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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • No one in Europe or America can produce nearly the same amount of hot air as you do, Serb, that's for sure


    • Originally posted by BeBMan View Post
      No one in Europe or America can produce nearly the same amount of hot air as you do, Serb, that's for sure
      Check Biden.


      • Originally posted by Serb View Post

        They were more then friends, they are relatives!

        The USA is so happy now that they grew-up a whole generation of Nazis and happy that now Russians are fighting against Russian.

        It's a win-win for the West!
        Serb this is moronic. How could the US possibly engage enough with the Ukrainian culture to cultivate Nazis of any kind? Nazi ideology, any fascist ideology in fact, is inherently local and provincial or parochial in nature. Foreigners are in no way going to be able to insert themselves into those sub cultures let alone somehow inculcate those ideas on other locals. Russians have been spouting this nonsense for decades not only the recent laughable notion that CIA could pull this off but even previously suggesting that the Austrian-Hungarian imperials were somehow able to pull this off to somehow astro-turf a Ukrainian identity from out of thin air. There is zero evidence and no real world examples. National identities certainly can emerge out of thin air. But when they do it is always the group members themselves that germinate these new identities. Outsiders can ghettoize and isolate a population to incubate the new identities but they can't meaningfully control either its characteristics or the spread within the group of any related ideologies.

        The US and other states could perhaps forcibly assimilate portions of a population especially as a minority in another culture but forcibly de-assimilating them when they want to assimilate is going to be limited to ghettoization and isolation. There is no way in hell the US could conjure up a nazi ukrainian population of any kind.

        Why do you believe national identities and ideologies rooted in those national identities can be externally imposed? Especially by something as laughable as US government agents with some money?

        Furthermore even from within the self identified Ukrainian population itself where are the trappings of Nazi indoctrination? Where are the textbooks teaching hate? A textbook glorifying the Ukrainian dialect as an ancient independent language and teaching that Russia oppressed the Ukrainians and continues to try to suppress and oppress Ukrainians is nothing like the Nazi ideology. It does not teach that anyone is subhuman. It does not teach that anyone must be oppressed. It certainly might (foolishly) advocate for special favorable treatment for one language at the expense of all others but if this is the definition of Nazi ideology then the world is filled with Nazi states. Russia, after all, exclusively grants to the Russian language national mandatory instruction status. Everyone living is Russia must receive education in Russian. How does Russia's exclusive special status for Russian language use nation-wide not make Russia into a Nazi state?

        Admiring everyone who fought for independent Ukraine, including the Nazi collaborators, and elevating the usage of the Ukrainian dialect over any other language in Ukraine is laughably inadequate to qualify someone as a "Nazi". If were adequate to do so then being a "Nazi" would be a meaningless distinction.


        • Originally posted by Serb View Post


          The American and British capital was inspiring Hitler to go East!
          If not American and British money Hitler would have never took power.
          The USA used the WW2 to get rid of the great depression.

          You've made BILLIONS on the blood of others!!!

          And have became a World's number 1 economical power thanks to WW2.

          That makes zero sense. The British and the Americans were already free to go to war against the Japanese empire long before Hitler even came to power. Instead they placed sanctions on the Empire of Japan that cost their elites money and business opportunities.

          How do you not recognize whatever source is spouting off this fantasy revisionist BS as historic fact as anything other than a cynical professional or hobbyist bull****ter?


          • oh look the little mongol russian gay speaks


            • Originally posted by Serb
              The Ukranian Nazi collaborators have never fought for the independent Ukraine!
              They were a Nazi whoresm who had commited more notorious crimes against civilians, then German Nazis themselves!
              And and now they are the heros of Ukraine!

              The Bandera is officially a HERO OF UKRAINE!!!
              I'm not going into a debate if Bandera was pro Nazi, anti-Polish or a hero.

              However, collaboration with the Nazis happened in certain forms in almost any country, including Soviet Russia. Usually in all those countries there was both resistance as well as collaboration, simply because in any bigger population there are people which react differently.

              Example: The so-called Vlasov Army

              So digging out one guy or the other doesn't prove much.



              • / spam for correcting the hyperlinks, right!!!

                Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                Serb this is moronic. How could the US possibly engage enough with the Ukrainian culture to cultivate Nazis of any kind?

                the Austro-Hungrians did so with Galitcia since the late 19th century, Nazis did so in 1930's, USA and Brits did so since 1945!

                Nazi ideology, any fascist ideology in fact, is inherently local and provincial or parochial in nature.
                The followers of Bander were a NAZIs and were a Nazi collabrationists during the WW2. They were a mad dogs of Nazis, who had killed more people in Ukraine and Beylorussia, then the Nazis themselves.
                They were killing Russians, Jews and Poles.
                For German Nazis Jews were a primary target, Slavs were secondary.

                For the Ukranianan Nazis Russians were always a primary target, while Jews and Poles to be secondary.
                Check this out for example:

                The Bandera's followers were slaughtering civilinas in a most inhuman ways: burned then alive, buried them alive, saw them with saws alive, knok the nails into the foreheads alive, hiting the babies to the trees on the eyes of their mothers until death and then killing the mothers and so on.


