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Neverwinter Nights - Capitalist Utopia

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  • No, before I started the character would have been better.

    I don't care really - I can party with teh ubernesses if I want, but am just playing to have some fun and am choosing the levels of my character as I fancy, depending on circumstances, rather than following a power-gamer's build.


    • Well I'm sorry Sir Ralph, but I haven't played with my 7/5 () fighter/mage tonight. Instead, I got two of my level 4s up to level 5 (the rogue archer and the fighter - yeah, two power-game builds, but I wanted a sneaky character and the chance to use HIPS, and the fact I'm using 2 longswords should make the kukri master more interesting and potentially more powerful, with the better magic longswords hopefully making up for their smaller crit potential), and was well on the way to making my pure monk level 6 when the dreaded server rest struck.
      I was hoping that they'd have moved it to 9.10 with summer time, but apparently not.


      • Originally posted by duke o' york
        with the better magic longswords hopefully making up for their smaller crit potential
        That, and a solid -4 AB in both hands. And you'd have to build him STR-based, as longswords aren't finesse-able. Most certainly interesting. On a sidenote, 2 katanas would be even cooler.

        I don't hurry you by the way, I have Oblivion.


        • Yeah, it's strength-based. I do wish I'd chosen katanas or scimitars now though.


          • My palemaster in the SP campaign (SoU+HotU, which is on halt now, damn you Oblivion) is a modified "Undead Lord" from the official page and also has the longsword as weapon. I did that because I wanted him to wield Enserric, which by it's personality (vampiric regeneration, pretty evil attitude) fits well to that rather sinister persona.


            • As well as being really imba especially with all the upgrades you can buy later. Damn powergamers.


              • I'm having little fun with them, as they're limited to 8 and stock Enserric seems to have already 4 on it. I put +2 regeneration, keen and haste on it and now I have only 1 enhancement left, which I am still undecided about. Spell resistance is kind of lame for a sword and 20 ain't that great anyway. Same goes for true seeing. Elemental damage would be most useful, but unfortunately it destroys Enserrics awesome look with its dark red glow, which I really like. Decisions, decisions...


                • By the way, what concerns "imba", I give you that point, really. Do you remember that room on the island of the maker, where that invisible weaponmaster steals your best weapon and fights you with it? I tried to cheat it and unequipped it. Even dropped it on the floor before the battle. No chance, I always ended up fighting über-Enserric. Needless to say, that it was the mother of all battles. But that golem smasher the ghost drops is really worth the ride.

                  But "imba" it's only after it is improved (haste and keen shine). Before it's just a +4 with vampiric, and even if it's pretty large (+5), that's nothing if mobs hit for 20 or more, which they easily do. You can find +3 blades with d8 or even more elemental damage, which also are pretty awesome. In fact I have 3 of them in my backpack, one with fire, one with cold and one acidic. Come really handy if you fight golems with high DR, but vulnerable to one certain (and always different) element. And they're only slightly worse than stock-Enserric.


                  • Wow, was expecting you to argue.

                    I also had to face the fight versus enserric. Nothing like getting a taste of your own imbaness.


                    • Well why would I argue if I agree. I try to be objective. I see myself neither as powergamer (who doesn't give sheit about immersion) nor as roleplayer (who doesn't give sheit about game mechanics). I try to balance both in the best way I can.


                      • Btw, I could have argued if I wanted. Remember I am a pale master and not a dull uninspired fighter build? I could cast keen weapon on it and haste on myself before it was enhanced. The enhancement just freed me from needless hassle and tedium.


                        • Hehe, I'm a bit of both too. Probably 80/20, and I'll leave you to decide which the 80 is from previous posts.


                          • I always liked this game but haven't played it in years.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • Spike, I'm guessing you're 80 tedium and 20 hassle, but never having spoken to your girlfriend then I can't be sure.


                              • I'm 8% tedium (well I do have a ph.d in economics), 2% hassle, and 90% superleetness.

