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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • also you aer regarded not only as a 3rd world dictatorship but as an absolute clown too beucase we have given so many arms to ukraine (powerful western arms) and you have done absolute sht about it

    even the commies are dissapointed in you


    • Originally posted by Serb View Post

      Aside Russia, Ukraine has a SPECIAL UNITE, whose only purpose is to spread fakes!

      It is the official! And thier only purpose is to lie!

      They call it the "Center of Informational and Psycologigal operations".
      Theat "Center" is responsible for hundrends of thousand of fackes, you, Western idiots eat for granted.
      If you think such fakes are possible for Ukraine what protects you from such fakes by the Russian state?

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      The problem with Nazi is that THEY ARE NAZIS!
      They make Zigas, they make Hiel Hitler! They wear swastikas on their shoulders, they have a an official greating in their military: "Слава Украине/Glory to Ukraine" the respond is - "Героям слава/Glory to heroes" - this is EXACT A COPY/PAST from a NAZI Hitler's coolbrationists - HAIL!

      A letter to letter!!!
      Few days ago Zelensky by his order had renamed one of his brigades after the NAZI "Edelveise" devision.
      The Nazi's weren't stopped because they had offensive mannerisms and bad taste. And they weren't stopped because they were Nazis (how circular would that be!).
      They were stopped because invaded other states and engaged in genocide. If they hadn't done either of those things nobody would give a rats arse that they were Nazis. Do you really not understand?

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      Ukraine is a Nazi Sate totally controlled by USA since the begining. You have started this war with a coup of 2014, not us!
      Moreover! The CIA had worked with Ukraine since the end of WW2.
      If that was even remotely true Ukraine's military would have collapsed even faster than the Afghani government as soon as the Russian operation crossed the borders. You don't puppet a people into laying their lives down for their countries. Puppet states collapse into atoms of people running home to their homes and families when danger threatens the puppet enterprise.

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      You don't understund, really!

      Your Maidan coup and Crimea is one thing, and it is over, after what you have done.
      Donbass is another thing!
      Crimea was withouth casualities.

      Have you ever been to Crimea?
      I was there on pair on my wife. We were visiting the Sapoon hill, which MY GRANDFATHER strormed in 1944 and being awarded with a medal of
      courage. His second.
      Crimea was without casualties largely because Ukrainians didn't want to fight. Congratulations on making them want to fight.

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      No room for a clown.
      You do know that this guy is a PROFESSIOANAL CLOWN?
      I wish every president could be a clown. An actual comedian. Psychopaths like Putin don't seem to be working out so well for anyone.

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      Oh, boy!!!! Do you honestly think Putin could ever EVER do so?

      HE PWNS, not begging.
      He totally has to emulate every gawdamn power trip he sees any other A-hole with a military go on. I totally get that's not the image he's willing to let out.

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      You make yourselves obvious and start to become a whore of USA and EU ("Fu/k the EU/" copyright by Vicky Nooland), you start to jump like idiots screaming - hang the Russians, knife the Russians, you ban the Russian language, which is a native language for a large part of your country, then WHY THE FKN YOU ARE SURPRISED AFTER a part of your country REVOLT after your unconstitutional COUP?
      And how the fk you can be surprised they don't want to live with you in a one NAZI state, where your language is forbinden and after you have been shelled for 8 years?
      When they have killed your childrens and wives?
      The Russian language was banned eh? Seriously? They couldn't speak it? They could speak Russian? But you still regard Russian as banned because public communication was to include Ukrainian first? So does that mean you regard English as banned in Quebec? Oh no! maybe the English speakers will rounded up for genocide!

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      Your meida never shows that.
      Our media showed the shelling and fighting. it looked like the kind of conflict that could kill 14,000 people over 8 years. It sure as hell did not bare the faintest resemblance to ethnic cleansing and genocide.

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      You are

      Yanukovich was the most sucessfull Ukranian president ever. Under his the Ukranian GDP had a 12.5% growth. When you had owerthrew him and repleced him with Youshenko, the growth dropped to 2%.

      You are robbers and colonial motherf=ckers!

      NATO atacking Serbia was a pilot project of what NATO later did to the World
      Did to the World eh? Something that NATO has done to the whole world began with NATO attacking Serbia? Tell me more!

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      So, in your Western unverse the murdering and shelling of DONBASS after Ukraine has signed a treaty TO DO DO SO - it never happened?
      So long as Russia was occupying Crimea and staging troops in the Donbass any treaty signed with Russia was crap anyway. Regardless, dead letter treaties where no party fulfills the obligations, have no legal standing anyway.

