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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    That would be the funniest result, by my bet is on Mattis.

  • JohnT
    It's Mike Pence.

    That's my guess.

    Fasten your seatbelt, boys, it's gonna be a bumpy night!


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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
    Todd Standing wanted the province of British Columbia to recognise the existence of the sasquatch.
    Sad to see Canada has some fools too.

    All that i see on crap TV here in the US is sasquatch and ghost hunting . I miss actual documentaries.

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  • pchang
    Anonymous NYT op-ed is really blasting Trump. I might have to get a subscription.

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  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by BBC
    Bigfoot researcher's lawsuit tossed out by Canada court

    A Canadian court has dismissed a Bigfoot-believer's lawsuit claiming British Columbia failed in its duty to recognise that sasquatches exist.

    Todd Standing tried to get the province to acknowledge that the giant, ape-like figure was "an indigenous mammal living within British Columbia".

    He also claimed the province infringed on his fundamental rights regarding his concern for the creature.

    The province argued the civil claim lacked "an air of reality".
    Mr Standing, who has made a documentary film about Bigfoot researchers and the creature that many people believe is mythical, was also ordered to pay for the province's legal costs.

    He has previously said he had plans to file lawsuits in other jurisdictions in Canada and the US where the sasquatch is believed to live.
    Todd Standing wanted the province of British Columbia to recognise the existence of the sasquatch.

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  • Giancarlo
    Trump used charitable and campaign donations for personal uses. So he is no different than Duncan Hunter. Now he is using tax payer for personal use, such as golfing and going to Mar-al-lago. Same corruption, different moron.

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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    It would explain so much.

  • Broken_Erika
    Well, I Guess the President Is Openly Pro-Corruption Now

    Trump reached a new low when he denounced the indictments of two GOP congressmen accused of financial crimes.

    Last month, two pro-Trump Republican congressman were accused of the kind of corrupt actions that the president's supporters have long said are common in the Washington, DC, swampland. New York's Chris Collins was charged with insider trading, while California's Duncan Hunter was indicted for allegedly using campaign funds on everyday expenses like groceries, dental bills, and iPhone camera lenses. Donald Trump's response, on Labor Day, was to argue these investigations were politically motivated and denounce his own Justice Department for not interfering with them to help the Republican Party win elections.

    Despite his routine flouting of longstanding norms separating law enforcement and politics, Trump has rarely made his view of the Justice Department so clear: He sees it as way administrations can punish their enemies and win (or retain) power. Firstly, he seems to be assuming that because these investigations were opened during the Obama administration, that makes them suspect. (The idea that the Obama-era DOJ was biased against conservatives is pretty easily disproved by the fact that Democratic Senator Bob Menendez was indicted on corruption charges in 2015.)

    But worse is the sarcastic "good job Jeff..." a reference to embattled Attorney General Jeff Sessions that suggests Trump thinks Sessions should have held back on the indictments of two sitting congressmen until after the election. To be clear, the president is saying publicly that he would have wanted prosecutors to give preferential treatment to his political allies—which, incidentally, is the same sort of favor that former FBI Director James Comey accused Trump of seeking in private when the president asked him to go easy on disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. (Trump has denied doing this, but the conversation is likely to play a key role if and when Special Counsel Robert Mueller ever brings obstruction of justice charges against the president.)

    Trump fired Comey, then admitted on TV he did so partly because of " this Russia thing." He reportedly tried to fire Mueller, who took over the Russia investigation after Comey's firing, in December (after previously trying to do so last June). He reportedly tried to talk Sessions into taking control of that investigation, which the attorney general had recused himself from. He praised Paul Manafort and called him a "brave man" after the former Trump campaign chairman was convicted of tax and bank fraud. Now he's suggesting that his Justice Department should straight-up favor Republicans.

    Getting worked up over Trump's tweets has long amounted to a waste of energy. But it's worth asking: If he's saying this sort of comically corrupt stuff in public, what kind of pressure is being exerted on the Justice Department—or other agencies—behind closed doors? (Some speculated that the tweets themselves could be evidence of obstruction of justice.) Trump just said he has no problem using law enforcement as an arm of the GOP, and he's all but announced he's firing his attorney general in the coming weeks. This will not get any better anytime soon.

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  • JohnT
    commented on 's reply
    I'm thinking "personal experience" familiar, pchang. You?

  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Head trauma is the Angel of Death for the NFL. Perhaps you are familiar with it.

  • Kidlicious

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by JohnT View Post
    Bizarre that Colin Kaepernick, alone of all quarterbacks who lead their team to a Super Bowl berth (a list which has such notable personages as Chris Chandler, Mark Rypien, Billy Kilmer, Kerry Collins, Trent Dilfer, and more), is commonly described as not being good enough for the NFL, the same NFL which still has a berth for Brandon Weedon.
    Let's speak truthfully. Kapernick is the Angel of Death to the NFL. So they were right to distance themselves. But he had one good season and defenses learned how to defeat him

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  • JohnT
    The NFL, in an odd attempt to give Kaepernick's lawyers additional evidence, decided to release a statement yesterday lauding him for his efforts:

    Of course, it can be argued that the NFL can point to the statement saying "See? It's not that we're against his message, he just sucks", but that's the sort of bull**** after-the-damage-is-done reasoning that only works with MAGATs.

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  • JohnT
    Bizarre that Colin Kaepernick, alone of all quarterbacks who lead their team to a Super Bowl berth (a list which has such notable personages as Chris Chandler, Mark Rypien, Billy Kilmer, Kerry Collins, Trent Dilfer, and more), is commonly described as not being good enough for the NFL, the same NFL which still has a berth for Brandon Weedon.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    Ridiculous. If corporations stopped exploiting third world workers it would MAGA.
    Nevertheless neither Trump nor his Trumpists (remember the Bikers for Trump? They also ordered their MAGA-T-Shirts from Asia, because they were ~7$ apiece cheaper than having US tailors produce them ) have stopped lletting their stuff get produced in Asia.

    Shouldn't Mister President first and foremost set a good example and order his sons and Ivanka to, from now on, switch to american clothes manifacturers?

    Mike Pence in the late 1990s (when Bill Clinton was PotUS) said that "the president of the United States should be held to the highest moral standards to determine whether he should resign or be removed from office"
    Obviously now, that Trump is PotUS (and Pence VP) he doesn't believe anymore that the PotUS should be held to any moral standard at all

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