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World of Warcraft

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  • your undead is horde. She isn't really undead either. Both horde and alliance are at war with the scourge, the original undead...

    The player undead are "forsaken" that are technically undead, but they broke from the scourge and are not really undead...

    Which pissed me off when I found out....since my Paladin's exorcism spell doesn't work on player undead..only true undead.

    now that i've totally babbled yo into confusion..

    So no horde player will be your undead character's enemy.

    not sure what you saw...
    While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


    • oh and i think a buzz box is part of a quest? electrical boxes scattered around the coast near auberdine...that some gnome wants you to go fix.

      maybe im thinking of something else.
      While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


      • yeah, probably a quest. I should have googled it. A few times I googled quests to find out the location of something.

        Forgot to mention there's some insanely high level monseter roaming around the 11-20 section of the undead areas. Not sure why that's in there.

        I got killed once by it after I killed a bear. 2 other times I saw it and remained out of aggro range. It has ?? for his level, so I'm not sure what it is. Son of something or other is the name of it.

        It seems strange blood elves can be paladin. I still can't get used to seeing paladins around my territory. I want to kill them. . I don't have the expansion, so I'm not sure what classes blood elves can be.


        • Hey what you say about Paladins...heh

          A bunch of low level zones have an elite roaming around just to mess with you.

          Son of Arugal is the one you saw I think.
          While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


          • Blizzard's idea of balance or more like "removing the uniqueness from each side" was to give alliance shamans and horde paladins.

            I'm still angry about those dirty, thieving twig elves. Nasty criminals of the Light they are. For Uther, I will hunt them down...oh wait, i'm on a pve server..

            While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


            • Originally posted by vee4473
              Blizzard's idea of balance or more like "removing the uniqueness from each side" was to give alliance shamans and horde paladins.
              It was the only way to stop horde/alliance easy mode whining.


              • Thinking about it, I think they should have left the uniqueness there. I mean, they ARE all unique afterall.

                Sigh, people who whinge for the world tend to get it and ruin it for everyone else.
                be free


                • Dis what server and realm are you on?
                  be free


                  • I'd have to check the realm name again. Shi hu... something. both of my characters are on this one (except the one I started 2 years ago and didn't do much with because I didn't like the game). I think they are all western U.S. Everyone I've partied with seems to be from California or Texas.

                    Too hard to find a party this late. I was in a couple parties earlier. Interesting thing is I got up to level 17 faster with this character. But I've reached the limit on quests I can do alone. A lot of quests in the undead area require parties. And even with parties people are saying you should be level 20+ for some areas.

                    I really don't have the patience to level 3 times killing monsters.

                    Time for a new character. . Actually I was thinking I at least want to try all 8 races for at least the beginning areas.


                    • There are always quests - it means you missed a quest hub probably.


                      • I'm too low a level for my quests. Even if I grouped, I'd still be a couple levels lower than the creatures. Some of them are level 20. One guy on that island is level 22, though I defeated him and 2 others with a level 20 warlock. . I was only level 15 or 16 at the time.


                        • I'll play her more during the daytime when it's easier to find parties.

                          I wonder if I can run itunes in the background and play this game. I'm not a big fan of the in game music. Though I like the music in the Zoran (sp?) area just south of Darkshore. It sounds alot like music from Fallout. eerie.

                          But I think it might be more important to hear if things are coming up behind me. One time this wolf thing snuck up behind me and I was messing with my spellbook or something, scared the hell out of me.


                          • Originally posted by Dis
                            I'm too low a level for my quests. Even if I grouped, I'd still be a couple levels lower than the creatures. Some of them are level 20. One guy on that island is level 22, though I defeated him and 2 others with a level 20 warlock. . I was only level 15 or 16 at the time.
                            No, I mean you've missed a quest hub of quests for your level.


                            • maybe. I'm in sepulcher right now.

                              I don't know of any other towns or cities giving quests. Maybe I should roam around. I don't feel like it now though. There aren't many undead cities. . Brill- I've done all those quests. Sepulcher- I'm working on those. Only one guy gave me a quest in the undercity.


                              • Grinding is probably faster anyway, then you can do the next set of quests.

