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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • July 17 is the tenth anniversary of the downing of Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine. Australia's prime minister said the country "remains steadfast" in seeking "truth, justice and accountability from those responsible."


    • The hubris in this thread is as predictable as the failure of its stated aim.

      Poor Ukraine. Its comedian leader led astray by the US hawks who will ultimately betray them.

      All they had to do was not pick a side. But no, they decided to make an enemy of Russia and are now paying the consequences 😥
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post
        The hubris in this thread is as predictable as the failure of its stated aim.

        Poor Ukraine. Its comedian leader led astray by the US hawks who will ultimately betray them.

        All they had to do was not pick a side. But no, they decided to make an enemy of Russia and are now paying the consequences 😥
        You think Ukraine could have maintained full independence if it wasn't for US hawks? What do you think should have been done in the years since Russia annexed Crimea and took over a secessionist uprising in the Donbas?


        • lolol wait hyper liberal mobius is a russia apologist? did you forget they're not communist anymore?
          Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
          "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


          • Originally posted by Lorizael View Post
            lolol wait hyper liberal mobius is a russia apologist? did you forget they're not communist anymore?
            I also had to do a double take seeing Mobius repeating Russian propaganda.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • You used to be liberal, and kid went off the deep end, so it's not that surprising.
              Indifference is Bliss


              • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
                You used to be liberal, and kid went off the deep end, so it's not that surprising.
                I actually feel heartened by huge swings in political views even when they end up further from my views on every issue. What I fear most is actually almost nobody being willing to ever think for themselves or question their assumptions and beliefs. I really hate shrink-wrapped bundles of ideas like the platforms of either viable party in the US political scene.


                • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                  You think Ukraine could have maintained full independence if it wasn't for US hawks? What do you think should have been done in the years since Russia annexed Crimea and took over a secessionist uprising in the Donbas?
                  Well that's the problem, isn't it. The US has been destabilising Ukraine since before 2022, since before 2014 even, which was basically a US backed coup against a democratically elected government. So all of this is hardly surprising, isn't it?

                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post

                    Well that's the problem, isn't it. The US has been destabilising Ukraine since before 2022, since before 2014 even, which was basically a US backed coup against a democratically elected government. So all of this is hardly surprising, isn't it?

                    how did you know it was a US backed coup? Serb knows because the impartial Russian media showed him it was obviously a coup.


                    • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post

                      Well that's the problem, isn't it. The US has been destabilising Ukraine since before 2022, since before 2014 even, which was basically a US backed coup against a democratically elected government. So all of this is hardly surprising, isn't it?

                      Aren't there any Ukrainian refugees in the UK you could actually talk to?
                      Indifference is Bliss


                      • "I heard the US did some dirty dirty CIA stuff in Ukraine, therefore it's Ukraine's fault Russia invaded Ukraine, killed a bunch of Ukrainians, and dislocated a bunch more." Very smart political analysis.
                        Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                        • Either MOBIUS has been kicked by a horse, or he is doing a parody of Nigel Farage.

                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                            how did you know it was a US backed coup? Serb knows because the impartial Russian media showed him it was obviously a coup.
                            Victoria Nuland was literally recorded plotting it, among other things

                            The US has been desperate to maintain its hegemonic status. Russia has repeated its red lines about NATO expansionism since circa 2008, and complained it before then. What happened to Georgia in 2008 should have be a wake up call, but the fact of the matter is that the US doesn't give a **** about trashing any nations that happen to get sucked up and spat out along the way.

                            Ukraine is basically ****ed for our lifetimes, and for what? It won't have anything to show for it except a ruined nation and being in permanent debt to the US - it certainly won't be a member of NATO, which was surely the whole point of this utter folly...

                            Perhaps it's you guys being fed US propaganda, just like all the lies that emerged about Iraq like WMDs etc. How many of the usual suspects here got sucked in by that, I know I certainly wasn't. So yeah, my views have been remarkably consistent, actually.

                            Plenty of people have been warning about this **** for decades - when you back something dangerous in a corner, expect it to come out fighting, it's simply the laws of nature. I mean what else was Putin going to do?

                            That's not being an apologist - that's just being a realistic...
                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • NATO expanding was a consequence of Russian imperialist aggression, not the other way round. The Baltics and the Warsaw pact readily remembered Moscow's yoke, and applied to join NATO as soon as they could.

                              Your post here reads something like 'the Soviet Union is responsible for Pinochet's coup of Allende in Chile. They knew America was the USA's backyard and still gave him support.' It's excusing a bully, and also disgustingly treats people that aren't a major world power as incapable of having agency.
                              Indifference is Bliss


                              • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post

                                Victoria Nuland was literally recorded plotting it, among other things

                                The US has been desperate to maintain its hegemonic status. Russia has repeated its red lines about NATO expansionism since circa 2008, and complained it before then. What happened to Georgia in 2008 should have be a wake up call, but the fact of the matter is that the US doesn't give a **** about trashing any nations that happen to get sucked up and spat out along the way.
                                IOW Russia has been desperate to maintain its hegemonic status over eastern Europe, and keep it's neighbours in a quasi-colonial state. The only new thing now (since a couple yrs) is that they do it by open aggression.

