There's an AI improvement in the vault, which lets them follow you if you flee. They don't sit in one room too, but open doors and roam for you. And they LOVE to cast darkness.
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Neverwinter Nights - Capitalist Utopia
Thanks to the kindness of strangers, I've got a quest for my character to pick up her first spellsword on Friday night (I hope, unless the DM can't make it), so can I interest anyone of levels 15-16 or a couple either way to join me for some questing fun?
I hope that Harovan will be able to join the party, and anyone else if they'd like to. I'll be in the Gypsy Camp from about 8 CET/7 GMT/er other times depending on where you are in the world....
I realise that Jamskianna is probably a little too powerful for this mid-range adventure, but if you have someone else on the substitutes bench then it'd be great for you to come along Jamski.
(Depending on where the ingredients are to be found, and what kind of ingredients the elven smith recommends, then I may well need directions too.)
I don't know if Harovan can participate, I've got into a medium sized family tragedy today and might be on the wheel next weekend. If things work out well I'll be there, though.
What is a spellsword anyway? In my limited understanding this is the name of a character build (mage/fighter hybrid) and not a thing one can "pick up".
It is, but more than that. It's an elven battlemage basically, but one who becomes attuned to their sword, and their sword grows in experience as they do. So I've tried to get the DMs to give me a quest to collect items to build this sword, that my character will keep forever, and then I can go and forge it.
(Of course, since this is a game of NWN, the weapons can't have experience, so I'm hoping for one at level 15, one at 25 and another at 35. All basically upgrades of one another, but with different quests and different components to build them!)
In other news, I've had almost 250 points for RPing in the past few days.It is more fun that slaughtering a few monsters, although that's fun too!
Oh dear, I suck badly at this game.
Daelen is cool, but he's only covering up my ineptitude. I've never felt such a useless moron in an RPG. I might go back to something manageable like Diablo II. Or even nice, easy Civ IV. Baldurs Gate was never this unpleasant an experience.
I'm baffled and confused by the interface and have no control over the game. There are so many objects and spells and potions and abilities, but I can't even heal my comrade with potions. All I can do to heal him is rest. I'm casting the Mage Armour on Daelen, who's doing all the work while I stand back, but I keep getting impaled on spikes and zapped by other traps, and in the central area of the 2nd level of the prison I'm getting nuked by some bad-ass as soon as I walk in the door - before I can even see who it is.
The manual is completely useless to me, and maybe I should give up on the wizard and start again with a fighter, but I never had this problem with mages in other games, like the zookeeper in Diablo 2. I keep forgetting to summon my critter - I guess I should stop moaning and try and get more practice.
Is it just me or is this a tough game to get to grips with?
It is not tough. You just started with a class, which is tough to play for the first few levels (but rises very powerful later!). That's the reason why I said, start with a fighter. A monk, ranger or paladin would work as well. Mages and sorcerors are the worst classes for a newbie.
And the badass who nukes you in the 2nd level is supposed to be tough. You'll have to use quite some strategy to get over him, with almost any class. Perhaps except a rogue, who has the Evasion feat. Cast an elemental shield on you and Daelen, his main weapons are fireballs. Clean the room first by carefully luring out his minions. You'll eventually succeed.
I played over chapter 1 many times, must be about half hundred now and checked lots of builds. Believe me, it's doable with any class, even solo. And the interface may look complicated, but after a while you'll be used to it. And you'll need at most half of the potions and can sell the rest. Which to keep and which to sell, depends on your build. The learning curve may be long, but believe me, it's well worth it.Last edited by Harovan; April 19, 2006, 05:33.
Cort Haus, do you know, that you can give your henchmen and pets commands, like stand ground, follow and charge? They're in the wheel menu (right click), but I'd recommend to hotkey them. You can't use any strategy if Daelen charges in at the first sign of hostility. Tell him to stay outside, lure the baddies out and let him do his work there.
Originally posted by Sir Ralph
It is not tough. You just started with a class, which is tough to play for the first few levels (but rises very powerful later!). That's the reason why I said, start with a fighter. A monk, ranger or paladin would work as well. Mages and sorcerors are the worst classes for a newbie.Indeed.
And the badass who nukes you in the 2nd level is supposed to be tough. You'll have to use quite some strategy to get over him, with almost any class. Perhaps except a rogue, who has the Evasion feat. Cast an elemental shield on you and Daelen, his main weapons are fireballs. Clean the room first by carefully luring out his minions. You'll eventually succeed.
I played over chapter 1 many times, must be about half hundred now and checked lots of builds. Believe me, it's doable with any class, even solo. And the interface may look complicated, but after a while you'll be used to it. And you'll need at most half of the potions and can sell the rest. Which to keep and which to sell, depends on your build. The learning curve may be long, but believe me, it's well worth it.
Take Tomi if you're a meleer. Let him disarm traps and open locks, so you're safe from them pesky spikes. Spikes always suck.
You are the tank, do your best to get the mob's attention. So he can backstab for better damage. Some prefer to let him use his bow, I prefer to leave him with his kukri. Make up your own mind on that matter. And control him with the commands I listed above.
Yay, what a game! Getting the hang of it now, and dining on Intellect-Devourer brain tonight. Thanks for the tips, (I didn't need to re-start yet).The Elemental Shield did the trick, and my Mage-Babe is level 5 now.
The Panther works quite well with Daelen, attacking from behind, and its nice to zap some offensive spells. Gotta watch that fireball though - the collateral damage can singe a few friendly eyebrows.
Hope the family stuff works out OK, SR.
Ralph, it doesn't matter in the slightest that you can't make it tonight, because after discussion with the DM in question, I'll be doing a long quest rather than a DM event, and it will no doubt take me quite a few nights' work to finish. Pop by when you get the chance, and maybe I'll have a nice shiny new sword, or maybe I'll need the help of a decent ranger to find the last few components.
Take care, and I hope the weekend isn't too stressful for you.