Originally posted by Jamski
Chapter 1 - The Black Spot
Chapter 1 - The Black Spot
Originally posted by Jamski
It was not every day that Rah had so many guests for breakfast in his bar. He was kept busy from daybreak cooking eggs, grilling bacon and buttering biscuits for the crew.
"When will ye'll good sirs be leaving us?" inquired the barman.
"Not too soon, I'll be trustin'!" exclaimed Joncha, with a pat to his money pouch.
The pirates laughed.
"It depends," said Jonny, "Aye, it'll depend alright on 'ow fast we can get the 'Poly shipshape and floating again."
"We'll be needing to get summat to fix it with, sir," commented Vovan, "Boshko, 'e says there's nobut a scrap of timber left in the stores and nary an inch o'good rope."
The pirate mentioned nodded and grinned, showing his gold teeth.
"Aye," said the piratical chandler "We'll be a'needing many things, be we."
It was not every day that Rah had so many guests for breakfast in his bar. He was kept busy from daybreak cooking eggs, grilling bacon and buttering biscuits for the crew.
"When will ye'll good sirs be leaving us?" inquired the barman.
"Not too soon, I'll be trustin'!" exclaimed Joncha, with a pat to his money pouch.
The pirates laughed.
"It depends," said Jonny, "Aye, it'll depend alright on 'ow fast we can get the 'Poly shipshape and floating again."
"We'll be needing to get summat to fix it with, sir," commented Vovan, "Boshko, 'e says there's nobut a scrap of timber left in the stores and nary an inch o'good rope."
The pirate mentioned nodded and grinned, showing his gold teeth.
"Aye," said the piratical chandler "We'll be a'needing many things, be we."
Hmmm, it appears Boshko couldn’t have done it, cause he wasn’t online in the incriminating period. But what the hell is this passage pointing to? Well, remember. The simplest way to hide something is to put it in the obvious place. Why in the world did Jamski use such an unusual word (chandler) for someone who’s keeping the inventory of a pirate ship?
It’s simple really. Look:
Chandler = Jon Chandler = joncha
Originally posted by Jamski
At that moment midnight struck on the village clock, and Joncha's girls came flooding back into the room. Rah gave up. But what was that noise outside in the docks? A thud, timed to the seventh strike of the bells, and then a scuffleing noise, and three strikes later he was sure he heard a splash.
At that moment midnight struck on the village clock, and Joncha's girls came flooding back into the room. Rah gave up. But what was that noise outside in the docks? A thud, timed to the seventh strike of the bells, and then a scuffleing noise, and three strikes later he was sure he heard a splash.
Ten hmmm, what is the significance of ten. But of course.
joncha is number ten
Now we come to the most important clues: Why was I not killed by the mafia? It was obvious I was going through the story and we all know that if I invest sufficient effort into it, mafia’s a goner. So, why?
But of course! I suspected him and then I dropped my accusations. So, since I was on the wrong track, there was no need for me to be killed. His logic was that I won’t accuse a man twice.
Originally posted by joncha
Good try ljcvetko, but I twere in the pub the whole time. I still ken Spiffor as ther mafiar.

But he cracked when he replied to my farewell post.
Originally posted by joncha
Aye, it do seem as though we caught the eye-burner-outer. Zopperoni 'twould be the second blighter sacked in a row, by my reckoning.
But we won't know that ye be truly innocent until after ye's hanged, ljcvetko, so ye'll just have te wait patiently until then, a-har yar.
If ye be not guilty, I'll be the first te apologize te yer lifeless face. A-har har har.
Aye, it do seem as though we caught the eye-burner-outer. Zopperoni 'twould be the second blighter sacked in a row, by my reckoning.
But we won't know that ye be truly innocent until after ye's hanged, ljcvetko, so ye'll just have te wait patiently until then, a-har yar.
If ye be not guilty, I'll be the first te apologize te yer lifeless face. A-har har har.
I guess he didn’t know that such posts are my tricks which I use to probe the mafia.
Originally posted by Jamski
Chapter 6 - Trouble in Store
Chapter 6 - Trouble in Store
So everybody, if you wish to live docpile joncha. I know rah will.
Originally posted by rah