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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post

    On the other hand, he is not nearly as seriously bad news to brown people as Trump is. Which is a larger percentage of the population and are currently facing greater consequences than LGBT have faced from the national government in decades (attacks on citizenship, child cages, deportation (of citizens, legal residents and illegal residents), attacks on voting rights and more).

    The LGBT community seems to me to be really self centered.

    No we are not. Period.

    And the LGBT community has been under endless attack by this administration.

    We also stand with other groups that have faced discrimination. By the way, many immigrants are LGBT too.

    Not self centered in the slightest!

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  • Jon Miller
    Originally posted by Giancarlo View Post

    Well democrats need to retake Congress (at the minimum the House) to keep Pence at bay. The guy is seriously bad news for minorities, especially LGBT people. The damage Trump has done to the GOP is already done nonetheless.
    On the other hand, he is not nearly as seriously bad news to brown people as Trump is. Which is a larger percentage of the population and are currently facing greater consequences than LGBT have faced from the national government in decades (attacks on citizenship, child cages, deportation (of citizens, legal residents and illegal residents), attacks on voting rights and more).

    The LGBT community seems to me to be really self centered.


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  • Proteus_MST
    That`s really signs of a banana republic.

    Guess who was the man who got to decide which documents about Kavanaugh the senate got to see before the hearing (and which will be filtered out)
    Well, in "normal" states I guess, this would be some impartial person ... neither affiliated with Kavanaugh, nor the GOP nor the DEMs.

    In Trumps USA however it is:
    Private lawyer Bill Burke, once Kavanaugh’s deputy in the Bush WH, now represents Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, and Don McGahn. It’s outrageous and may be unconstitutional to give him power to decide which Kavanaugh documents the Senate & public may see.

    Well, I guess it is a necessary step in Trumps banana republic, in order to filter out all documents that may be obstacles for the nomination of Kavanaugh,
    whose most important task (after nomination) probably will be to save Donnie from Mueller

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  • Broken_Erika
    commented on 's reply
    Long Live the Fighters!

  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post

    There is the issue of safety. I trust that we will be much less likely to have a major war or collapse of the international system under Pence.

    Well democrats need to retake Congress (at the minimum the House) to keep Pence at bay. The guy is seriously bad news for minorities, especially LGBT people. The damage Trump has done to the GOP is already done nonetheless.

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  • Jon Miller
    Originally posted by Giancarlo View Post

    I can't stand Pence and think he's a P.O.S, but he'll be easily beaten in 2020.
    There is the issue of safety. I trust that we will be much less likely to have a major war or collapse of the international system under Pence.


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  • rah
    Yes, Trump responds to claims that he acts like a petulant 5 year old with...............wait for acting like a petulant 5 year old. Who would have guessed it.

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  • Giancarlo
    Those two lol... If you are going to do it in a car, park behind some abandoned building or somewhere more private lol. No, I don't have experience with that lol.

    But finally something consensual and of legal age and then they get removed. If it was kiddie diddling, the church would investigate and move them to a different parish of course.

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  • Kidlicious
    commented on 's reply
    There's a real endorsement for Democrats.

  • Uncle Sparky
    Good news story from Florida. 2 priests have consensual adult sex...

    Police said the act was taking place in full view of anyone walking by on the sidewalk, and the rental car's windows weren't tinted.

    OK. So it was in public with each other, but still, baby steps...

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  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by BBC
    Roy Moore sues Sacha Baron Cohen for defamation over TV stunt

    Former US Senate candidate Roy Moore is suing the British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen for defamation after falling victim to a TV show prank.

    In a sketch for his series Who Is America?, Baron Cohen pretends to be an Israeli anti-terrorism expert demonstrating a "paedophile detector".

    When the "device" is waved near Mr Moore, it beeps.

    In last year's Senate campaign, Mr Moore was dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct, which he denies.

    His lawyers say the satirist falsely accused their client of being a sex offender. They are seeking $95m (£73m) in damages from Baron Cohen and from the Showtime and CBS networks.
    The complaint says Mr Moore, his wife and their whole family suffered "severe emotional distress and pain... especially given his status as a prominent conservative and God fearing person of faith".
    The former US Senate candidate says he was libelled in an episode of the Who Is America? show.

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  • JohnT
    From that article:

    The Post reported that texts were being shared saying the "sleeper cells have awoken."

    Someone is a Dune fan!

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  • Giancarlo

    Everything in the NYTimes OP/ED is true. And it's a total meltdown for this White House.

    Some do in fact believe it was Pence who wrote it. The fact is this the 25th amendment may come into play very soon as this rebellion continues to simmer. Trump can't fire everyone.

    I can't stand Pence and think he's a P.O.S, but he'll be easily beaten in 2020.

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  • Giancarlo
    More guns is always the answer. Take a look at Florida. It solves everything, besides the skyrocketing rate of mass shootings in the states and murders. Stand your ground lol. You could shoot a guy in the back and claim you were standing your ground. Kidiot loves it.

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  • -Jrabbit
    commented on 's reply
    Not like it's very different than it ever was.