                Now you have stadiums, streets and prospects named after Bandera, you have DOZENS of monuments erected in honor of Bandera and other NAZI war criminals (who were officially the officers of Waffen-SS) and at the same time hundrends of monuments, which were erected in honor of Soviet soldiers and Generals who had liberated Ukraine from the Nazis - destroyed!!!

                Foreigners are in no way going to be able to insert themselves into those sub cultures let alone somehow inculcate those ideas on other locals.
                You did so perfectly!!!
                You have grew and supported then!
                You have printed shchools books to grow them, make TV-movies and so on.
                Russians have been spouting this nonsense for decades not only the recent laughable notion that CIA could pull this off but even previously suggesting that the Austrian-Hungarian imperials were somehow able to pull this off to somehow astro-turf a Ukrainian identity from out of thin air. There is zero evidence and no real world examples. National identities certainly can emerge out of thin air. But when they do it is always the group members themselves that germinate these new identities. Outsiders can ghettoize and isolate a population to incubate the new identities but they can't meaningfully control either its characteristics or the spread within the group of any related ideologies.
                The first death camps in Europe were made by Austro-Hungrians for Russians.

                Thalerhof camp:

                The Austro-Hungarian authorities imprisoned leaders of the Russophile movement among Carpatho-Rusyns, Lemkos, and Galicians (see Galician Russophilia); those who recognized the Russian language as the literary standard form of their own Slavic language varieties and had sympathy for the Russian Empire. Thus, the captives were forced to abandon their identity as Russians, or sympathies for Russia, and identify as Ukrainian. Captives who identified themselves as Ukrainians were freed from the camp.

                Terezín camp:

                During the second half of the 19th century, the fortress was also used as a prison. During World War I, the fortress was used as a political prison camp. Many thousand supporters of Russia (Ukrainian Russophiles from Galicia and Bukovina) were placed by Austro-Hungarian authorities in the fortress.

                The Austro-Hungrians had hanged anyone who had indetified himself as Russian and with that bloody lesson thaught anyone to be Ukarnains!

                They have killed dozens of thousands of the ones who had refused to betray their identity and faith in those two death camps!
                And thus created "Ukranians" as a Nation.
                Before that they were MaloRussians - "the original Russians".
                They made "Ukranians" by the terror!!!

                The US and other states could perhaps forcibly assimilate portions of a population especially as a minority in another culture but forcibly de-assimilating them when they want to assimilate is going to be limited to ghettoization and isolation. There is no way in hell the US could conjure up a nazi ukrainian population of any kind.
                The USA has came on a very good poured soil in 1945. There were already Ukranian Nationalist created by Austro-Hungarians, then German Nazis. You didn't bild anything from scratch!
                There was already a basis for that!

                Why do you believe national identities and ideologies rooted in those national identities can be externally imposed? Especially by something as laughable as US government agents with some money?
                Once again - YOU didn't created Ukranian nationalism, you have supported it since 1945!!!
                But the Ukranian Nationalism was always - NAZI!
                That is the backbone of their National idea - to kill Russian, that is their Nazi specifics!
                And of course you have supported that with all your open hearts and do so now!
                Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 you have started to support this Nazi movement in Ukraine on unprecedented scale. Between 1991 and 2013 you have rised a whole NAZI generation of Ukranian Nationalist by printing a shchool books for them, by making movies, by all other Soros's NCO activities in Ukraine. Viky Nooland have confessed once that you have spend five BILLION dollars for that (but you can't find that video on youtube, because, you fker have a "freedom of spech"​.

                Furthermore even from within the self identified Ukrainian population itself where are the trappings of Nazi indoctrination? Where are the textbooks teaching hate? A textbook glorifying the Ukrainian dialect as an ancient independent language and teaching that Russia oppressed the Ukrainians and continues to try to suppress and oppress Ukrainians is nothing like the Nazi ideology. It does not teach that anyone is subhuman. It does not teach that anyone must be oppressed. It certainly might (foolishly) advocate for special favorable treatment for one language at the expense of all others but if this is the definition of Nazi ideology then the world is filled with Nazi states.
                Then start to with this one link, there is a brif summary of such Ukrainian books in English:


                And how they did it:

                "In ‘History: Ukraine and the World’, a textbook for 10th graders by Oleksandr Gisem, the author loses all scruples and resorts to crude forgeries. In one instance, he uses a photograph of children behind barbed wire, labelled ‘Child prisoners of the Gulag, late 1930s’. A sign in the photo is written in Russian, and reads ‘Resettlement camp, entry and conversation through barbed wire is prohibited under the penalty of execution’"

                Page from Ukrainian history textbook for 10th graders. Text reads: “Children – prisoners of the Gulag. Late 1930s. © Photo

                But if one runs the photo through a search, the original quickly pops up. It turns out that the writing on the sign is cut off, and that it has an upper part written in Finnish.

