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  • Giancarlo
    Two more GOP House scandals coming up..

    Virginia Republican House member Scott Taylor is said to have directed staffers to forge signatures to have an independent candidate added to the ballot.This was done in the name of perhaps taking votes away from the Democrat. There is a criminal investigation being conducted by state authorities. A judge has since removed the independent candidate from the ballot citing fraud. This district is marked as a swing district (especially now with this scandal)

    Iowa House Republican Rod Blum is under a House investigation for ethics violations involving his failure to report his dealings with a company. Now this probablg won't lead to any indictment (and any action wont be declared until December after the midterms) but the district is already trending democrat. This disclosure about this investigation will further push Rod Blum down the polls.

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  • Giancarlo
    Donald Trump
    Attached Files

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  • Kidlicious
    This is the closest I'll ever be in my life to an "I am Spartacus " moment.
    Corey Booker

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Giancarlo View Post

    Completely unqualified corrupt judge who shouldn't be anywhere near the Supreme Court. You are an ass. **** off already.
    This lifetime position for supreme judges is really unfortunate as, unless the Democrats manage to impeach Kavanaugh or have the nomination/voting be declared void, he will most likely be supreme judge for decades to come. (all under the assumption that the vote succeeds ... but I have no doubts that all republicans will vote pro Kavanaugh, no matter what dirt upon Kavanaugh will be uncovered ... their supreme leader, Donnie, want Kavanaugh to protect him from the Mueller investigation, and his republican minions obey)

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    Winning an election isn't oppressing you. Every single Democrat belongs in a mental institution.
    Try actually winning. Not losing by three million votes. Enjoy it because 2016 will be the last one you "win" in a long ass time.

    More republican voters are dying off and you successfully angered a sleeping giant in younger generations.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    Oh those geniuses that the Ds elected to represent them think that using your power as a Congressman or woman to disrupt the hearing of a perfectly qualified person is civil disobedience. I guess that figures since they have no idea what racism is and a lot of other stuff.
    Completely unqualified corrupt judge who shouldn't be anywhere near the Supreme Court. You are an ass. **** off already.

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  • Kidlicious
    Winning an election isn't oppressing you. Every single Democrat belongs in a mental institution.

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  • Kidlicious
    Oh those geniuses that the Ds elected to represent them think that using your power as a Congressman or woman to disrupt the hearing of a perfectly qualified person is civil disobedience. I guess that figures since they have no idea what racism is and a lot of other stuff.

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  • Kidlicious
    commented on 's reply
    No. You just have more efficient death panels.

  • Kidlicious
    This is the list of geniuses that LEAD the Democrats and are demanding more time to decide what they have already decided and made public ...






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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    People who understand basic economics know that that saves the most lives. You sound like an idiot.
    The universal healthcare systems that practically all western nations except the USA have implemented prove the opposite

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
    Health care is a Luxury that should be the exclusive privilege of those who make at least $1,000,000 a year!
    I see. You don't have an intelligent response, so instead you argue against a caricature. That will convince many idiots. Good for you.

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post

    Well, remember that Kid is totally O.K. with people not being able to afford necessary medical procedures (or medicines),
    as long as those who can afford them are treated with the best efficiency possible
    People who understand basic economics know that that saves the most lives. You sound like an idiot.

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  • Giancarlo

    Kamala Harris (who should consider a run in 2020) is making quite a name for herself. She directly questioned Kavanaugh on his ties to the Kasowitz law firm and a meeting that occurred about the Mueller investigation.

    Kavanaugh had difficulty answering the question and finally denied it days later.

    I'm having difficulty believing that he isn't compromised integrity wise. There is something very corrupt about this man and the fact he could made a Supreme Court justice is troubling.

    ​​​​​This could undermine the entire justice system in the country when someone like Kavanaugh is clearly tied to this deeply corrupt and criminal administration. No matter the result of these hearings, Trump will go down and it won't be pretty. While he could subvert justice federally, he can't do **** if a state goes after him for crimes.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    I'm not an HR person, but I think it's a bad sign when an employee writes a poison pen letter calling you a brain dead *******, and you can't narrow it down to 100 people...

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