Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
I said sinful, not either of these, because it's a broader term. You will hurt others for your own gain at that age. Surprised you've never had to look after a younger brother or something Asher. Kids can be really vicious.
I said sinful, not either of these, because it's a broader term. You will hurt others for your own gain at that age. Surprised you've never had to look after a younger brother or something Asher. Kids can be really vicious.
To society corrupting the pure state of children. How can things improve?

For instance, you. Your Christianity is why you will seek to deny equal rights to millions of loving couples. Yet you think you're right in doing so.
So loving someone means you don't correct them when they do something wrong?
I don't consider being black wrong. I don't consider being gay wrong. I don't consider being transgendered wrong. I think telling your child that any of the above is wrong is not teaching them with love. Children need to be taught to love people who differ from themselves, not to shun them or "correct" them.
Christianity made the value judgement that "homosexuality is wrong". I don't think you realize it, but you're proving my point here with it.