Senator Grassley (as explanation why the GOP senate judiciary commitee is all male):
So, considering the fact that the Democrats don't have any problems finding women for their senate judiciary panel, IMHO this leaves us with 2 possible interpretations:
1. Republican women (or at least republican female politicians) are more lazy than their democrat counterparts
2. Grassleys comments are just bull**** remarks in order to hide the fact that the GOP is, at its heart still is a male dominated club (with, perhaps a perception of the role of women straight out of the 1950s), where women just serve in some replacement bench role which are there to make the male dominance less obvious
My guess would be 2
“It’s a lot of work — maybe they don’t want to do it,” Grassley said. “My chief of staff of 33 years tells me we’ve tried to recruit women and we couldn’t get the job done.”
So, considering the fact that the Democrats don't have any problems finding women for their senate judiciary panel, IMHO this leaves us with 2 possible interpretations:
1. Republican women (or at least republican female politicians) are more lazy than their democrat counterparts
2. Grassleys comments are just bull**** remarks in order to hide the fact that the GOP is, at its heart still is a male dominated club (with, perhaps a perception of the role of women straight out of the 1950s), where women just serve in some replacement bench role which are there to make the male dominance less obvious
My guess would be 2