                Photo of Soviet children in a concentration camp taken by war correspondent Galina Sanko, and featured as evidence during the Nuremberg Trials. © Photo

                The children in the photo are prisoners at the 6th Finnish concentration camp in Petrozavodsk. During the occupation of Soviet Karelia, the Finns created six such camps in the area to hold Russian-speaking residents. The photo was taken by war correspondent Galina Sanko after Petrozavodsk’s liberation by Soviet troops on 28 June, 1944. Sanko entitled the photo ‘Prisoners of fascism’. This photo was even presented among the evidence at the Nuremberg Trials.

                I have known for some time that the Ukrainian "education" system took a sharp turn to the worse in the 2000-s, when the school books were written on the grants from Soros and the like, but I was not aware how much worse it became after the USNATO-backed Nazi coup d'etat of 2014, though I...

                That is how they and YOU did it!

                By LYING!!!

                As you always does it, the EMPIRE OF LIES!!!

                Russia, after all, exclusively grants to the Russian language national mandatory instruction status. Everyone living is Russia must receive education in Russian. How does Russia's exclusive special status for Russian language use nation-wide not make Russia into a Nazi state?
                You don't know a sh!t about Russia except your American sterotypes!
                Who do you think we have conserved all the peoples and their cultures, when their had become a part of Russia?
                We have kept their languages, cultures, faith and way of live! That is how!
                We have never tried to exterminate them to freed space for the white race!
                We have incorporated them into our Empire and took the best of them, while giving the best of us to them!


                WE ARE MANY AND AT THE SAME - ONE!!!


                AND ALTOGETHER - WE ARE RUSSIA!!!

                That is something you Westerners just can't understand, because you know only a "Master and servant" paradigm.


                The modern Russian is a FEDERATION (and alwyas have been) of many regions mostly populated by Russians and many National republics populated by their NATIVE people, where Russians are minority.

                And according to the Article 68 of the Russian Constitution:

                "1. The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian as the language of the state-forming people, which is part of the multinational union of equal peoples of the Russian Federation.

                2. Republics have the right to establish their official languages. In state authorities, local self-government bodies, and state institutions of the republics, they are used along with the state language of the Russian Federation.

                3. The Russian Federation guarantees to all its peoples the right to preserve their native language, create conditions for its study and development.

                4. Culture in the Russian Federation is a unique heritage of its multinational people. Culture is supported and protected by the state".

                And since those rights are guaranteed by the CONSTITUTION, the Russian Federation (consisted out of 89 subjects of Federation) has 39, THIRTY NINE, state languages, plus 15 official languages!

                That means, if you live in a National republic, your children are taught in your national language! If you want to recieve any state services - you can get it on both languages: your national language and Russian, you see street signs on both languages and so on! That means in your national republic Russian and your native language are absolutely EQUAL!!!

                AND THAT IS A LAW!!!

                (As for the official languages - that means on those territories foreign languages, not native for this place are considered as equals and have the same rights as the state languages, because there are a large community bearing this language).

                Admiring everyone who fought for independent Ukraine, including the Nazi collaborators,
                The Ukranian Nazi collaborators have never fought for the independent Ukraine!
                They were a Nazi whoresm who had commited more notorious crimes against civilians, then German Nazis themselves!
                And and now they are the heros of Ukraine!

                The Bandera is officially a HERO OF UKRAINE!!!

                A bloodbathing NAZI COLLABORATOR is their OFFICIAL HERO!!!

                DUMB IDIOTS!!!

                And you admire him...

                Well, what makes you anything but a NAZI then?!!!


                • Originally posted by BeBMan View Post

                  I'm not going into a debate if Bandera was pro Nazi, anti-Polish or a hero.

                  Because you are a fkn Nazi and he was your Nazi lackey!

                  However, collaboration with the Nazis happened in certain forms in almost any country, including Soviet Russia. Usually in all those countries there was both resistance as well as collaboration, simply because in any bigger population there are people which react differently.

                  Example: The so-called Vlasov Army

                  So digging out one guy or the other doesn't prove much.
                  The Vlasov army were a traitors who were recruited from the German death camps and and had only one alternative: to enlist or die!

                  So, you are happy now, Nazi and the descendent of Nazi, that you have forced to some Russians to fight vs. their Motherland under the threat of death?

                  What a Nazi you are!!!


                  • And unlike Ukraine or the Balitc states in Russia such people are considered as traitors, got their sentences and never parade on the streets of our capital like Ukranian, Estonian, Lithuanain and Latvian Nazi collaborators.


                    • That is the difference, MORON!!!

                      We despise them, you ADMIRE those Nazis!


                      • shut the f up third word dictatorship china slave nazi


                        • slav - slave

                          the name given to you by the greeks when we met

                          still trying to be true to that


                          • We Greeks always were accurate.


                            • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              oh look the little mongol russian gay speaks
                              I am not little, not a gay and not a Mogol.

                              Do you want to say something real to me, Paikty?


                              • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                                shut the f up third word dictatorship china slave nazi
                                I forgot that Greece is a superpower, not a ****_sucker

