"Cave?" What part of indefinite hiatus means that when they offer to bring him back means they caved. It's all a bunch of hooey. A&E and GQ likely know exactly what they are doing in an effort to drum up merchandise sales and advertising dollars. Unthinking people on both sides of the issue are being conned. Phil supporters will go buy stuff to show their support and Phil detractors will tune in to Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow to indulge in some confirmation bias. Now lean forward in your seat, get worked up and enjoy the show. Don't forget to bring cash.
"The Robertsons not only own a large gift store and warehouse where they sell everything from branded body wash to "Bearded Blend" coffee to a camouflage recliner, but they have opened Willie's Duck Diner and a women's boutique called Duck and Dressing.
There are self-guided tour maps, so fans can visit places seen on the show — the church, hardware store and doughnut shop are on the tour — and people say that West Monroe, and the Robertsons, are popular because it's all a throwback to small-town America."
"The Robertsons not only own a large gift store and warehouse where they sell everything from branded body wash to "Bearded Blend" coffee to a camouflage recliner, but they have opened Willie's Duck Diner and a women's boutique called Duck and Dressing.
There are self-guided tour maps, so fans can visit places seen on the show — the church, hardware store and doughnut shop are on the tour — and people say that West Monroe, and the Robertsons, are popular because it's all a throwback to small-town America."