      Originally posted by Serb View Post
      One year ago, at February 17, Ukraine had ammasesed a militarty group of 200k and STARTED A MASSIVE SHELLING of Donbass (800 shells on the territory of Lugansk and 1500 shells on Donetsk EVEY DAY!!! EVERY FKN DAY!!!)

      That was my thread about back then - they they are starting invasion and stip on the Minsk agreements.

      If we hadn't strike first to prevent thier attack on 2 weeks, they whoud have GENOCIDED the entire of Dobbass,
      because they are fkn NAZIS!


      Do you need proofs?
      yes I need proofs. what kind of moron seriously believes that the Ukrainian military would deal with a situation of an enormous hostile expeditionary force parking on their borders by investing ammunition into killing civilians at a higher rate, let a lone a dramatically higher rate, than before? The Ukrainians constantly give evidence they care deeply about winning. Suddenly increasing the rate at which they kill civilians would have been laughably contrary to that goal.
      Last edited by Geronimo; February 17, 2023, 18:49.


      • I was recently reading that USA has given Ukraine $65 billion in aid and is looking to provide a further $45 billion coming to $110 billion in total.

        It boggles my mind that USA would give so much when America is up to the eyeballs in debt, infrastructure is decaying homelessness, no healthcare and poverty are increasing and the slums are large.

        Why does the USA not look after its own people?


        • Simple! They have a dumbless belief that after crushing Russia they would rob it to the bones, just like they did with USSR.

          Not gonna happen, stupid Western morons, because unlike you - we do learn our lessons well!


          • how come you're not in the fight serb. you know... fight for one's country.


            • Originally posted by Egbert View Post
              I was recently reading that USA has given Ukraine $65 billion in aid and is looking to provide a further $45 billion coming to $110 billion in total.

              It boggles my mind that USA would give so much when America is up to the eyeballs in debt, infrastructure is decaying homelessness, no healthcare and poverty are increasing and the slums are large.

              Why does the USA not look after its own people?
              When Hitler started World War 2 in Europe the economies recovering from the Great Depression were in no shape to respond to it. Delaying doing so surely didn't save them any money in the long run.

              is it cheaper to contain Putin's land grab at Ukraine or wait until after he's absorbed it?


              • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                If you think such fakes are possible for Ukraine what protects you from such fakes by the Russian state?
                Simply because we don't need any fakes and we don't have a cpecial center of informational operations, which created over 400 000 fakes since the begining of the conlict!
                And it's only an Ukranian center, which is only dedicated to make fakes and nothing else!!! How mahy of such centers do you have in your entire West?

                The West is spreading fakes about Russia since the 16th century, when we became an Empire or Tzardom, if you like (though Tzar=Ceasar=Kaiser= Emperor).
                What you are doing now with your Western brainwashing media machine is above all limits!

                You create fakes at mass scale, you demonize Russians for all you care, you don't need any proofs, "a highly likely" is more than enough for a brainless zombies.
                You don't even notice how you became a Fourth Reich - a mirror of the Third Reich with only exception that Hitler blamed Jews for all sins, while you blame Russians.
                You exclude people from sport, take their property and take their money, ban their culture and language, humilate them, just only because of their nationality.

                So, who the f*ck are you, if not a modern Nazis?


                Open your eyes!!! Look at your media with a cold head and then for once make an unbiased conclusion!!!

                For once for a God's sake!!!

                The Nazi's weren't stopped because they had offensive mannerisms and bad taste. And they weren't stopped because they were Nazis (how circular would that be!).
                They were stopped because invaded other states and engaged in genocide. If they hadn't done either of those things nobody would give a rats arse that they were Nazis. Do you really not understand?
                Let me tell you what YOU cannot understand!
                My people lost 27 million of human lives to Nazis, 2/3 of whom where civilians! 17 millions of children, women and elders!
                The Nazis have invaded my land with a sole goal - to subjugate and exterminate us, to make us what a Native Americans were to the WASPs (btw, James Fenimore Cooper was Hitler's most liked writer).

                2/3 out of 6 million Jews who fell victims to the Holocoust were the SOVIET Jews!

                Four millions of RUSSIAN Jews!

