp. I did a couple duels. I lost one, but won the other one (but I was a higher level- so...). I don't think I have the skills for pvp. Those guys move so fast, I don't know how they do it.

              I'm not sure where else to go. I got most if not all my class quests done. I got most of the cool spells I'm going to get (except for cheetah, and flying- I don't have expansion though). I'm starting to get bored of my quests.

              And I'm getting sick of forests and elf crap. .

              Iron forge and Stormwind seem more interesting. But I actually want to do a horde player, not human, dwarf, or gnome.

              Still not sure what to do. I was thinking of shaman, mage, or warlock. I need a class that I can solo with. I'm often playing at 2 AM and it's hard to find parties at that hour. Most of my partying is done earlier in the evening. Then everyone says they have to go to bed.

              Any recommendations? I'm looking for a character who can solo or party. Can a mage deal with melee monsters well? I hate it when they get right up on you. As a druid I shift into cat form when they do that. How does a mage cope?


              • #82
                Preist good for party, warrior good for solo.

                Mage has trouble early on in the game, but very powerful at higher levels.

                btw, a Mage copes by freezing them then running like hell
                be free


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Dis
                  39 people! What kind of raids are you taking about? How do they work?

                  I prefer small parties. The cool thing about the druid is he's versatile. I was going to do bear, but then realized we had too many tanks (everyone was either a warrior or paladin). So I did the healer thing. Not too bad. It was different anyways. Though I get bored not attacking monsters much. I did use my 3 offensive spells from time to time when I wasn't concerned about running low on mana.

                  I think I did pretty good. Though I aggro'd a couple of monsters and had to run for my life. So we did lose a member of our party (the paladin resurrected him). I died once as well. In the beginning they weren't good at getting the monsters off of me. But they picked it up by the end. We were doing great in mobs. I have 3 healing spells at my disposal. Each has it's own uses. Actually, we were doing so good, I didn't have to use my big heal spell (2 second cast time ). I relied only on rejuvenation and the other one (can't remember name). I call it the middle one.

                  I didn't realize healing spells aggro'd monsters so much. And I was using my 2 "lesser" ones. Though in the end, they still add a lot of hit points, just not all at once.

                  It's nice to be so versatile. I'll be a bear if we are in a party with rogues and wizards. I'll be a cat when going solo. And I'll be a caster when in a party of paladins and warriors.
                  40 man raids was the original endgame raid content, though now they have scaled them back to 25 in BC.

                  Don't worry there are plenty of 5 and 10 mans to do before that.

                  And yes druids are flexible which is useful when forming parties, but it does mean you need two (or more) sets of gear which is annoying. Their lack of focus is also why they tend to level slower than some classes.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Sn00py
                    Preist good for party, warrior good for solo.

                    Mage has trouble early on in the game, but very powerful at higher levels.

                    btw, a Mage copes by freezing them then running like hell
                    Priests solo fine you just need to spec predominantly for face melting not healing.

                    Mages are a solid choice throughout the game. Warlocks are probably slightly faster though not sure whether or not they have fixed some of the overpowered talents with BC.

                    If you don't want to play a squishy then Hunters are a solid soloing choice.


                    • #85
                      question: what is a buzz box?

                      I already chose an undead female mage. She's a hottie too.

                      The other horde races don't appeal to me. Too freakish looking. I can relate to undead, though. I feel like that some mornings. Blood elves would be tempting if I have the XP, though.

                      And I just realized, I still have my character from 2 years ago. . It's on a roleplay server. What are the pvp rules on a roleplay server? That's a level 10 undead warrior. Warriors are kind of boring though. I don't like them. I have no intention of playing that character again.

                      Anyways, the server shut down. That's the problem with gaming at 3 or 4 in the morning. Oh well.

                      I kind of don't want to do undead again, because the starting position seems so dark. In fact, this whole game seems too dark. The night elven areas were dark as well. I'm sick of trees. It doesn't help that most of my gaming is at night. From what I gather, my real time seems to relate to game time in terms of night and day. I need to adjust the brightness settings.

                      I heard you can get quests from wanted posters, but I haven't seen any (though I haven't looked real close). Where would these be located?

                      Kind of annoying starting from the beginning, as you have no freedom to travel. My druid was finally being able to travel to a lot of parts of the world. I went into the barens (I guess that is horde territory) in order to go to the goblin city for a quest, and to get to thousand needles for a quest. Had to sneak past the guards to use the lift. I made a wrong turn though, and hit some high level creatures and guard. But was able to backtrack. So he can't go everywhere yet. I'm not sure how high a level I'll take him.


                      • #86
                        Just look for posters as you move around settlements.

                        As for the RP server, IIRC they were all PvE servers two years ago so it's the same ruleset as described above - no world PvP unless flagged. Battlegrounds (marginally more organised PvP) still work of course.


                        • #87
                          there are RP-PvP servers

                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • #88
                            Dis, you know that you can go do the Stormwind and such quests as a night elf, right? Lot sof people don't like the Night Elf quests.

                            Jon Miller
                            Jon Miller-
                            I AM.CANADIAN
                            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                            • #89
                              If you don't like Forests Dis, you should opt for Orc, Tauren or Troll. It's also brighter in those areas at dark. I also feel your pain. My only chance to play the game is around this time.

                              1 more hour and its back up. I just spent the last hour recapping on the game rules and such. Just remembered I can give my pet skills from other animals. Damn! My pet is damn tough though, I feel embarrased fighting with him, he is usually the one who finishes them off.
                              be free


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Jon Miller
                                there are RP-PvP servers

                                But were there 2 years ago. I don't remember any, and I definitely seem to recall whining about there being no RP PvP servers on release.

