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Video on how to get a woman?

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  • Asher -- sorry I should have been more specific in saying that there is a limit-- I agree completely-- I was cycling as well as weight lifting so I was lean and hard and not HUGE and ridiculous

    TO Albert Speer-- Thats the type of body I was advising you to get. Since you already have it, its not your looks dude. If you cannot get a girl, it must be your approach, expectations or SOMETHING
    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


    • Originally posted by Az View Post

      Did I really read a thread of a guy with this build that is named "how to get women"? ****, if I was still with my after-OCS physique my dick would fall off.

      the last thing you should be doing is posting for advice from some poz-aspies that like to categorize people according to greek letters and bell-curves, that consider the acquisition of women as a variant of corporate strategy.

      If you look like that and don't swim in *****, I feel bad for you, son. Summer is basically here, hit the beach parties, the pool parties, and you're set. Do you have friends? do your friends have girlfriends? do their girlfriends have female friends? hit the beach as a group. Go to music shows.*420*smoke weed every day*420*.Go to music festivals.

      consider this: you're a relatively smart guy, you're fit, you're not a troll. You're in the middle of having plenty of funny experiences (military). Life's awesome. Love yourself a little bit.
      Fuck yes!

      Thread over.


      • basically, yes. But - he's in the military, he cannot.

        life's struggles...


        • Originally posted by Az View Post

          Did I really read a thread of a guy with this build that is named "how to get women"? ****, if I was still with my after-OCS physique my dick would fall off.

          the last thing you should be doing is posting for advice from some poz-aspies that like to categorize people according to greek letters and bell-curves, that consider the acquisition of women as a variant of corporate strategy.

          If you look like that and don't swim in *****, I feel bad for you, son. Summer is basically here, hit the beach parties, the pool parties, and you're set. Do you have friends? do your friends have girlfriends? do their girlfriends have female friends? hit the beach as a group. Go to music shows.*420*smoke weed every day*420*.Go to music festivals.

          consider this: you're a relatively smart guy, you're fit, you're not a troll. You're in the middle of having plenty of funny experiences (military). Life's awesome. Love yourself a little bit.
          Actually, even I was mystified as to why he had trouble with the women after I saw that photo.

          Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui View Post

          Btw, the term "action outing" is hilarious .
          I could have used "unconventional date". I deliberately avoided it to avoid its connotations.

          Originally posted by Solomwi View Post

          QFT. The sentence "Negotiate an action outing" doubly so.
          "Fix up an unconventional date." I just wanted to break whatever patterns he had of thinking about it, to let him approach it with a new mindset. Isn't that what everyone else is advising him to do?

          A number of people tell him what to do, but don't tell him how to do it, nor help him in any way. You say, "Be confident." Isn't that the advice he's received his entire life? Has it ever helped? If he know how to "be confident", whatever that vaguely-defined phrase means, he wouldn't be asking this in the first damn place.

          Originally posted by Solomwi View Post

          I'm going to remember aneeshm's post next time my wife tells me we have a wedding to go to. I'll just say no, resolutely stick to it, then sit back and wait for her to get back from the wedding, at which point she's sure to shower me with ***** for being so decisive and in control. I wish I'd have thought of this years ago.
          Decisiveness doesn't mean bull-headedly stubborn stupidity, you know. I presume you (or anyone else) use a modicum of social awareness and understanding of your position and the context before doing anything. I expect AS to do the same, which I think he's quite capable of.


          • Originally posted by aneeshm View Post
            Actually, even I was mystified as to why he had trouble with the women after I saw that photo.
            It's pretty easy. If you don't wear the proper clothes or go shirtless, that kind of build goes to waste. You may as well have a layer of pudge, people won't know the difference.

            Plus he looks like the terrrist thing.
            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


            • Originally posted by Prince Asher View Post
              It's pretty easy. If you don't wear the proper clothes or go shirtless, that kind of build goes to waste. You may as well have a layer of pudge, people won't know the difference.
              Why wouldn't he wear fitting clothes? Besides, summer is here, one does not need clothes, flip-flops, a pair of surfer shorts, a pair of sunglasses (no aviators plz), and he is good to go.

              Plus he looks like the terrrist thing.
              isn't america full of non-white people like italians and assorted mexicans anyway? It's a benefit for him at the beach, he can actually tan ( don't jersey shore it!!!!) and not burst into flames.


              • Originally posted by Az View Post
                Why wouldn't he wear fitting clothes? Besides, summer is here, one does not need clothes, flip-flops, a pair of surfer shorts, a pair of sunglasses (no aviators plz), and he is good to go.
                I don't know, but it's just my theory. Maybe he does wear fitting clothes.

                Most guys don't.

                isn't america full of non-white people like italians and assorted mexicans anyway? It's a benefit for him at the beach, he can actually tan ( don't jersey shore it!!!!) and not burst into flames.
                Yes, America is full of non-whites, but people don't trust them.
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • Most guys don't.

                  Hell, I don't! but that's 'cause I got rather fat lately. Ahh, to be fit and in the army again...

                  EDIT: he doesn't want women to trust him, he wants women to sleep with him. These are different things.


                  • I think aneeshm may be channeling Ron Burgundy.
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • In fact, this is probably the gayest thread of the year so far. We've got all the confirmed bachelors strutting around and loudly proclaiming how they get mystical and retarded creatures called "women" to have sex with them through a series of arcane ninja rituals, before being distracted by each other's pecs and making approving noises about working out and wrestling.