                That number is included in 27 MILLIONS of killed Russians!
                Now you can pick ANY random Russian from the crowd and he/she will tell you about his granfather who fought vs. Nazis!
                Because EVERY, once again - EVERY Russian existing now is a decendend of the ones who had SURVIVED in the war vs. Nazism.
                My grandfather had two brothers, both of them were in the military when the war has started, but he is only one who had survived and WON and had children later!!!. My grand grandfather (the father of my another grandfather) participated in the military parade at November 7, 1941, and a few days later was KIA during the battle of Moscow, just like his brother.


                EVERY ONE OF US!!!

                Are you able to UNDERSTAND THAT?

                That is why Russians are the last people on Earth who want war!!!

                But, if you left us no choice - WE WILL SIMLPY DESTROY YOU!!!
                Just to do not repeat the 1941 again!
                NEVER AGAIN!!!

                If that was even remotely true Ukraine's military would have collapsed even faster than the Afghani government as soon as the Russian operation crossed the borders.
                Unlike your Amercian escape with tail between your legs from Afghanistan, the Soviet army had withdrawn with their banners flying high and the Socialist regime we left there hold on their own against Jihadists, TRAINED, SPOSORED and SUPPLIED BY YOU, for a THREE YEARS!!!
                Until the moment Eltsin have betrayed them and refused to send spare parts for their tanks.

                You don't puppet a people into laying their lives down for their countries.
                Tell that to YOUR Puppet!!!
                The Russians of Donbass have refused to live under an anti-Russian junta after the coup of 2014, initiated BY YOU!!!

                They have refused to be a second-grade humans and to be a puppet of the Kiev's regime and revolted!
                You have a: "Hang the Russians, knife the Russians" at Maidan and then wonder why the parts of Ukraine historically populated by Russians are revolting?

                Is such kind of reaction and a right of the people to revolt against the unconstitutional coup REALLY surprises you?

                I don't think you, Geronimo is so dumb to believe that.
                Your fellow zombie countrymen are.

                Puppet states collapse into atoms of people running home to their homes and families when danger threatens the puppet enterprise.
                This is EXACTLY what is happening with YOUR puppet state - UKRAINE, which you have governed directly for a 9 years!
                Out of 38 millions population Ukraine had before YOUR coup of 2014:
                5 millions had escaped to Russia (strage isn't it, when a population runs to a "country-agressor", right?),
                3 millions had escaped to Europe,
                1,5 millions of Crimeans have said - "FY, Ukraine!" and have joined Russia after a referendum,
                as well as 9 millions of Russian population of Kherson, Zaporoje, Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

                When the first law after a coup your parliament was to introduce is the law about to banish the Russian language, how one can wonder that the Russian population of Ukraine is revolting?

                Let me make you a brif excursion into the Russian and Ukranian history.

                Russia as a state was formed in the 9th century, when two Slavic (Novgorodians and Kriviches) and two Finno-Hungarian tribes (Wespe and Chud) have asked a Scandinavian tribe "Rus" to send a prince to govern them. That Scandinavian prince was Rurik.
                "Rus" back than was just a name of the tribe of Vikings, absolutely the same as Sweden, Norwegian, Danes.
                When the above Viking guys were nightmaring England, Spain and France (btw, Rurik had participated in raid to Normandy) the Rus tribe had settled at Novgorod.
                The Rus, Slavs and Finno-Hungarian tribes have melted into one entity within generations and started their expantion south.
                And that expansion was pretty quick! The descendednt of Rurick, prince Oleg (Helga in Scandinavian) in 822 have installed Rurik's son Igor to the throne of Kiev and proclaimed Kiev to be "the Mother of all Russian cities" (proclaimed Kiev to be the capital of Rus). Then he went with a raid to Byzantium and after a sucessful siege of Konstantinopolice have signed a profitable trade treaty, which led to a cration of the trade route, later known as as "the route from the Varangians to the Greeks".
                That route has become a backbone of economy for the Rus principalities.
                Then came a period when all Russian pinces have fought fot the throne of Kiev, as the Mother of all Russian cities.
                Then the Mongols came ad defeted Russians at battle of Kalka river in 1232 (btw, it's modern Donetsk region) and have conquered all Russian prinipalities one by one, only Novgorod (the original residence of Rurik), Pskov, Smolensk and Polotsk had escaped a total devastation.
                So, Rus have became a part of the Mongol Empire up to the 1480, despite the joint Russian forces have defeated Mongols at the Kulikovo field in 1380.
                Since back then Moskow (founded in 1147) have became a center of re-unification of all Russian prinipalities.
                In 1533 Ivan IV (whom you know as the "Terrible", though in Russian "Грозный" means "Terrifying", not the"Terrible" became the first Russian Tzar after conquering Kazan, Astrakhan, Nogai, Siberia former Golden Horde hordes. By the way, the same name bears Grozny, the capital of Chechen Republic (founded under the basis and named after the Russian fortress "Грозная/terrfiying").

