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Thread for obviously newsworthy stuff

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  • Broken_Erika

    The Palestinians failed to praise Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the Undivided capitol of Israel! They must be punished!

    Originally posted by BBC
    US ends aid to Palestinian refugee agency Unrwa

    The US is ending all funding for the UN's Palestinian refugee agency, the Department of State has said.

    In a statement, it said the organisation was "irredeemably flawed".

    "The administration has carefully reviewed the issue and determined that the United States will not make additional contributions to Unrwa," spokeswoman Heather Nauert said.
    The US State Department says Unrwa, which supports five million people, is "irredeemably flawed".

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  • BeBMan
    Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
    And for something that's just cool! I want one!

    A Canadian university has developed a tablet with a flexible screen that can rolled up.

    But if you got lotsa ancient scrolls laying around, you might have a hard time finding your tablet now

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  • BeBMan

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  • BlackCat
    This is definitely newsworthy stuff

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  • Proteus_MST
    Hacking these smart curtains so they open when the houses inhabitant undresses ... or has sex ... could be a big thing among voyeurs

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  • Broken_Erika
    Smart window curtains could be the next big thing.

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  • Giancarlo
    I will dress like an ancient Roman with a scroll tablet... Sounds awesome.

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  • Broken_Erika
    And for something that's just cool! I want one!
    Originally posted by BBC
    Tablet bends 'like ancient scroll'
    A university in Canada has developed a tablet with a flexible screen that can rolled up. "We were inspired by ancient scrolls because their form allows for a more natural, uninterrupted experience of long visual timelines." says Dr Roel Vertegaal.

    Meanwhile, major technology brands are racing to be the first to bring such flexible technology to the market.
    A Canadian university has developed a tablet with a flexible screen that can rolled up.

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  • Giancarlo

    Trump has plunged in a new poll showing his approval rating at 36%. On top of that nearly half of Americans favor impeachment which is a record high. And 63% now back Robert Muellers investigation. Guess the last week really has been ****ty for Trump.

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  • Kidlicious
    commented on 's reply
    "But Mr Trump, who has been pushing protectionist...."

    Fake news. Stupid.

  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Around here, it is fairly standard practice for start ups to use a staffing company like Adecco to actually employ their employees. Even though the company has less than 10 employees, they are technically employed by Adecco (or something similar) and so have access to the benefit plans offered by the staffing company (who has hundreds or even thousands on staff in such a fashion). I believe the industry term is called "payrolling".

  • Broken_Erika
    The WTO doesn't put America First! It must be destroyed!
    Originally posted by BBC
    Trump threatens to pull US out of World Trade Organization

    President Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw the US from the World Trade Organization (WTO) if the body fails to change the way it treats America.

    "If they don't shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO," Mr Trump said in an interview with Bloomberg News.

    The WTO was established to provide rules for global trade and resolve disputes between countries.

    But Mr Trump, who has been pushing protectionist policies, says the US is treated unfairly by the body.

    His warning about a possible US pull-out from the organisation highlights the conflict between the president's trade policies and the open trade system that the WTO oversees.
    The US president says he will abandon the global trade body "if they don't shape up".

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  • Giancarlo
    Encino... A true Encino man from the stone ages. Rather scary that we still have lunatics here in California. That's not all that far from where I live. Glad he was apprehended.

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  • Broken_Erika
    This should be fun to watch the reaction from fox news and the president.
    Originally posted by BBC
    Man 'threatened to shoot' reporters who criticised Trump

    The FBI has arrested a man accused of making threatening calls to a newspaper that criticised President Donald Trump's attacks on the media.

    The FBI says Robert Chain, 68, called the Boston Globe about a dozen times and threatened to shoot reporters.

    He allegedly called journalists the "enemy of the people", using a phrase which has been frequently invoked by Mr Trump, who last tweeted it on Thursday.

    Mr Chain was arrested on Thursday at his home in Encino, California.

    Police say Mr Chain owned several firearms, and had recently purchased a small-calibre rifle.
    The man is charged after allegedly saying he would kill journalists who criticised Donald Trump.

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  • Giancarlo
    Making 'murica gr8 again...


    Companies are laying off workers due to foreign competition at a pace of roughly 90,000 per year since Trump’s election, according to a new report from Good Jobs Nation, a union-backed worker advocacy group.
    Outsourcing has actually accelerated under the orange emperor with no clothes.

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