                      Come out. You won't find Narnia in there.
                      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                      • BFB has definitely won this thread.
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • Come out. You won't find Narnia in there

                          lolling at this


                          • Originally posted by aneeshm View Post

                            A number of people tell him what to do, but don't tell him how to do it, nor help him in any way. You say, "Be confident." Isn't that the advice he's received his entire life? Has it ever helped? If he know how to "be confident", whatever that vaguely-defined phrase means, he wouldn't be asking this in the first damn place.

                            While I understand your comment, the problem with any set of specific instructions is that

                            1. if he is a self-concious dweeb he cannot carry them out and
                            2. Dating is interactive so its hard to be specific

                            Bottom line is he is a good-looking young dude. Having an old fart like me say it is no help perhaps but he should know and accept that he looks pretty good. Knowing this he should also know that there are a LOT of women that are going to give him every opportunity -- They will look at him and WANT him to be a good guy they can date-- They will see him and whisper to their friend " I just hope he is not a total jerk". So all he has to do is be "ok " and he will have success.

                            My approach was always based on forthrightness-- You want specific. here it is

                            1. ASK SOMEONE OUT or approach someone (I am amazed how many people that "cannot get a girl" forget this step-- Talk to the girl-- and ask her something about her and LISTEN to her answer.

                            2. Any time you have talked for more than 30 seconds, double check to see if she is really listening-- If not clue up and ask something about her-- OH and questions are easy-- you can get an hour out of where she is from, her job, her aspirations where she has been etc etc. People think YOU are great if all you do is keep asking about her.

                            3. Flirt EARLY-- Something easy like caressing her hand but non threatening--- maybe take her hand and stroke it. My experience is while with some girls you need to take it slow when it comes to getting to sex itself, it is NEVER EVER too early to show that your interest is NOT platonic. Handholding may sound corny but you would be amazed how many women have erogenous zones in all sorts of places and you can be arousing them from something as "innocent" as touching their hand and arms.

                            4. Depending on your intent with the girl, up the sexual inneuendo at some point. A few times I said something like this to a girl I had just met within the last hour or two " I have a bit of confession. I came over to talk with you mainly because I want to sleep with you" --Say it with a big teasing grin and guage her reaction. (I liked girls that could flirt and tease and if she isn't open-minded enough after say 45 minutes of conversation to at least give me a chance and see where I am going with this, I probably wouldn't want to date her) But many girls will respond with "We just met" or "you have high hopes" while others said something like " Who knows what might happen' or "Isn't that the hope of every man that approaches a woman?"-- Depending on their response you can respond

                            "I didn't mean tonight, unless you insist"
                            "It was a long range plan"
                            "I don't know what can happen -- the fun is finding out" or
                            "Busted-- I guess its not much of a confession-- whats the hope of the woman that keeps talking to the guy"

                            ETC ETC-- Typing these . . . some of these feel like corny lines but if you are reacting to what she is saying, they just flow if you have any flirting ability at all-- sometimes I can't believe the corny sounding stuff I said but it fit the situation

                            5. Assess your position and cut your losses. Be realistic about how you are doing. No matter how great you are, not every woman is going to go for you. Realize it and move on-- do NOT over-chase. Ditto if you find she is not someone you want to see. Politely extricate yourself. Never ever think of any girl as a "must-date' Thats where guys look pathetic and desperate chasing someone that is not interested

                            6. Test you status pretty early-- Say you are at crowded club-- " Look I need to check in with my friends and see what our plans are but I would like to get together just you and me sometime. If you would like that why not give me your number" In that one sentence you just confirmed that you are considerate of your friends and have thoughts of more than just a random hook-up that night. It also INCREASES the chances that you do hook up that night. You can check with your friends for a few minutes and then text her to meet up. If she says yes great . If you get a no then see point 5.

                            7. Never be afraid to try for a little more sexual intimacy if thats what you seek . Women think we are all horndogs anyway and you can't change that. My approach was always to slowly ramp it up. You are alone and kissing-- you have neck, ears and much of the legs as less threatening places to touch next -- The key is for her to get comfortable with you . If you touch her leg and say "do you like this?" she sees you as respectful and considerate of her wishes and she feels safe . If she likes you enough to be kissing you, its tough for her to object to a gentle caress on her leg. My experience with this approach is that

                            a). some women may stop you at some point but they were not going to sleep with you that night anyway and you can usually see them again and pick up where you left off

                            b). other women go along all the way or accelerate things (since really you are doing extended foreplay)

                            IN either case I have never ever lost out on dating a woman due to sexual forwardness as long as I was gentle, teasing and incremental in my approach.

                            8. Be as polite and considerate in the break-ups as you can. While her immediate circle may be off limits anyway (depending on the friendships) she will have other friends and friends of friends and it never hurts to be seen as a decent guy who really tries hard to please a lady in the sack

                            Just one old farts take-- I have been out of the dating game for a long time but I always found being forthright and honest worked fine for me and my approach didn't really vary that much when I was hoping to find a longer term girlfirend versus just wanting to hook up. Take it for what its worth but I always found a teasing and flirty approach worked great.
                            Last edited by Flubber; May 27, 2010, 17:33.
                            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                            • I'm sorry, but this made me laugh:
                              maybe saying "Do you like this?" as you take her hand and stroke it.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • That's kind of creepy.
                                The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland

