Originally posted by duke o' york
May be there tomorrow night, and may well keep this character just for playing with Ralph, because it's always better if your characters can level up (almost) together.
May be there tomorrow night, and may well keep this character just for playing with Ralph, because it's always better if your characters can level up (almost) together.

I seem to play more than you do, so I'm afraid after a while my pale master might be out of range for you. I like him very much, so I don't know if I have the patience to wait with him. But I have a third character (still at level 2, can be brought to 4 in 1-2 hours); it's a sorceress, so it might fit even better for your monk than the rather melee oriented pale master. If you don't mind to play with a nymph, and a female one at that (duh!)
