The health of the average individual, and the way it impacts their lifespan.
Nutritious food, reasonable work conditions, sanitation, comfortable housing and the rest are merely factors that influence health.
Of course, we aren't about to intentionally cut the average the lifespan, so we have to solve the population growth crisis by appealing to human intelligence rather than human nature. The best way of doing is that is by educating and intellectually stimulating as many people of all classes, genders, sexes, creeds, religions, and sexes as possible.
Nutritious food, reasonable work conditions, sanitation, comfortable housing and the rest are merely factors that influence health.
Of course, we aren't about to intentionally cut the average the lifespan, so we have to solve the population growth crisis by appealing to human intelligence rather than human nature. The best way of doing is that is by educating and intellectually stimulating as many people of all classes, genders, sexes, creeds, religions, and sexes as possible.