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The US War on Blacks!

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  • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
    Exactly. That's the problem in Chicago. It's not poverty - it's not population density. It's not guns. It's the culture of one specific subset of the population that prefers to engage in violence. The biggest victims aren't white folks, or even black folks from white folks - but other black folks! A black man has far more to fear from another black person than they do from any white person. Far more likely to be assaulted, killed, etc.
    Yet again your racism betrays you, Ben.

    That's why you and all your racist republican friends are so pro guns, isn't it? Because blacks are the ones disproportionately dying by whatever means, and that suits you down to the ground...

    Even when one of your own gene pool like Dylann Root (your twin that got all the looks) goes on a rampage, that's fine too, cos even the peaceful unarmed (that's why they died, Ben, OMG they had no guns!) blacks are the ones getting killed...

    Why do you hate black people so much, Ben?
    "Aha, you must have supported the Iraq war and wear underpants made out of firearms, just like every other American!" Loinburger


    • Already did. Now we just need to wait and see whether the mods decide open racism is now allowed here or not.
      Well then, this:

      It's the culture of one specific subset of the population that prefers to engage in violence.
      the culture of black people is one that prefers to engage in violence
      Are these the same thing, Kentonio?
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • That's why you and all your racist republican friends are so pro guns, isn't it? Because blacks are the ones disproportionately dying by whatever means, and that suits you down to the ground...
        Actually, the history is quite interesting. Here in TX - they banned open carry because the Democrats didn't want newly freed blacks to have access to guns. That ban was just recently repealed.

        Now why would Southern Democrats who supported slavery want to keep black people from owning guns? Quite simply - they believed that guns were effective at protecting people from being victims of crime. And they didn't want black people to have that protection.

        Even when one of your own gene pool like Dylann Root (your twin that got all the looks) goes on a rampage, that's fine too, cos even the peaceful unarmed (that's why they died, Ben, OMG they had no guns!) blacks are the ones getting killed...
        If they had guns in that church black lives would have been saved. Dylann Root would also not have targeted them, because he wanted a vulnerable target. Predators like Root look for weakness.

        It's like the old crocodile saying. You don't have to be the fastest, just run faster than the other guy. He could have chosen other places, but he chose there because he knew it was defenseless. Had he come to my school, he would have been shot. Plain and simple. I suppose he could have tried his luck and played, "guess which teacher is carrying".

        Gun control doesn't work. All it does is prevent law-abiding people from protecting themselves, and it lowers the price of criminal activity. It works the same way that vaccination does - more people own guns, the more likely it is for a criminal to encounter one. People who don't carry or own guns are protected by those who do. Herd immunity to crime.
        Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
        "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


        • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
          It's not guns. It's the culture of one specific subset of the population that prefers to engage in violence.

          A black man has far more to fear from another black person than they do from any white person.
          Aeson, can we ban this scumbag for his blatant racism...
          What's racist about that statement? It's all factual.
          It's clear that he still hasn't learned from last time...
          "Aha, you must have supported the Iraq war and wear underpants made out of firearms, just like every other American!" Loinburger


          • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
            If they had guns in that church black lives would have been saved. Dylann Root would also not have targeted them, because he wanted a vulnerable target. Racists like my better looking evil twin look for weakness.

            It's like the old crocodile saying. You don't have to be the fastest, just run faster than the other guy. He could have chosen other places, but he chose there because he knew it was defenseless. Had he come to my school, he would have been shot. Plain and simple. I suppose he could have tried his luck and played, "guess which teacher is carrying".
            Exposing your hypocrisy is like shooting fish in a barrel!
            "Aha, you must have supported the Iraq war and wear underpants made out of firearms, just like every other American!" Loinburger


            • Exposing your hypocrisy is like shooting fish in a barrel!
              What hypocrisy? I'd be far happier if Dylann Root walked into that church armed, and was shot, than what actually transpired. That would require that that church actually permit it's parishioners to carry...

              Aeson, can we ban this scumbag for his blatant racism...
              What racism? I realize those are inconvenient truths, but hey. They are facts. Gang culture is an enormous problem in Chicago. This is why there is so much more violence there than in other parts of the country.
              Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
              "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


              • Exactly, you're such a racist hypocrite you can't even see it when it's in front of your very eyes!

                You are beyond redemption, Ben.
                "Aha, you must have supported the Iraq war and wear underpants made out of firearms, just like every other American!" Loinburger


                • "Aeson, can we ban this scumbag for his blatant racism... "

                  By that logic you're both racists.
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • Exactly, you're such a racist hypocrite you can't even see it when it's in front of your very eyes!
                    Wouldn't a hypocrite be supportive of gun-free black churches? I think guns protect everyone. Black or white.
                    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                    • Again you don't get it. You really are handicapped aren't you?
                      "Aha, you must have supported the Iraq war and wear underpants made out of firearms, just like every other American!" Loinburger


                      • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                        Wouldn't a hypocrite be supportive of gun-free black churches? I think guns protect everyone. Black or white.
                        What about for bringing guns to church to shoot people?
                        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                        • What about for bringing guns to church to shoot people?
                          What about them? I've been to the states.

                          Most churches in the states have labels on them stating, "gun-free zone".

                          Churches with carry permitted usually post that on the front because most people assume that the church is a "gun free zone".

                          Predators wanting to shoot up a church are far less likely to go to a church that doesn't have a "gun-free zone" sign. We also know that this attack was premeditated. He chose that church beforehand.

                          Seems reasonable enough that had this black church either had a guard posted or been carry permitted, that he would have gone elsewhere to an easier target.
                          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                          2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                          • "Aha, you must have supported the Iraq war and wear underpants made out of firearms, just like every other American!" Loinburger


                            • I am curious, Moby.

                              Do you believe that negative stimuli provoke aversive responses?
                              Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                              "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                              2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                              • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                                Well then, this:

                                Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                                It's the culture of one specific subset of the population that prefers to engage in violence.
                                Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                                the culture of black people is one that prefers to engage in violence
                                Are these the same thing, Kentonio?
                                You condemned yourself with the sentence that followed that you're now desperately trying to backpedal from.

                                Originally posted by Racist Scumbag View Post
                                Exactly. That's the problem in Chicago. It's not poverty - it's not population density. It's not guns. It's the culture of one specific subset of the population that prefers to engage in violence. The biggest victims aren't white folks, or even black folks from white folks - but other black folks!

