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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • And here we see the big difference between Biden and The Former Guy ...
    Biden doesn't run around and complain that these trials are politically motivated
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • Berzerker
      Berzerker commented
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      what trials?

  • That the bribes were paid is beyond doubt or questioning as the banks have confirmed. Biden will no doubt try to claim the millions were given to him and his family for totally unrelated reasons. I personally doubt anyone gives away millions to a politician without wanting something in return.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • I am continually amazed at the uncanny ability of our conservative friends to draw firm and unshakeable conclusions from alleged evidence that neither the intelligence community nor any court of law finds even remotely convincing.

      Quite remarkable, really.
      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


      • Well, when you have your underlings hide the evidence and try to prevent the public from learning about it is there any wonder why people want real investigations?
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • You seem well satisfied with make believe investigations


          • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
            I personally doubt anyone gives away millions to a politician without wanting something in return.
            I wouldn't doubt. I would assume they wanted something (now, or later, or for past service) until demonstrated otherwise.
            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


            • So there is an accusation but no report based on an investigation and no financial transactions of bribery. It seems like it could be reasonable to have an investigation.

              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
                So there is an accusation but no report based on an investigation and no financial transactions of bribery. It seems like it could be reasonable to have an investigation.

                Wrong. There are verified financial transactions which banks reported based upon subpoenas from Congress, we have two whistleblowers, we have a report which the FBI hide for years with a highly paid informant (confirmed FBI paid him more than $100,000 a year for over a decade) also confirming the bribes and confirming the existence of 17 tapes of the bribery agreement, we have the Biden FBI illegally refusing to turn any of this over to Congress until threatened with personal arrest. They have no turned over one of the reports but with most of it redacted to hide details and refusing to answer any questions about the tapes.

                I am sorry but if that isn't something worth investigating then what the hell is? Banks confirmed the money was broken up into small payments, laundered through around 20 fake front corporations the Biden's set up, and all $5 million in Bribes ended up in the hands of members of the Biden crime family. Don't forget that Hunter himself wrote in an email on his laptop that "10% off the top go to the big guy" and "family members hold the money for the big guy".
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • Originally posted by Dinner View Post

                  Wrong. There are verified financial transactions which banks reported based upon subpoenas from Congress, we have two whistleblowers, we have a report which the FBI hide for years with a highly paid informant (confirmed FBI paid him more than $100,000 a year for over a decade) also confirming the bribes and confirming the existence of 17 tapes of the bribery agreement, we have the Biden FBI illegally refusing to turn any of this over to Congress until threatened with personal arrest. They have no turned over one of the reports but with most of it redacted to hide details and refusing to answer any questions about the tapes.

                  I am sorry but if that isn't something worth investigating then what the hell is? Banks confirmed the money was broken up into small payments, laundered through around 20 fake front corporations the Biden's set up, and all $5 million in Bribes ended up in the hands of members of the Biden crime family. Don't forget that Hunter himself wrote in an email on his laptop that "10% off the top go to the big guy" and "family members hold the money for the big guy".
                  The links you provided were to accusations. A report by an FBI informant is similar to the Steele dossier, it doesn't mean it is fiction but it also doesn't mean it is true (And it could have both fiction and truth). So most of what you provide above is not verified or confirmed or anything of the sort.

                  But I also did say It seems like it could be reasonable to have an investigation. If for some reason the DoJ won't do it, which isn't explained by why they wouldn't do it during the Trump administration and there are still many pro-Trump offices of the FBI (and more then), then the path forward for those who think this is worthy of an investigation would be for Congress to press for an independent counsel.

                  Or to subpoena with eye towards creating a law about the president/potential presidents/vice presidents or impeachment.

                  Accusations, even reasonable ones like in the Steele dossier, don't mean that much.

                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
                    It was more than Joe and The Atlantic Council. I remember Germany and our other allies in the area had been pressuring the Obama administration to push Shokin out. If Burisma was bribing everyone in the West, that is a lot of money.

                    Google has been broken for a long time, and back in 2020 I had a hard time finding all the articles I had read about it. But I remembered reading them in 2020 and I remember reading them now.

                    Does that disqualify Joe and The Atlantic Council? Is that not evidence of a smear campaign against Shokin? You dont have to bribe "everyone", just the right people, like a crooked VP in charge of Ukraine policy. Burisma wasn't the only interest who wanted to get rid of Shokin, the sources of western $$$ under investigation wanted him gone too. So what low level bureaucrats in various govts want to piss off Joe and the billionaire class? Your list of everyone is shrinking down to a select group of powerful crooks pushing a narrative, their friends and allies, and people looking the other way to avoid having their lives destroyed.

                    The Biden clan gets millions from Burisma
                    Burisma wants a prosecutor fired
                    Joe fires the prosecutor

                    nothing to see here, move along


                    • Regarding the Biden bribery tapes:


                      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                      • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
                        The IMF is named as pushing for Sorkin's removal before Joe stepped in. As were Republican Senators.

                        BTW, I have been very pleasantly surprised by Joe, but I hadn't been a fan. If it turns out that he accepted a bribe, to do what the IMF and Republican Senators and many other groups in Europe (including Germany) were requesting, I would want a full primary with debates and put someone else up in 2024 (I would want someone other than Kamala).

                        Still wouldn't hold a candle to what Trump has both been accused of and has evidence in the open for doing.

