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Neverwinter Nights - Capitalist Utopia
Originally posted by duke o' york
Took my rogue archer through the black oak in the nettle grotto, and got my ass soundly kicked. I killed 2 nettle wights for less xp than I'd get for a nettle burglar, and used far too many healing potions.
Still, hopefully it'll be back up again soon.1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
I've been online for half of the Sunday. That's all time could spare. I decided to trash my Pale Master (Rodor) on Folderol and better test this character in the SP campaigns. I got him through SoU Friday/Saturday and am in the mid of HotU right now. I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised with this prestige class.
I always had a soft spot for classes/builds, that are well rounded and can stand their own in as many situations as possible. I'm approaching level 20, doing the missions around Lith'Myathar and there is little out there, that can even hit me. I am basically a caster playing a melee fighter, I wear full plate, wield a longsword and a tower shield and have ample hitpoints. You may laugh, but in average I get more hp than a fighter. A fighter has CON+1d10, which averages in CON+5.5. I get CON+1d6+3, which averages in CON+6.5. The +3 comes from the Deathless Vigor feat, which I get for free.
I also have a very good AC. At level 19, using the normal HotU equipment, I have 46 AC unbuffed. Most mobs permanently miss me. I also laugh at spell casters. The bane of "normal" melee fighters - mind affecting spells, are not dangerous even without clarity or immunity items - my will saves are excellent, as is my fortitude. I have 3 attacks per round, the lack of a good BAB I counter with high strength, which gives both AB and damage.
The character has 3 main weaknesses:
- Low reflex saves
- Can't cast in armor
- Low caster level --> problems with spell penetration
The first problem is nearly completely negated by energy buffer. Who needs to dodge traps and fireballs, if he can shrug off the damage. That I can't cast in armor is a non-problem for buffs (having a robe hotkeyed). In combat I don't cast usually, and if I do, I use still spells, which means no spell failure in armor. I concentrate on spells without saves, so the low caster level is not a problem either.
I solo most of the missions. I didn't need a henchman yet in HotU, and rarely did in SoU. I can summon a skeleton once a day, a normal undead twice a day and a greater undead once a day, if I need a hand. But that's seldom.
What's interesting is not the character itself, but if I have the patience to actually finish HotU for the first time.So far I always lost interest somewhere around the mind devourers.