                In 17th century Kiev remained under Polish rule, as well as some other Russian principalities around it. After the death of Ivan IV, there was a period of turmoil, when the joint Polish-Lithuanian union (Rzech pospolita) have invaded Russia and captured Moscow in 1610 to install a fake son of Ivan IV, known as Fake Dmitry.
                We have kicked them out and ELECTED a new Tsar Михаил/Micheal I, who had started a new Romanov's dynasty.
                But, Rzech Pospalita was stil a threat and still occupied a lot of territories populated by Russians. In 1648 those territories have revolted over the Polish rule and in 1654 re-united with Russia by Peryaslav agreement according to wich "Malorussia will enter the Russian Empire on the right of authnomy".
                That was a re-unifaction of Ukraine and Russia, though nobody in his staright mind considered "Ukraine" as a state or a nation. That was a re-unifaction of a separated RUSSIAN people!!!

                "Ukraine" in Russian and Polish means "border lands" - "Окраина". Russia had a dozens of lands named "Окраина/Ukraine".
                And since then, since 1654, the lands now you know as Ukraine were part of Russia.
                Three and an half of a century!

                Then came another threat - Sweden. The best army in Europe leaded by the called back then the modern Alexender. The sate, which already have implemented capitalism and conscription vs. a backward feudal Russia!

                They have invaded in 1700 and were defeated by Peter the Great in 1721 burying Swedish ambitions to become the dominating power in Europe forever.

                Then came Cathrine the Great, who had beated the crap out of the Ottomans and conquered Novorossiya (New Russia) and Crimea in 1791.
                In 1791 Crima and Novorossia region were a wasteland after a centuries of rule of Otomann's pupet - Criman horde.
                Crimea was a jungle with swamps. It's Russians who made it a candy by cutting off the jugle and by draining the swaps.

                You were laughting back then calling our efforts as "Potemkin's villages".
                Now you can see those Potemkin's villages on the map. They are the cities founded by Russian queen Cathreen the great:
                Odessa, Kherson, Novorosyisk, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Simferopol, Sevastopol!

                THESE ARE the "Potemkin villages" you brainless Westerners were and are so happy to laugh about!

                (idiots )

                A century after the last European invasion and two centuries after the previous one, Europe have striked again with Napoleon.
                The Corsican Monster initially had a sucess and even captured Moscow (which was not a Russian capital back then, the capital was St. Petersburgh, the American version of which is immortalized in "The adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, the American classic now banned or edited in American schools for a frequent using of the word "nigg*r").
                Napoleon had 600 000 soldiers vs, 150 000 Russians.
                But at the end of the day only a few soldiers out of his 600 000 army have returned back to France and Russians took the Paris in 1814.

                A century after Europe did strike again. This time with Hitler, who had a whole Euro economy and manpower (which outnambered Soviets 2 to 1) just to lose again.

                We always beat the West!
                And since you never learn, you are striking again, but you will share the same fate, as your predescesors.
                That was a short course of the Russian history!

                Now back to Ukraine.

                The such word as "Ukraine" didn't exist up the 19th century. The whole project of "Ukraine" is a product of Austrian-Hungarian Empire, which had Galicia under its control - the part of Ukraine which was later conqured by Poland in 1921, when they have attacked the Soviet Russia, but returned back by Soviets in 1939.
                That was a deciese!

                Such thing as Ukraine or the "Kievan Rus" had never existed!
                The term "Kievan Rus" was introduced for the first time in the works of Russian historian Michael Maximovich (Михаил Максимович) in 19th century to determine the period, when Kiev was a center of Rus (Russia).
                That is a historical term, nothing else!

                Ukranians are former Russians. They are Judas, whom have betrayed everything and single word "Ukranian" had appeared in the late 19th century. Before that they were calling themselves "Малороссы"/Malorussians - little Russians/origianal Russians.
                Last edited by Serb; February 18, 2023, 15:12.


                • Crimea was without casualties largely because Ukrainians didn't want to fight. Congratulations on making them want to fight.
                  I was in Crimea at 2006 at vacation with my wife.

                  That was absolutely Russian land.
                  I have visited Sevastopol, the Mount Sapun, to pay respect to my grandfather, who was liberating Crimea in 1944 from the Nazis.

