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BNP win 2 council seats in Burnley

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  • #16
    Mark13 is the latest in the string of posters who have replied to this thread without knowing anything about the BNP.

    "The days of old-school nationalism and racism are over; such ideologies have little basis, relevance or popularity nowadays."


    • #17
      I'll simply quote SMAC Fanatic to answer that:

      I find it quite amusing that the BNP are standing on hte issues of law and order when their leader has 2 criminal convictions, their chief organiser in Burnley was convicted of a gang rape of two 17 year olds and large percentages of the BNP hierarchy have various criminal convictions, many of them violence-related.
      They *are* modern-day fascists, in the same way Le Pen *is* a fascist. Of course they can't portray themselves as such, but there's a very definite seed of hatred there.
      We're back!


      • #18
        The only "hatred" is as a result of policies that actively benefitted and benefit ethnic minorities for no reason at all.


        • #19
          No, Boddington's - there you have it all wrong. Take the second post in this thread, and magnify it three or four times. Then you have the mindset of parties like the BNP. There is absolutely no place for it in modern society.
          We're back!


          • #20
            It's arguments like Stew's in this thread that get the BNP elected. It makes that kind of abhorrent racist rhettoric vaguely pallatble to people.

            The only reason Ethnic Minorities are seen to receive positive discrimination is because of the barriers put up to them becoming an equal part of society. The reason they have the positive discrimination in the first place is to help them have the same kind of chance as all us privilidged middle class white boys, hey Stew.

            And if you believe what the BNP say then you are more naieve than I thought. Of course they try and make their policies sound reasonable. It's a shame there are people ignorant enough not to be able to see through them.
            Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
            Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
            We've got both kinds


            • #21
              Mark13 - the second post in this thread was by a leftist aiming to denigrate the BNP through his post.


              • #22

                Barley's post. 'Freedom Fighters of England' and all that.
                We're back!


                • #23
                  "privilidged middle class white boys"

                  hey, don't be racist!!



                  • #24
                    I don't see how in one thread Mike you can claim all Mancs and Scousers are living in crime hell-holes, and then in another claim that one is privileged...

                    Salford is ****.


                    • #25
                      Of course, you're just trolling, so it's hardly worth a response. The sad thing is that there are people who actually believe this.
                      We're back!


                      • #26
                        Mark13 - I don't agree with all of the BNP policies, rather that I see some merit to their policies and so do almost a fifth of the electorate.


                        • #27
                          Boddington's - while you may have some sympathy with the British National Party's policies, you cannot hide from the fact that under the surface, they are fascists, and racists. Do you honestly think the fifth of the electorate in those very small inner-city areas have 'some sympathy with some of their policies'? No, they want rid of the bloody Pakis, that's why they voted for them!! Labour and Conservative politicians generally agree on very few things - but one of them is that the BNP need to be stopped.
                          We're back!


                          • #28
                            They are just trying to stifle dissenting voices about their leftist policies that no other party is willing to counter.

                            IE, maintaining the status quo, the establishment. I never thought I'd see Rich arguing pro-establishment.


                            • #29
                              So what do you agree with Stew? Britain for whities? Kick the wogs out? That is what the BNP stands for, so quite why you are aligning yourselves with them I don't know.

                              Oh of course, you are probably in favour of their 'economic policy'

                              Come on, there are problems in society, but you have to ask why they arise and solve them at their roots, why there is a large amount of disunity (and it isn't just a one-sided thing, but proportionally far more prevalent amongst the white population). Results like Burnley send a strong message, and not a very pleasant one.
                              Speaking of Erith:

                              "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                              • #30
                                I'll echo MikeH, in that if you honestly believe that, you are more naive than I thought.
                                We're back!

