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what happened to the großrossiya thread

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  • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
    Indeed Russia got kicked out for its illegal invasion of the Ukraine. Just another way the dictator Putin has lead you guys down a blind alley.
    How in your dictionary is democratically elected president, who has support over 80% of population in accordance with independent polls is a dictator?

    Oh, I know how! You are a brainless American. Your media told you so.

    F*cking idiot.

    The term "dictator" means the one person who dictates his will over absolute majority. This is absolutely not the case with Putin, because WE DO support him, idiot. Absolute majority of us do. Despite we have the same access to your Western brainwashing machine as you do. The only difference between us and you is that - we live here and see and understand what is really going on and you don't. You just repeat whatever BS they tell you.
    Pathetic idiot.


    • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
      That's not necessairily true.
      Russia will probably put its full weight on Syria and it will win.
      For many reasons.
      "Listen, damn it! We will win!"

      p.s. Of course we will win. It's still an enigma for Western idiots why we will. But I can tell you why, my stupid American friends. We will win, because your so-Hated Putin (our nation leader) NEVER, once again - NEVER engages in a fight where Russia has a chance to lose. As a brilliant strategic player he always engages in fights when his victory is 90% guaranteed. (Just like I do, when I declare wars in HOI, not that it is a proper comparison, but the idea in the strategy the same).
      So, if Putin engages - f*ck-off. He will win, no doubt. 'cause it's been pre-calculated already.
      You have no other player, who can make him cry "Damn, wtf? Was I wrong in my calculations?"
      He is one head above any Western leader, despite his own height.


      • The West never learns, really. Any time they think they have buried Russia and it's time to finish the deal, we end the war in their capitals.
        You always lose concentration and fall in decadence.
        That's God wish that you are so "f*cking imbiciles" (c).


        • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
          They can help the butcher Assad retake some territory but, no, there will be no reconquest. Assad only remains as long as Russian forces prop him up and the proxy war can make sure Russia bleeds and keeps bleeding until they give up and go home like in Aghanistan. Then Assad will fall and Russia will lose their base because everyone will hatell them for propping up the vile dictator.

          The only question is does Obama have the balls to do what needs done? He needs to block any peace process Russia proposes or which keeps the butcher Assad in power. He needs to flood the opposition with weapons and ammo including manpads and artillery then they just let the violent nature of Arabs do the rest.
          Holy sh!t!


          Is that your official forecast?
          Can we consider that as your bet?
          If yes, then I'll do my own forecast and will see who'll win.

          The time is the best referee, right?
          Cmon chiken!

          Is it your forecast? Yes or no?


          • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
            Stop lying.
            Stop living in a fantasy world of your media.

            Wake-up, you f*cking pathetic Neo!

            For once in awhile think for yourself: what took them so long to produce something, which is nothing really so decisive, to point once again their finger towards the suspect hey have appointed five minutes after the incident (without any investigation). To suspect who had provided all the evidences and who has been removed from any participation in the investigation and whose evidences of his innocence were utterly ignored, like they never existed.

            You want to believe in what you believe. And that is your problem, 'cause you are idiots, who don't want to hear and learn the truth, which is SO obvious for anyone who can still think logically.
            But, you, westerners have lost any ability for logical thinking.
            I've told you that many times before - you are pathetic brainless zombies.

            A perfect manipulation material.
            Last edited by Serb; October 16, 2015, 16:17.


            • Originally posted by onodera View Post
              У тебя действительно голова из бронзы, а внутри пусто, как на фотографии.
              Ты, серьезно, так думаешь?

              А, ты, дружок, ваще-то русский в самом широком смысле этого слова?
              А, то сдается мне, что с такими шуточками, ни хуя, дружок, ты ни разу не русский. У тебя дедушка Вермахту не подмахивал часом, мразота либеральная?
              А, если ты русский, то как, блять, в твоей, подчеркиваю, в твоей пустой башке, могла сложится эта унылая "типа острота".
              Только конченный ублюдок может острить подобным образом на могилах русских солдат.
              Если ты враг, то так и скажи. А, если просто долбоёб, который неудачно пошутил, то тоже не стесняйся.
              Хотя, я думаю, что ты - враг. И ни хуя ни разу не русский. Так, униженное гавно, вопящее о своей русскости, в то время как русский народ столетями все это псевдо-русское гавно от себя отторгал как организм отторгает блевотину с перепоя.
              Пиздуй на свой пароход, дорогой ты мой дружок. У тебя нет ничего святого, что делает русского русским. НИ-ЧЕ-ГО. Ферштейн?


              • И ведь ты же даже искренне не понимаешь, о чем, я? Так?

                Ellestar, Ты, надеюсь, понимаешь?

                Есть вещи, шутки над которыми недопустимы в любом обществе. Если человек острит над памятниками русским солдатам, то он явно не русский. Такое мое мнение, и мне поебать на его родословную и состав крови. Русский - это вообще ни хуя ни разу ни про гены или родословную.


                • Иди на хуй, короче, Онодера.
                  Хуита болотная.


                  • А, теперь песня!!!

                    "The song of American trucker"
                    It's a sad story of a regular American trucker who transported some pork from Alabama in his refrigerator, was attacked by a Mexican gang and robbed by native Indians, who eat all his pork while he was beating the Mexicans with his baseball bat):


                    • A masterpiece, if you ask me.


                      • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
                        You somehow sound like one of those apocalypse preachers that always preach "The end is neigh"

                        By the way, dumbass, the end is really near for anyone who ever studied history and who realizes that history has its own laws, which are no less strict than laws of physics.
                        If we are going where are we going now - you better dig your shelter, while it's not too late.


                        • Because this time - it's gonna be the last war.


                          • But for now, enjoy the song. It's really good.


                            • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                              Ты, серьезно, так думаешь?

                              А, ты, дружок, ваще-то русский в самом широком смысле этого слова?
                              А, то сдается мне, что с такими шуточками, ни хуя, дружок, ты ни разу не русский. У тебя дедушка Вермахту не подмахивал часом, мразота либеральная?
                              А, если ты русский, то как, блять, в твоей, подчеркиваю, в твоей пустой башке, могла сложится эта унылая "типа острота".
                              Только конченный ублюдок может острить подобным образом на могилах русских солдат.
                              Если ты враг, то так и скажи. А, если просто долбоёб, который неудачно пошутил, то тоже не стесняйся.
                              Хотя, я думаю, что ты - враг. И ни хуя ни разу не русский. Так, униженное гавно, вопящее о своей русскости, в то время как русский народ столетями все это псевдо-русское гавно от себя отторгал как организм отторгает блевотину с перепоя.
                              Пиздуй на свой пароход, дорогой ты мой дружок. У тебя нет ничего святого, что делает русского русским. НИ-ЧЕ-ГО. Ферштейн?
                              That you are able to post this, and turn around and call people nazis is the surest sign of schizophrenia.
                              Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                              Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                              Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                              • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                                history has its own laws, which are no less strict than laws of physics.
                                Only if you're a hegelian/marxist. If you have a brain, then no.
                                Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                                Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                                Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.

