DrSpike is a real doctor! I'd say that's 98 % superleetness.
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Neverwinter Nights - Capitalist Utopia
Nope, human bard (odd that). A tubby chap with an attitude problem called Giancarlo Braggadocio.
Fortunately, so as not to be sued for NWN libel (that would be an interesting roleplay ), he reckons he's a ladies man. Entirely mistakenly, I might add, because he's far more interested in a nice big bowl of mamma's pasta than actually bothering to run after the women. I just wish more people were about at Folderol for me toannoyroleplay with him.
Duel-wielding rapier and short sword.
Sir Ralph, where did you get hold of that short sword with sleep/stun on it?
Aha! I've never travelled to Southrun yet - maybe I will soon.
I'm now 8/5, after the massacre of some insane otters. The rangers were really winding me up, because they'd spread out so that they could "help out" if ever you got into a fight, but this just meant that in far too many fights I'd take all the hits and they'd kill it so no XP for me.
Still, did it in the end.
Not playing tonight or tomorrow night though - will see what Sunday brings.
Post an evening when you want to play and I'll be there. I don't have any obstacles to play in the next time. Plus, I'll have 3 weeks of vacation after Easter. It's the remainder of my 2005 vacation, where I could not take much due do work load. I'll mainly use it to beta Vanguard, however. After beefing up my rig with a better graphics adapter and at least another Gig for both VG and Oblivion.