Fellow members of the AECCP, world events have forced me to call a meeting of all right-thinking Evil Capitalist Conservatives(tm).
War with Iraq is now inevitable. It will fall upon the coalition to ensure that Iraq is rebuilt quickly to the point where free-market economics can thrive. To ignore post-war Iraq is to hand it over to one of two (non-Kurdish) groups in Iraq; The Shiites and the Communists. Obviously, neither must be allowed to gain control of Iraq.
While the Shiites must be allowed in the government (as well as the Kurds, Sunnis, Miscellaneuous Christians and Jews), we will only be able to prevent the ascension of the communists by providing rapid rebuilding of Iraq's infastructure, as well as massive education and job training.
Therefore, as Chairman of the AECCP, I hereby put the following resolution on the docket;
AECCP Resolution #2004B
Whereas, within 24 hrs the nation of Iraqi will be subject to the most overwhelming military force assembled since WW2 and
Whereas, Much of Iraq's remaining infastructure is likely to be destroyed during the upcoming fighting and
Whereas, it is considered very likely that Saddam Hussein will use oil Fires to wrec havoc on both Coalition forces and his own people
Therefore, we of the AECCP assembled here today do so resolve;
1. We will continue to support the reconstruction of Iraq for as long as nessecary
2. Political interaction with the rest of the Gulf states is integral to the long term survival of any new Iraqi government
3. We will remember our servicemen and women when the return home, and not treat them with disrespect, regardless of our personal opinions on the war
4. Saddam Hussein, his sons, and much of the Baath party structure be dismantled and brought before the World Court in the Hague for crimes againest humanity. If the WC declines to indict them, a Tribunal will be established in Iraq to try them. The trials are to be fair and the Baathists to be given every oppurtunity to defend themselves.
Pie and Punch next to the voting booth. Vote early(and often!)
War with Iraq is now inevitable. It will fall upon the coalition to ensure that Iraq is rebuilt quickly to the point where free-market economics can thrive. To ignore post-war Iraq is to hand it over to one of two (non-Kurdish) groups in Iraq; The Shiites and the Communists. Obviously, neither must be allowed to gain control of Iraq.
While the Shiites must be allowed in the government (as well as the Kurds, Sunnis, Miscellaneuous Christians and Jews), we will only be able to prevent the ascension of the communists by providing rapid rebuilding of Iraq's infastructure, as well as massive education and job training.
Therefore, as Chairman of the AECCP, I hereby put the following resolution on the docket;
AECCP Resolution #2004B
Whereas, within 24 hrs the nation of Iraqi will be subject to the most overwhelming military force assembled since WW2 and
Whereas, Much of Iraq's remaining infastructure is likely to be destroyed during the upcoming fighting and
Whereas, it is considered very likely that Saddam Hussein will use oil Fires to wrec havoc on both Coalition forces and his own people
Therefore, we of the AECCP assembled here today do so resolve;
1. We will continue to support the reconstruction of Iraq for as long as nessecary
2. Political interaction with the rest of the Gulf states is integral to the long term survival of any new Iraqi government
3. We will remember our servicemen and women when the return home, and not treat them with disrespect, regardless of our personal opinions on the war
4. Saddam Hussein, his sons, and much of the Baath party structure be dismantled and brought before the World Court in the Hague for crimes againest humanity. If the WC declines to indict them, a Tribunal will be established in Iraq to try them. The trials are to be fair and the Baathists to be given every oppurtunity to defend themselves.
Pie and Punch next to the voting booth. Vote early(and often!)