                  It took the 250 days for the Nazis to took the Sevastopol in 1942. For the Soviets it took 35 days in 1944.
                  The Mount Sapun was a key battle.
                  Standing over the top it I have realized that this is a perfect position to kill enemies - everything is visible, all you have to do is to just pull the trigger.
                  But we have won!
                  My grandfather was there, storming this mount!

                  And there is a stella of red marble dedicated to him, his 33rd Guards rifle division of the 2'nd Guards army and his brothers in arms who didn't make it.

                  So, in 2006 there were only Russians. The only Ukrainian I have witnessed there, was when we were walking to the Sevastopol's harbor, there were Russian banners EVERYWHERE, because that was the day of the Russian Navy.
                  And there were JUST ONE Ukrainian girl who was complainng on Ukrainian to her phone while walking along me and my wife: "That is a fkn insane! There are Russians flags everywhere, not a single Ukranian flag!"
                  Then she said a couple of swearings.
                  But the absolute majority of the people there WERE HAPPY!!!

                  They were happy to be Russians, to be what they are!


                  • That is what I've seen with my own eyes in 2006!
                    Crimea was always Russian since the 18th century.
                    And Sevastopol was founded by Russians, populated by Russians and poured by the Russian blood for centuries.

                    Not to mention the transfer of Crimea to USSR (ukranian Soviet Sosialist Republic) by Khrushev in 1954 to commerade to 300 years anniversity of re-unification of Ukraine and Russia was absolutely illegal according to the Soviet constitution!
                    And not to mention that Sevastopol was never part of the deal - it was a city of Union's importance, the independent subject of the Soviet Federation like Moscow and Leningrad.
                    Its transfer to Ukraine is a story of crime!


                    • If you don't like separatists, Americans (which is strange considering your own history), why did you support separatism of Kosovo and Chechnya?

                      Perhaps because you are lying mother****ers?

                      If you against the separatism so much, then consider Ukraine as a separatist republic broke away from the Russia, because it really is.
                      The dissolution of USSR was against the Soviet Constitution, the referendum and the international agreements (Helskenky) YOU have promised to fulfil!

                      YOU ARE LIARS!

                      The fkn Empire of lie!!!

                      I spit in your lying Western face.


                      • The map of Ukraine:

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Ukraine.png
Views:	89
Size:	514.4 KB
ID:	9452353

                        yellow - the orginal "Ukranian" soil which have joined Russia in 1654.

                        The rest are the "presents" of Russian/Soviet leaders.


                        • FY! A double talking liars!

                          The Empire of Lies!!!


                          • Originally posted by Egbert View Post
                            I was recently reading that USA has given Ukraine $65 billion in aid and is looking to provide a further $45 billion coming to $110 billion in total.

                            It boggles my mind that USA would give so much when America is up to the eyeballs in debt, infrastructure is decaying homelessness, no healthcare and poverty are increasing and the slums are large.

                            Why does the USA not look after its own people?
                            Most of that is stored military gear the U.SM no longer uses. It was paid for decades ago and was costing money to keep in a warehouse and periodically inspect to make sure it was still in a usable state. So actual costs are far lower than those numbers would suggest especially since it would have cost billions to dispose of it. Perun has some great videos on this topic.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • Though there is one video of this bloody clown I admire:

                              "I want to meet you so badly!!!'

                              That is a fkn masterpiece of Ukranian band "Океан Эльзы"/Ocean of Elza.

                              I understand Ukranian, partly because my grandma was Ukrainian born in Kiev, partly because Ukrainian is just a corrupted Russian, a dialect of Russian.

                              When this clown was shooting in the Russian films everything was fine.

                              But now he is a bloody butcher who is still a begging bloody clown! Who was elected to bring peace and fulfill the Minsk agreements, but instead brought war.

                              A clown country elects clowns.

                              Ukraine was the third or fourth economy of Europe, when the USSR has collapsed, had the first army in Europe, had long range stratregic bombers, ICBMs was the third nuclear power in the World (leaving China behind).
                              And they have f*cked-up EVERYTHING and became THE POOREST COUNTRY IN EUROPE, despite we were subsidised them all those years.

                              An absolutely dumb motherfkers!

                              That is a miracle of American colonialism!

                              Robbed and rapped, since have no brains!
                              Last edited by Serb; February 18, 2023, 14:15.


                              • For Paik:

                                "The spring will come, but not for me"
                                Last edited by Serb; February 18, 2023, 14:51.