                        I'm running on memory but I think Shokin came out of retirement in the early spring of 2015 to take the job. The Biden clan was getting $$$ from Burisma starting in mid 2014. Joe was already on the payroll and I wont be surprised to see GOP senators on the 'donation' list, Ukraine policy was/is bipartisan. I think it was May '15 when Burisma came to Washington to meet Joe, Shokin was still new to the job but he might have been making waves out of the gate. Now that would be an interesting investigation - when did Burisma decide to fire Shokin and who started smearing him at the time? Maybe it was the proverbial straw breaking the camel's back and when Shokin ignored the pressure long enough they fired him.

                        As for Biden's performance, the only good thing he did was stumble out of Afghanistan and that was an utter mess. I blame him for this war, he wanted it and dragged us in so US companies can make billions on weapons and rebuilding Ukraine. Trump is a saint in comparison, I mean, the lesser evil. Let partisan investigators rummage thru Joe's life with fine tooth combs and you'd be horrified by what falls out. I'm horrified by what Joe has done in the open.

                        As for your links, I clicked on the last to see the date but they wanted cookies. The IMF works for us... Do any of your articles interview Shokin for his side of the story or do they just repeat the narrative? Shokin testified under oath the Ukrainian leader apologized to him for that smear campaign and told him he was fired for refusing to drop investigations. Its say the opposite day so naturally the narrative to smear Shokin painted him as doing nothing to investigate corruption.


                        • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post

                          The links you provided were to accusations. A report by an FBI informant is similar to the Steele dossier, it doesn't mean it is fiction but it also doesn't mean it is true (And it could have both fiction and truth). So most of what you provide above is not verified or confirmed or anything of the sort.

                          But I also did say It seems like it could be reasonable to have an investigation. If for some reason the DoJ won't do it, which isn't explained by why they wouldn't do it during the Trump administration and there are still many pro-Trump offices of the FBI (and more then), then the path forward for those who think this is worthy of an investigation would be for Congress to press for an independent counsel.

                          Or to subpoena with eye towards creating a law about the president/potential presidents/vice presidents or impeachment.

                          Accusations, even reasonable ones like in the Steele dossier, don't mean that much.

                          Congress subpoenaed the records and the banks complied showing those transactions which were published in a Congressional report. I am sure Biden's attorneys will claim the five million in payments weren't bribes just like an additional five million in payments from Chinese and even Romanian interests but the congressional reports showed that after receiving the payments Biden did special favors and/or changes in official policy which benefited the people/organizations who gave him bribes.

                          Sorry, ai don't give politicians the benefit of the doubt after that. Sure, legally the proper legal standards need to be applied but as far as voting? No, I will not vote for such a politician ever. I just fine it amazing how all of these politicians spend 30, 40, 50 years in government service yet all retire with tens of not hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth.

                          BTW the steep dosier was never, ever reliable and was found to be almost entirely lies. It was literally paid for and released by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and Obama personally knew it was a lie when he agreed to green light the FISA corruption. We truly have partisan weaponization of government departments and it is banana Republic stuff which is doing massive harm to the nation.
                          Last edited by Dinner; June 15, 2023, 21:40.
                          Try for discussion and debate.


                          • -Jrabbit
                            -Jrabbit commented
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                            Sounds like you'll never again need to be troubled with voting.

                          • Dinner
                            Dinner commented
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                            I certainly will not be voting for Biden if that is what you mean. You are right though that there are a lot of other corrupt politicians out there. Personally, I think that makes it more difficult to vote finding out which ones are corrupt and which ones are just better at hiding it will be difficult. Probably the best approach will be just continuously voting for the outsider.

                        • It seems like the tapes bit, and most/all of it, is currently 3rd hand allegation.

                          Amid Trump’s legal woes, right-wingers have run wild with claims of “audio tapes” proving Biden took bribes. But Republicans now confess they have no clue about it.

                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • It will be until it isn't. Two whistle blowers claiming it has been covered up and the guy who supposedly made the tapes of the Biden's accepting bribes say they do exist so does FBI documentation which FBI director Wray (a Biden appointee) fought tooth and nail to not release (only finally agreeing after Congress scheduled a vote to find him in contempt of Congress) say they do. Either way we have three sources (four of you count the FBI report itself) that say Biden took the bribes and we have financial transactions showing Biden received $5 million in bribes while his son got a $1 million gig he had no business or experience getting. We also have video of Joe Biden openly bragging about doing exactly what he allegedly was bribed to do.

                            We even have evidence from banks that the Biden's illegally broke up the bribe money into small amounts to avoid financial disclosure laws, to try to not set off Federal money laundering laws (which they failed as numerous suspicious financial transaction reports were filed by banks which the Biden admin also tried to cover up), and used shell companies the Biden's themselves created to try to launder the money. That is a hell of a lot of evidence.
                            Last edited by Dinner; June 15, 2023, 22:14.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • -Jrabbit
                              -Jrabbit commented
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                              So cool that all this evidence of corruption was held back for so long, all the way through the Trump administration. Clearly, they were just waiting for Trump to be indicted so that Fox, OAN and you would have something else to talk about. Those whistleblowers sure know how to play the long game!

                            • Dinner
                              Dinner commented
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                              There are a lot of partisan actors in the civil service. Sadly, both parties try to get their partisans embedded in high places. Even a good president would have trouble getting all of them to comply and, let's face it, Trump obviously isn't that good at running large organizations much less reforming them even if he has the power to do so. Which is just another reason why I prefer an experienced person with a proven track record like DeSantis.